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From Dr Lesley McTurk, CEO, Christchurch City Council

3 September 2003

As previously announced I am proposing to undertake a restructure of the senior management of the Council.
There are clear reasons for the need for change:

  • When I commenced this role four months ago I inherited a structure with 21 direct reports.
  • I want to create a structure that aligns the organisation around the strategic outcomes that the Council seeks to achieve.
  • I need a structure that supports the Council’s objectives over the longer term and the requirements of the new Local Government Act.

After initial consultation with staff potentially affected and considering some of the feedback from them and from the union, I am now proposing to extend the process beyond the level of direct reports that I initially envisaged. I am now proceeding to discuss with a wider group of staff and Unions a more comprehensive proposal.

The process needs to be completed quickly to provide certainty for staff, and in the interests of business continuity.

This would be an internal reorganisation and I will be consulting widely with relevant staff and unions over the next week regarding my proposal which they will receive this Friday.

Because I haven’t received feedback it is premature to speculate at this time on my decision and I am committed to respect the privacy of staff potentially impacted and to ensure that this process is managed with fairness and transparency.

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