Present: | Councillor
Graham Condon (Chairman), Councillors Carole Anderton, Paddy Austin, Erin Baker, Sally Buck, David Buist, Barry Corbett, Ishwar Ganda, Pat Harrow, Gail Sheriff and Ingrid Stonhill. |
Apologies: | An apology for
lateness was received and accepted from Councillor Sally Buck. |
Part A - Part B - Part C - |
Matters Requiring A Council Decision Reports For Information Report on Delegated Decisions taken by the Committee |
Part A | 1. | Public Submissions on Draft Bexley Wetland Development Plan |
Part A | 2. | Waimairi Artificial Surface Trust Board - Rent Review |
Part A | 3. | Temporary Closure of Burwood Park |
Part A | 4. | Proposed Burnout Pad - Christchurch Speedway Association |
Part B | 5. | Deputations by Appointment |
Part B | 6. | "Our Water in the Balance" |
Part B | 7. | Reports Received 7.1 Sea Lettuce in the Avon Heathcote Estuary 7.2 Parks and Waterways Land Purchase Programme 7.3 Avon River Weeping Willows |
Part B | 8. | Item Deferred 8.1 Public Submissions on the Coastal Parks Strategy |
Part C | 9. | Supplementary Items |
Part C | 10. | Reclassification of Part of Huia Gilpin Reserve |
Part C | 11. | Appointment of Honorary Wardens |
Part C | 12. | Planting Strategy |