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23. 11. 2000

Report of the Strategy and Resources Committee to the Council

A meeting of the Strategy and Resources Committee was held on
Monday 13 November 2000 at 3pm

Present: Councillor David Close (Chairman),
The Mayor,
Councillors Carole Anderton, Graham Condon, Anna Crighton, Carole Evans, Pat Harrow, Ian Howell, Alister James, Denis O’Rourke, Gail Sheriff, Barbara Stewart and Ron Wright.
Councillor James arrived at 3.40pm and was present for all clauses except clauses 1 and 6.
Part A -
Part B -
Part C -
Matters Requiring a Council Decision
Reports for Information
Report on Delegated Decisions taken by the Committee
Download Acrobat Reader Note: Some of these are Acrobat pdf files.These are viewed best with Acrobat Reader 4.0 You can download a free copy of Acrobat Reader 4.0


Part A 1. Nurses Hostel - Local Bill
Part A 2. Report from Christchurch City Holdings Limited
Part A 3. Combined Library and Council Services in South Christchurch
Part A 4. Schedule of Meetings January-September 2001
Part A 5. Orders for Supplies Exceeding 50% of Delegated Authority
Part B 6. Local Government New Zealand: Attendance at Future Focus Meeting
Part C 7. Central Plains Water Enhancement Steering Committee: Progress Report to 31 October 2000
Part C 8. Resolution to Exclude the Public

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