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23. 11. 2000

Report of the Environment Committee to the Council

A meeting of the Environment Committee was held on
Thursday 9 November 2000 at 3.30pm

Present: Councillor Anna Crighton (Chairman),
Councillors Paddy Austin, Robin Booth, Sally Buck, Barry Corbett, Carole Evans, Pat Harrow, Lesley Keast, Charles Manning and Sue Wells.
In Attendance: Councillor David Close
Apologies: Councillor Robin Booth arrived at 3.45pm and was not present for clauses 3 and 5(i).
Part A -
Part B -
Part C -
Matters Requiring A Council Decision
Reports For Information
Report on Delegated Decisions taken by the Committee
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Part A


Declaration of a Special Use Area – Speakers’ Corner

Part A

2. Cathedral Square Redevelopment Project – Stage V
Part B 3. Charleston Neighbourhood Improvement Plan
Part B 4. Clean Up The World – Christchurch 2000
Part B


Items Received

Part B 6. New Zealand Planning Institute Distinguished Service Award – John Dryden
Part C 7. Indicators for Sustainable Christchurch

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