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Christchurch City Council Media Release 16 November 1999

Restaurant Blues…

It has the best view for a restaurant in Christchurch but it has no patrons.

That’s what a Christchurch City Council committee was told yesterday by Cr Anna Crighton. She said the Boaters Restaurant in the Town Hall, which overlooked the River Avon, was not being used.

"It’s ludicrous and a waste of money. The seats are empty," she told the strategy and resources committee.

The director of business projects, Ian Hay told Cr Crighton, that the Boaters Restaurant was dated and struggling to get people there. However, it was used for many functions.

Cr Ron Wright said that since the Town Hall opened 700-800 café-bars had opened in the city’s four avenues providing competition. "The young people won’t go to Boaters," he said.

The executive director of the Convention Centre, Michael Kelly, had the matter well in hand, Mr Hay said.

Mr Kelly would be reporting fully on the matter to the committee on Monday, he said.


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