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24. 7. 2003

Report of the Parks, Gardens and Waterways Committee 
to the Council

A meeting of the Parks, Gardens and Waterways Committee 
was held on Wednesday 9 July 2003 at 12 noon

Present: Councillor Carole Anderton (Chairman),
Councillors Helen Broughton,  Sally Buck,  Anna Crighton,  Carole Evans,  Pat Harrow,  Chrissie Williams and Ron Wright.
In Attendance: Councillor Graham Condon attended the meeting from 12.50pm to 12.58pm during consideration of part of clause 1.

An apology for lateness was received and accepted from Councillor Helen Broughton who arrived at 12.22pm and was absent for clause 3.1.
Councillor Sally Buck retired temporarily from 12.20pm to 12.30pm and was absent for part of clause 3.2.
Councillor Helen Broughton retired temporarily from 12.30pm to 12.40pm and was absent for part of clause 3.2.
Councillor Anna Crighton retired temporarily from 12.50pm to 12.58pm and was absent for part of the 3.2.
Councillor Carole Anderton retired at 1.35pm and was absent for part of clause 2.


Part A -
Part B -
Part C -
Matters Requiring a Council Decision
Reports for Information
Report on Delegated Decisions taken by the Committee
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Part A


Interim Report on Stormwater Investigation - 90a Dyers Pass Road, Owner J M Hamilton

Part A


Environment Court Decision - Rutherford Family Trust Land Offer, and Barnett Park Flood Detention Basin

Part B


Deputations by Appointment

Part B


Garden City Exhibition

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