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Monday 15 September 1997 |
Media are invited to a briefing on the Funding Policy discussion planned for October November this year.
Time: 2pm
23 September 1997
Place: Committee Room 1
First Floor Civic Offices
David Close Margaret Murray
Chairman Funding Policy Working Party Deputy Chair
Bob Lineham Rex Harrison
Finance Director Strategic Planner
Christchurch City Council is about to launch a round of public consultation as a step in preparing the funding policy required by the Local Government Amendment Act (No 3) 1996. The discussion document that the consulation is based on is not Council policy, rather findings of a working party.
The legislation prescribes a complex process for local authorities to analyse services and decide how they should be paid for. The fundamental question is should user charges apply, or should the services be funded from rates.
The working party of Councillors has been analysing all the Councils services for the past two years, with a view to implementing the new policy on 1 July 1998, as required by the legislation.
Because of the complex and sensitive nature of this policy, Council has decided to develop its policy in stages:
1 A working party of Councillors has examined all Council services and assessed who receives the benefits of those services.
2 The findings of the working party are to be published and public comment invited.
3 The Strategy and Resources Committee considers the findings of the Working Party and the results of public submissions and recommends a funding policy to the full Council.
4 The Council publishes a draft funding policy with its Annual Plan 1998 edition for a further round of submissions.
5 The Council adopts its funding policy prior to 1 July 1998.
Stage 2 will commence on 24 September with the publication of the findings of the Revenue Study Working Party. It must be emphasised that the findings are not Council policy - simply a starting point for public consultation and the next stage in the development of the policy. The funding policy finally adopted may well be significantly different from the findings of the WorkingParty.