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Pipeline likely to be built offshore

4 September 2003

Public concern about possible use of the South New Brighton Park or beach for stringing pipe lengths together for the Ocean Outfall may lead to the ocean section of the pipeline being built offshore, says City Council City Water and Waste Manager, Mike Stockwell.

A legal opinion from the Council's Legal services Manager says it is legally feasible to site temporary construction works on these reserves, but public notification procedures under the Reserves Act would be necessary.

This necessity combined with the clear public message against obstructing a reserve makes use of these areas most unlikely. Construction offshore could add $3m to construction costs if storms hit during this section of the Outfall project, Mr Stockwell says.

Legal opinion also indicates that the Council could legally place the pipeline underground across reserves without public notification, between the oxidation ponds and the sea, subject to Department of Conservation consent under the Reserves Act.

Residents in Beatty and Jellicoe streets are being consulted on the pipeline route options.

A report to the November Council meeting is likely to recommend a definitive street route, Mr Stockwell says.

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