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16 November 2000 |
Central City Under Spotlight
Ideas for Christchurch’s central city’s revitalisation will be discussed at a public meeting on Monday 20 November at the Convention Centre.
The Mayor, Garry Moore, and members of the Central City Mayoral Forum will outline their views and ideas for improving the central city, mainly within the four avenues.
Then the public will be invited to discuss its views and question the Forum members.
Mr Moore says feedback from the consultation process so far has been positive. Responses from various groups and organisations had been good, too.
"For instance, the Institute of Architects has formed a special group to work with the Forum. I have invited the landscape architects to do the same thing so they can have an impact on our ideas for the central city," Mr Moore says.
He has invited churches and other groups to get involved.
A provocative advertising campaign has started with such messages as Torch the Square? and Park and Stride? Others say: Skateboard City and Central City: Cast of Thousands.
These are designed to promote interest in attending Monday’s meeting.
The Mayor says he wants to see a good attendance with plenty of feedback from the public.
"The Forum has its ideas but it’s important that the public are with us on this and that we get its input. Feedback will give the Forum strong directions for the revitalisation. I think it is important to remind people that this programme will be instituted over a number of years and not just this year," he says.
See: Central City The Vision discussion document - you can make your submissions online via this document
Further information: Mark Bachels, project co-ordinator: 941 8579 or 025 834 165.