Present: | Councillor
Sue Wells (Chair), Councillors Helen Broughton, David Cox, Megan Evans, Ishwar Ganda, Lesley Keast, Gail Sheriff, Chrissie Williams and Norm Withers. |
Apologies: |
Ganda was temporarily absent from 11.30am to 11.37am on 15 February 2002,
and was absent for part of clause 14.
Councillor Ganda retired from the meeting at 4pm on 22 February
2002 and was absent for part of clause 15. |
Part A - Part B - Part C - |
Matters Requiring a Council Decision Reports for Information Report on Delegated Decisions taken by the Committee |
Part A |
1 |
Part A |
2 |
Part A |
3 |
Part A |
4 |
Part A |
5 |
Part A |
6 |
Part A |
7 |
Part B |
8 |
Part B |
9 |
Part B |
10 |
Protocol for Input of Standing Committees to Budget Scrutiny Reviews |
Part B |
11 |
Part B |
12 |
Interim Findings by the Environment Court on Urban Growth References (Decision Number C 217/2001) |
Part B |
13 |
Development Contributions Provisions of the Local Government Bill |
Part B |
14 |
Part B |
15 |
Part C |
16 |
Supplementary Item: Proposed Dog Registration Fees 2002/2003 |