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Christchurch City Council Media Release 8 March 2000

Young Walkers Stride Out

The number of children walking to school doubled on the Walk a Child to School Day on March 1

More than 40 schools took part in the Christchurch City Council’s second Walk a Child to School Day and a handful of sports people walked with some children.

Paul Cottam, the Council’s Safe Routes to School Co-ordinator, said that on the day the numbers of children walking to school doubled from 37 per cent on a normal school day to 75 per cent on 1 March.

He said an estimated 3000 car trips to school were saved.

"The event was a real success, with many schools enthusiastically taking part. The challenge is now to keep the momentum up," he said.

Mr Cottam said one way to that was to promote the Walking School Bus concept that the Council was promoting as an ongoing measure.

The Walking School Bus involved a parent walking with a group of school children to and from school each day.

Further information: Paul Cottam: 941 8299

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