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Christchurch City Council Media Release Thursday 20 August 1998


When? Monday 24 August, 4.00pm

Where? Hagley Lounge, Netball Centre, Hagley Park

What? Official Launch, entertainment, and afternoon tea.

The Chairman of the Community Services Committee at the Christchurch City Council, Councillor Garry Moore will officially launch the policy study, along with representatives from the Youth Council.

The Study has consisted of wide community consultation with youths and people working with youth in Christchurch. Part of the task of the study was to identify what role these people believe Council should take in regard to the provision of facilities and services in Christchurch for younger people.

The completion of the study follows hot on the heals of the Youth Policy being adopted by the Council in June this year, and provided much of the groundwork for the Policy itself.

The Youth Advocate, Robyn Moore, will use the Youth Policy Study to decide what issues need priority attention and what direction Council should take in providing for the youth of Christchurch.

“This youth policy is an important step in making Christchurch a city for young people - a city where young people can have fun, enjoy life and participate in city decision making,” says Robyn Moore, Youth Advocate. “With around 20% of the Christchurch population being aged between 13 and 25 years old it is crucial that their views are incorporated into Council planning and decision processes.”

“Many adults consider that youth participation in planning processes will simply mean an unrealistic wish list for expensive facilities. My experience to date, indicates that this is far from true. At the North/ West Youth summit, held this week, I was impressed by the constructive ideas coming from the people participating about how to improve services and facilities provided by the Council, said Robyn Moore.

Topics covered in the research include:

Health, safety and wellbeing

Physical environment and design

Entertainment and recreation

Employment, including brainstorming to think of creative ways to gain employment

Education and training

Family, including what support systems need to be available to help families through difficult times


For further information:

Robyn Moore, Youth Advocate, Christchurch City Council

Phone 372-2406

The Youth Policy Study is available at

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