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Seminar for prospective city council election candidates

9 July 2004

Two-thirds of Christchurch residents think decisions made by the Christchurch City Council affect them personally*, an interesting statistic with candidate nominations for City Council and Community Boards to open on July 23.

Christchurch residents considering standing in October’s elections for the Christchurch City Council and its six community boards are encouraged to attend one of the CCC-hosted information seminars on 16 or 17 July.

“This is an opportunity for people interested in standing in the 2004 elections to learn more about the nomination and election processes and the role of Council and Community Boards,” says Christchurch Electoral Officer Max Robertson. “It’s also a chance to have any questions answered.

“We are encouraging anyone who wants to make a difference in the local community to stand. We need a range of elected members of different ages, ethnicities and backgrounds to represent the diversity of our community.

“Anyone over the age of 18 can stand for election as long as they are a New Zealand citizen and enrolled on the electoral roll.”

Pre-election candidate seminars are on Friday, July 16 at 12:00pm and on Saturday, 17 July at 10:00am. Both will be held at the Council Chamber, Civic Offices. Candidate nominations open 23 July and close 20 August. Election day is Saturday, 9 October.

* From the 2004 Citizens Survey done by the CCC.


For more election information:

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