Seminar tackles management/governance divide
30 April 2003
Sticky Beaks and Fatal Attractions are some of the topics to be addressed
by employment law specialist, Linda Penno at an Events Industry
seminar on 7 May.
Helping management and board members handle the management/governance
divide is the focus of this third seminar in the Events Industry
series titled ‘Enron, Events and The Space in Between’
Beaks is Linda’s title for her advice on keeping governance
out of management; Fatal Attractions refers to getting, keeping
and making the most of boards and board members; while Mars and
Venus addresses the
difference between management and governance.
Linda will also cover
topics such as handling the board/staff relationship and the
legal liabilities of boards and board members.
The seminar will
be held at Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology.
Entry from Madras St. Those attending are asked
to visit the desk at the Atrium to be directed to Room N104.
presentation will start at 4pm, with drinks and nibbles to follow
between 5pm and 6pm. Cost of attending is $15 (waged)
and $5 (students).
RSVP to Maria Leuluai, Ph 941 6310 or email
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