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22. 5. 2003

Report of the Parks, Gardens and Waterways Committee 
to the Council

A meeting of the Parks, Gardens and Waterways Committee 
was held on Wednesday 7 May 2003 at 3pm

Present: Councillor Carole Anderton (Chairman), The Mayor,
Councillors Helen Broughton, Sally Buck, Anna Crighton, Carole Evans, Pat Harrow, Chrissie Williams and Ron Wright.
In Attendance: Councillor Sue Wells attended for clauses 3, 4, and 7.
Mike Wall and Val Carter (Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board) attended for clause 6.
Apologies: Apologies for lateness were received and accepted from the Mayor, Councillors Helen Broughton and Ron Wright.
The Mayor arrived at 3.15pm, retired at 4.22pm and was present for clauses 3, 4, part 5 and 7.
Councillor Helen Broughton arrived at 3.45pm and was present for part clause 3, clauses 5-11.
Councillor Ron Wright arrived at 3.25pm was temporarily absent from the meeting from 4.48pm to 5.10pm and was present for all clauses except part clauses 3, 9, clause 10 and part clause 11.
Councillor Anna Crighton retired at 4.48pm and was absent for part clause 1, clauses 2, 9, 10 and 11.
Councillor Sally Buck retired at 4.48pm and was absent for part clause 1, clauses 2, 9, 10 and 11.
Councillor Chrissie Williams retired at 4.56pm and was absent for clause 11.

Part A -
Part B -
Part C -
Matters Requiring a Council Decision
Reports for Information
Report on Delegated Decisions taken by the Committee
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Part A


Bradford Park – Purchase of Land

Part A


Acquisition of Land for Cycleway/Walkway Port Hills Road

Part B


Environment Court – Kennedys Bush Developments Ltd – Proposal to Vest Land

Part B


Herbicide Use – Parks and Reserves Areas

Part B


Tree Planting Proposals New Brighton Coastal Reserves

Part B


Memorial Avenue – Landscape Enhancement Project

Part C


Supplementary Item

Part C


Resolution to Exclude the Public

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