7 March
2002 |
Seaweek activities
A range of activities is being offered by Coast Care as part of Seaweek, from 8-17 March.
These include:
- A walk along the Southshore and South Brighton coastline Saturday 9 March starting at 10am. Meet on the corner of Caspian Street and Marine Parade. This is part of a series of short walks along sections of the Christchurch coastline, organised by Christchurch City Council rangers to let people know how their beaches are being managed, discuss problems, and share ideas and plans for the future.
- Seaweek display 4-18 March, New Brighton Library
- Guided Dune walk Wednesday 6 March 10am -11am starting New Brighton Library.
Booking essential please ph 388 2249
- Family Fun afternoon Sunday 10 & 17 March, 1-4pm, New Brighton Library Free admission, limited to 50 children.
Booking essential please ph 388 2249
- Dune planting with NZERN and Council Rangers Saturday 16 March 10am-1pm. Meet at the Taylor’s Mistake car park. Come along and learn about sand binding plants growing in the coastal areas of Christchurch and how to restore dunes. Free admission. Tea and coffee provided.
For more information: Rodney Chambers, Coastal Area Head Ranger, Tel: 383-2389, Mob: 025 226 7987
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