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Report of the Canterbury Waste Subcommittee to the Council meeting of Thursday 26 February 2004

A meeting of the Canterbury Waste Subcommittee was held at 10am on Monday 8 December 2003

Present: Councillor Denis O’Rourke (Christchurch City Council) (Chairman),
Councillor Bryon Porteous (Banks Peninsula District Council),
Councillor Sally Buck (Christchurch City Council),
Councillor Bev Tasker (Ashburton District Council),
Councillor Bill Woods (Selwyn District Council) and
Councillor Ron Wright (Christchurch City Council).
In Attendance: Jo Cavanagh (Landcare Research Ltd) and Chris Purchas (Ministry for the Environment).
Apologies: Apologies for absence were received and accepted from
Councillor Lee Burdon (Timaru District Council),
Councillor Len Shaw (Waimate District Council),
Mayor Tony Arps (Hurunui District Council),
Councillor Bryan Seddon (Kaikoura District Council) and
Councillor Robbie Brine (Waimakariri District Council).
Councillor Bryon Porteous retired temporarily from 10.45am to 12.05pm and was absent for part of clauses 4 and 5.
Councillor Ron Wright retired temporarily from 10.50am to 11.15am and was absent for part of clause 4.

Part A - Matters Requiring a Council Decision
Part B - Reports for Information
Part C - Delegated Decisions

Part C 1 Minutes of Meeting - 3 November 2003
Part C 2 Matters Arising
Part C 3 Correspondence
Part C 4 Deputations
Part C 5 Minimising Organic Waste in Canterbury
Part C 6 Recovered Materials Foundation Board Nominations
Part C 7 Draft Landfill Classification and Waste Acceptance Criteria
Part C 8 Transwaste Canterbury Ltd - Directors Fees
Part C 9 Transwaste Canterbury Ltd - Report on Board Meeting of 28 November 2003


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