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Pipeline routes narrowed down

4 April 2003

Jellicoe and Bridge streets have been identified as the two more likely options as potential pipeline routes for the proposed Ocean Outfall from the Wastewater Treatment Plant through South Brighton and out to sea.

A report has been prepared for the Sustainable Transport and Utilities Committee and full Council in April recommending further investigation into the suitability of the two streets.

Beatty, Caspian, Godwit and Heron streets have been identified as the least favourable options for the pipeline route. Senior Planning Engineer John Moore says that it is important that residents of these four streets know about this decision early, so as to reduce uncertainty in the area. “At this stage it is being recommended that no further investigation will be made into these streets unless future circumstances require it.”

The report assesses the merits of running the pipeline through Jellicoe St or Bridge Street. “Although Bridge Street is a better route from a technical point of view, Jellicoe Street is considered to be far less disruptive to the community. On this basis, staff are recommending that further consultation is done on both the Jellicoe Street and Bridge Street options to identify any other issues for each of these streets as a pipe route, and develop possible solutions to overcome those issues,” says Mr Moore.

The report also acknowledges the temporary disruption that the pipeline construction would cause to residents of whichever street is finally chosen. “It identifies the opportunity for the Council to look favourably at funding an enhanced living street project and, if Jellicoe Street is selected, providing significant enhancements to the South Brighton Domain,” says Mr Moore.

The Sustainable Transport and Utility Committee will consider this report on 8 April, then full Council will consider ratifying the committee’s recommendations later in the month.
Depending on what the Council decides, meetings will be held in May and June with residents, businesses, community groups and other users of the more likely streets.

The last day for submissions about pipeline routes is 20 June. The Council will be asked to make a decision in principle about the most suitable route in July.

The final decision on the pipeline route will be based on consultation with the community, consideration of the ecologic and oceanographic studies once that information is available, and cost.

View the Ocean Outfall site.

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