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27. 9. 2001

Report of the Joint Christchurch City Council/
Environment Canterbury Committee to the Council

A meeting of the Joint Christchurch City Council/
Environment Canterbury Committee 
was held on Wednesday 19 September 2001 at 4pm

Present: Christchurch City Council
Councillors Anna Crighton (Chairman), David Close, Pat Harrow and Sue Wells.
Canterbury Regional Council
Councillors Sir Kerry Burke, Valerie Campbell (Deputy Chairman), Sir Hamish Hay, Richard Johnson, Diana Shand, Judy Waters and Peter Yeoman.
Apologies: Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Councillors Carole Evans and Ron Wright.
Councillor Richard Johnson arrived at 4.35pm and was not present for part of clause1.
Councillor Sir Kerry Burke retired at 5.20pm and was not present for clauses 4 and 5.
Part A - Matters Requiring A Council Decision
Part B - Reports For Information
Part C - Delegated Decisions
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Matters Arising
Part B 1. Rolleston Avenue – Bus Issues
Part B 2. Avon-Heathcote Estuary/Te Ihutai, Management Plan Update
Part B 3. Draft Regional Land Transport Strategy - Review Process
Part B 4. Joint Christchurch City Council/ Environment Canterbury Achievements 1999-2001
Part B 5. Passenger Transport Plan – Review Process

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