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Christchurch City Council wishes luck to region’s Olympians, Paralympians

14 July 2004

Canterbury Olympians and Paralympians, officials, and support crew and family members will gather in Christchurch on Friday evening for a mayoral reception.
Mayor Garry Moore and the Christchurch Olympic City Committee have invited the region’s sportspeople and officials who will represent New Zealand at the 28th Olympic Games and 12th Paralympic Games in Athens, Greece.
Council sports coordinator Chris Wallace says the Mayor and Olympic Committee will give a commemorative medal to each member travelling to the games as a symbol of the city’s support.
“About 90 people have confirmed so far, including guests from Sport Canterbury and former Olympians,” Mr Wallace says. “Some of the competitors are already training overseas or are otherwise unavailable so we have a few parents or other family members coming along to accept the medals.”

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