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26 October 2000 |
Art Car To Be Manoeuvred Into Gallery
A ticklish operation will be needed to get the Christchurch Citys art car into the Canterbury Centre of Contemporary Art gallery on Sunday 29 October.
The 1965 Vanden Plas Austin Princess R, going into the gallery to be decorated as the citys art car, will need to be backed in carefully, then jacked up, and swivelled around, before being eased into the front gallery.
This manoeuvre will save many dollars by avoiding taking out the front window.
Artists will begin work on 1 November on the decoration of the car with matchbox-sized objects.
The decoration (residents are invited to donate items for inclusion as part of the art design) will take until 19 November when Christchurchs Mayor Garry Moore will take delivery and drive it away.
Henry Sunderland, chairman of the Moving Arts Group Trust, which organised the cars decoration, says a group of artists has been enlisted to decorate the car and residents invited to donate items that represent the 20th century.
NB: The time for the car to enter the gallery has not been fixed yet.
Further information: Henry Sunderland: 326 6033, 349 5395 (x834), 025 2787 586.