Present: | Councillor
Anna Crighton (Chairman), Councillors Paddy Austin, Robin Booth, Sally Buck, Barry Corbett, Carole Evans, Pat Harrow, Lesley Keast, Charles Manning and Sue Wells. |
Councillor David Close | |
Apologies: | Councillor
Robin Booth arrived at 3.45pm and was not present for clauses 3 and 5(i). |
Part A - Part B - Part C - |
Matters Requiring A Council Decision Reports For Information Report on Delegated Decisions taken by the Committee |
Part A |
1. |
Part A |
2. | Cathedral Square Redevelopment Project Stage V |
Part B | 3. | Charleston Neighbourhood Improvement Plan |
Part B | 4. | Clean Up The World Christchurch 2000 |
Part B | 5. |
Part B | 6. | New Zealand Planning Institute Distinguished Service Award John Dryden |
Part C | 7. | Indicators for Sustainable Christchurch |