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Public consultation starts on Brothels Bylaw

3 March 2004

Christchurch City Council’s proposed Brothels (Location and Signage) Bylaw is now available for public comment.

The bylaw’s objectives are to limit the location of brothels to specified parts of the central city and to control signage advertising commercial sexual services.

Sue Wells, the Council's Prostitution Reform Act Subcommittee chair said "that after extensive consultation (on prostitution issues) with the public and stakeholders we were clear that people did not want brothels to be able to be established in the suburbs. People also had concerns about the signage that could go up on brothels. We've drafted a bylaw that intends to deliver on those concerns without being so restrictive that we create a whole new set of problems."

"People need to remember that a draft bylaw can change a lot through the formal consultation process, and that's what we're starting. If you want your view taken into account, now is the opportunity,” she said.

A summary of information, the Council's statement of proposal and the bylaw are available to view at Civic Offices, Tuam St, ground floor reception; Council Service Centres; Christchurch City Libraries and on the website

Submissions may be made on the bylaw until 5pm, Friday 16 April through the Have Your Say website or by writing to The Council Secretary, Christchurch City Council P.O.Box 237, Christchurch.  Submitters may also request to have their comments heard in person by the Council's Prostitution Reform Act Subcommittee.

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