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How fast can you really go before you hit a child?

29 January 2004

Come along and see how far a car will travel at speed after the driver brakes – the results may shock you.

The first of four spectacular speed demonstrations is being held on:
  Tuesday 3 February,
  outside Halswell School,
  School Road,
  at 6.30pm.

The City Council wants the public to see for itself how far a car will travel before it stops when the driver slams on the brakes at the sight of mock pedestrians. It is hoped that the results will shock motorists into slowing down.

The Christchurch City Council, New Zealand Police, Land Transport Safety Authority and More FM are staging a series of speed demonstrations and mock crashes every Tuesday evening in February in various neighbourhoods around the city. 

A sausage sizzle fundraiser starts at 6.30 pm, followed by the speed demonstration at 6.50 pm, and a mock car crash staged by St John, at 7.15pm. 

If wet or too windy, the event will be postponed to Wednesday 4 February.

Next in the series:

The next speed demonstrations will be on:
 10 February, outside Isleworth School, Isleworth Rd, Bishopdale;
 17 February, outside Freeville School, Willryan Ave, New Brighton; and
 24 February, outside Beckenham School, Sandwich Ave, Beckenham.

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