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Christchurch City Council Media Release 21 April 1997


A fire at the Shirley Library and Service Centre has destroyed up to 35,000 books and closed the services for the public.

Library services from Shirley will be suspended for at least four months while the building is repaired and books are replaced.

The Service Centre will continue for residents with a temporary Service Centre Office in the Palms Shopping Centre located in the old Whitcoulls premises.

Library customers are asked to return books to Linwood, New Brighton, or Papanui Community Libraries or to the Central Library. A returns bin will also be available at the Shirley Library site.

Sue Sutherland, Libraries Manager, says staff are devastated, and have spent the morning trying to pick up the pieces.

"It’s been a shock for us all but, thankfully, no one was hurt, including the library cat Peter", she said

Peter Francis, Community Manager says "we will ensure that services are continued for residents and that the service centre rises from the ashes to be better than before."

The fire, thought to have started from a fault in a kitchen appliance, was reported to the fire service shortly after 11pm on Sunday night.


For further information contact:

  • Sue Sutherland, Libraries Manager 03 372-7851
  • Peter Francis, Shirley Service Centre Manager 025 347-543

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