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Council calls for comment on Christchurch City Liquor Control Bylaw

2 April 2004

Public consultation has opened on a new Christchurch City Council bylaw, designed to curb disorder and prevent crime linked to people drinking alcohol in public.    

If it is introduced the proposed Christchurch City Liquor Control Bylaw 2004 would prohibit people from drinking in the following public places during specified times:

-The central city within the four avenues
-Part of Sumner
-Some areas south of Moorhouse Ave
-Cathedral Square and Spencer Park on New Year’s Eve
-Other public places during special events (agreed to at a

Council meeting).

“This would continue the current central city ban but would extend the hours to 24 hours a day, seven days a week,” Sue Wells, the Council’s Regulatory and Consents Committee chair said.  “Two new bans would be introduced - a  24 hour, seven day a week South Christchurch ban and a Thursday night till Monday morning Sumner Esplanade ban.”

To see the bylaw, maps and more information, visit the website  Civic Offices, Council Service Centres or a Christchurch City Library.

Submissions may be made online or by writing to the Council Secretary, Christchurch City Council, P.O.Box 237, Christchurch.  Submitters can also request to be heard in person by the Council’s Regulatory and Consents Committee.  Submissions close Friday 7 May.

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