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23. 11 .2000

Report of the Community Services Committee to the Council

A meeting of the Community Services Committee was held on
Monday 6 November 2000 at 12 noon

Present: Councillor Carole Anderton (Chairman),
Councillors Sally Buck, Barry Corbett, Ishwar Ganda, Alister James, Lesley Keast, Barbara Stewart, Ingrid Stonhill and Sue Wells.
In Attendance: Councillor David Close.
Apologies: Apologies for absence were received and accepted from The Mayor, Garry Moore, Councillors Erin Baker and Sally Thompson, and for lateness from Councillors Lesley Keast and Barbara Stewart.
Councillor Lesley Keast arrived at 12.25pm and was absent for part of clause 6.
Councillor Barbara Stewart arrived at 12.15pm and was absent for part of clause 6.
Councillor David Close retired at 1.40pm and returned at 2.00pm and was absent for clause 4.
Councillor Barry Corbett retired at 1.45pm and was absent for clauses 4, 5, 8 and 9.
Councillors Sally Buck and Barbara Stewart retired at 1.52pm and returned at 1.58pm and were absent for part of clause 4.
Councillors Ishwar Ganda and Ingrid Stonhill retired at 2.04pm and were absent for clauses 8 and 9.

Part A -
Part B -
Part C -
Matters Requiring A Council Decision
Reports For Information
Report on Delegated Decisions taken by the Committee
Download Acrobat Reader Note: Some of these are Acrobat pdf files.These are viewed best with Acrobat Reader 4.0 You can download a free copy of Acrobat Reader 4.0


Part A


Subcommittee for Development of Relationship with the Voluntary and Community Sectors

Part A

2. Christchurch City Council Representative - Santa Claus Workshop Charitable Trust Inc

Part A

3. Youth Justice Seminar

Part A

4. Australian Sister Cities Association Conference Report
Part B 5. Combined Library and Council Services in South Christchurch
Part B


Annual Plan Monitoring Reports for the Year Ended 30 June 2000

Part B 7. Application for Grant from Discretionary Funds: The Hui Whakawhanaungatanga 2000 Te Wai Pounamu Organising Committee
Part C 8. Resolution to Exclude the Public

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