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Owner surrenders dog which injured child in west Christchurch

4 February 2003

The Christchurch owner of a terrier which bit the end off a girl’s nose on Monday evening (3 Feb) has surrendered her pet to the Christchurch City Council. It will be destroyed.

The neutered Jack Russell dog is believed to have made the attack at about 6.30pm.

The four and a half-year-old was with two friends on Ariki Place in Broomfield. According to the Council animal control officer who spoke to the child’s father and the dog’s owner, the children had walked a few metres down the owner’s drive where a high fence separated them from the dog.

He says the gate in the fence has an opening to allow access to the catch on the inside. The child is thought to have put her face through this hole and the dog jumped and bit her nose.

After rushing his daughter to medical care the father spoke to the owner who called the City Council and surrendered the dog.

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