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Christchurch City Council Media Release 25 June 2000

Cyclists Called to Forum

Christchurch cyclists are being given the chance to help shape cycle ways around the city.

They can give their views on the designs of cycle facilities and roading features at a Christchurch City Council public forum on Tuesday 4 July at 6pm at the Civic Offices, Tuam Street.

The purpose of the forum is to explain the design process and factors considered when roads are designed and also receive suggestions from cyclists and other interested people. Initially the forum will look at things like the marking of cycle lanes at intersections, and the use of kerb build-outs and pedestrian islands.

The Council’s Cycling Planner, Alix Newman, says there is room for better communication between the designers and the users.

"To help improve this communication a number of design staff from the City Streets Unit will hold the forum," he said.

Design staff will outline why they use certain road features, Mr Newman says.

Cyclists will be able to voice their opinions.

Mr Newman says more forums could be held if necessary.

Further information: Alix Newman: 941 8472.

Related Information: Cycle Strategy for Christchurch City

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