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8 May 1999 |
CITY PLAN as released 8 May 1999
The following is a brief indication of some of the major changes that have been made to the Proposed Plan as a result of Council decisions on submissions;
Urban Growth
New urban growth areas for residential development at Richmond Hill, Moncks
Spur, Heathcote, Worsleys Spur, Kennedys Bush, Templeton, Cavendish Road, Main North Road/Johns Road, Brooklands, Prestons Road, Alpine View/Waitikere, and several areas around Halswell.
Urban growth areas deleted at Bottle Lake Forest, Waitikere Golf Course, and Scarborough.
Increased critical standard for site sizes in Living 1, 2 and H zones.
Removal of 30m2 allowance for rear sites
Garages in front yards require resource consents as restricted discretionary activities
Increased outdoor living spaces required in Living 1 and 2 zones
Reduced maximum height in Sumner Living 3 zone and some inner city areas
Buildings restricted by lower recession plane angles, particularly when located close to a southern boundary
Single storey buildings permitted increased site coverage in the Living 1 zone
New provisions relating to elderly persons housing
New provisions relating to the Avon Loop
New and extended Special Amenity Areas (SAMs)
Standards tightened for non-residential activities
Existing spiritual facilities now provided for as scheduled activities
Lower density zoning in the Merivale area, Fitzgerald Avenue, Swanns Road, and River Road
Higher density zoning at North Beach, Papanui, Edgeware Road/Canon Street
New Living Taylors Mistake Bach Zone
A number of existing hospitals zoned Special Purpose Hospital
St. Bedes College area changes to Living and Cultural zones
Retailing and office restrictions removed from Central City and Business 3B and 4 zones
Changes to height, street setbacks, and recession plane controls in the Central City
All activities in the Core and Frame of the Central City are required to be in a building
Activities in the Technology Park and Produce Park are no longer limited to the lists of permitted activities
A number of new and rezoned business zones, including Blenheim Road, Colombo Street, Madras/Salisbury/Manchester Streets, Northlands, and Eastgate
Reduced building setbacks on some main roads
Much of the Addington workshops site zoned Business 4.
Resource consents required for retail activities over 4000m2
Residential activities permitted in Business 2 zones
Buildings in commercial centres that do not have display windows on the road frontage are required to be set back and landscaped
A 30m "buffer" introduced to protect residential and other sensitive areas from activities involving hazardous substances
Provisions relating to airborne contaminants removed
Reduction in parking requirements for some retail and restaurant activities
Increased control of high traffic generating activities
Dwellings permitted on most rural lots greater than 2 hectares that existed at 24 June 1995
Horticultural Sub-Zones largely removed, although replaced with a Rural 7 zone in Heathcote, Avoca and Horotane Valleys.
New Rural 2A Zone Halswell Junction Road/Sabys Road with 2 ha. minimum for dwellings and subdivision
Dwellings and travellers accommodation prohibited within airnoise boundaries near airport.
New provisions relating to odour and offal pits
In the Rural Hills and Conservation 1 zones buildings above the 160m contour and planting exotic species east of Dyers Pass Road are now both non-complying activities
Planting exotic species in the Conservation 1 zones west of Dyers Pass Road above the 160m contour is now a non-complying activity.
The rules controlling utilities that emit electro-magnetic radiation are now based on NZS 6609
A new rule controls utilities that create power frequency electric and magnetic fields, eg. powerlines.
Reductions in the setbacks required from a number of the waterways specified in the Plan
A large area removed from the Lower Styx Ponding Area
Protected Buildings and Trees
Changes to heritage items now generally require more significant resource consents
Exemptions are provided from other Plan rules to encourage retention of heritage items
A large number of trees added to the Plan
More provision for advertising in business areas
Offensive signage to be addressed through a comprehensive variation
Subdivision and Esplanade Reserves
Consultation with Tangata Whenua required for subdivisions effecting areas of significance to Tangata Whenua, particularly waterways, coastal areas, and identified sites.
The definition of "allotment" has been substantially amended
Amendments to the esplanade reserve requirements for Otaukaikino Creek (Open Space 3D Zone), Waimairi Stream, Styx River, Avon River, and Stream Wharf Stream.
Please note that this summary is just a general indication of the major changes to the Plan, and should not be relied on as a substitute to consulting the Plan.
For further information contact:
City Plan Staff
Environmental Services Unit
Christchurch City Council