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Christchurch City Council concludes investigation

10 December 2004

A Christchurch City Council investigation initiated earlier this year into allegations of financial impropriety has been concluded. 

The investigation found that there is insufficient evidence to warrant taking further action in relation to any individual.

Christchurch City Council Chief Executive Dr Lesley McTurk said the internal investigation did, however, confirm a legacy of insufficient controls in some areas of financial processes and policies.

These issues had already been identified by Dr McTurk and were being addressed prior to the investigation.

“I have been working to put in place a more accountable structure for more than a year,  and significant changes were already being made to ensure ratepayers’ interests are better protected.

“These include tighter processes for signing off expenses, new management structures which ensure greater accountability, and more regular and comprehensive financial reporting,” Dr McTurk said.

“I’m confident this has been a very thorough investigation. It has been well resourced and included an external review of council processes, as well as discussions with Audit New Zealand who were satisfied with the process I have followed.

“The findings have been fully discussed with the council’s Audit sub-committee and they are quite satisfied with the process.

“I have now appropriately reported on the investigation and consider the matter closed.”

The Council was advised of the view of the Audit sub committee at its meeting on 2 December.

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