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23. 11. 2000

Report of the Parks and Recreation Committee to the Council

A meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee was held on
Wednesday 8 November 2000 at 4pm

Present: Councillor Graham Condon (Chairman),
Councillors Carole Anderton, Paddy Austin, Sally Buck, David Buist, Barry Corbett, Ishwar Ganda, Pat Harrow, Gail Sheriff and Ingrid Stonhill.
Apology: An apology for absence was received and accepted from Councillor Erin Baker.
Councillor Buck retired at 5.20pm and was present for all clauses except clauses 7.2, 8 and 9.
Councillor Anderton retired at 5.25pm and was present for all clauses except clauses 8 and 9.
Part A -
Part B -
Part C -
Matters Requiring A Council Decision
Reports For Information
Report on Delegated Decisions taken by the Committee
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Part A 1. Nurses Chapel Land Exchange
Part A 2. Hornby Domain Bowling Club Extension - Hornby Domain
Part A 3. Proposed Public Utility Reserve - Racecourse Road
Part B 4. Deputations by Appointment
(a)   Christchurch Safer Community Council
(b)   Washington Reserve - Skateboard Facility
Part B 5. Proposed Policy to Reduce Alcohol-Related Harm at Events
Part B 6. Skateboard Facilities Update
Part B 7. Items Received
7.1 2000 KidsFest
7.2 Parks Storm Damage
Part C 8. Honorary Wardens
Part C 9. 29 November Meeting

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