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25. 2. 98


13 FEBRUARY 1998

A meeting of the Projects and Property Committee
was held on Friday 13 February 1998 at 2.00 pm
and (meantime having been adjourned)
reconvened at 12 noon on Monday 16 February 1998

PRESENT: 13 February 1998
Councillor Ron Wright (Chairman), The Mayor, Councillors Oscar Alpers, Carole Anderton, Morgan Fahey, Ishwar Ganda, Alister James, Denis O'Rourke and Gail Sheriff.
  16 February 1998
Councillor Ron Wright (Chairman), Councillors Oscar Alpers, Carole Anderton, Ishwar Ganda and Gail Sheriff.
IN ATTENDANCE: 13 February 1998
Councillors David Close and Carole Evans.
  16 February 1998
Councillor David Close.
APOLOGIES: 13 February 1998
An apology for absence was received and accepted from Councillor Ian Howell.
  16 February 1998
Apologies for absence were received and accepted from the Mayor and Councillors Morgan Fahey, Ian Howell, Alister James and Denis O'Rourke.
  Councillor Anderton retired from the meeting at 3.04 pm on 13 February and arrived at 3.15 pm on 16 February and was present for clauses 5 and 6 only.
  The Mayor and Councillor James retired from the meeting at 4.15 pm on 13 February and were present for all clauses with the exception of clauses 5, 7 and 10.
  Councillor Sheriff retired from the meeting at 4.15 pm on 13 February and was present for all clauses with the exception of clause 7.
  Councillors Alpers and Ganda retired from the meeting at 2.15 pm and 3.00 pm respectively on 16 February and were present for all clauses with the exception of part of clause 5.

The Committee reports that:




Officer responsible Author
Property Manager Gilbert van Schaijik, Property Projects Manager
Corporate Plan Output: Enhancement projects New Brighton Pier and information and Advice.

The purpose of this report is to present to the Council, in line with the Council resolution of December 1997, the alternative proposal for a Pier Terminus building, as presented by the Green Pastures Foundation.


Green Pastures Foundation Incorporated is an organisation currently operating in the New Brighton area, which is set up as an incorporated charitable trust operated by the Neale family. The trust deed provides that all profits from trading, rents etc, are given to local international charities such as Christchurch City Mission, World Vision, etc. The Neale family also owns and operates the Seafield School of English in New Brighton. The Green Pastures Foundation, through Mr William Neale, has presented, on several occasions, this proposal to construct an alternative pier terminus building on the foreshore attached to the pier, which will, among other things, provide accommodation for the Seafield School of English. On no fewer than three previous occasions, the Pier Subcommittee, the Projects and Property Committee, and the Burwood/Pegasus Community Board have heard submissions by Mr Neale and have opted to decline the Green Pastures Foundation proposal.

Mr Neale has persisted and has now presented the proposal to the Council once more, along with a petition. In accordance with the resolution of the Council in December, the matter is brought before the Council for consideration.


The Green Pastures Foundation has employed the services of architect C J Corsbie, of Opus International Consultants, who has presented an alternative design for the pier terminus building. At no stage has the architect consulted with the Property Projects Manager or library staff in relation to a brief for the building or the requirements of this unique location.

This proposal is very much at the conceptual stage and has been for well over 12 months now. Detailed drawings have not been worked through with any of the Council's staff whatsoever.


The proposal contains one page of brief calculations of costs and income. The proposed building has a gross floor area of 2,591m2, and is estimated to cost $3,456,394. This was proposed to be funded by $2,000,000 from the Christchurch City Council and the balance from "Green Pastures Foundation and investors". Rental income has been assessed at $410,410, less outgoings of ground rent to the Council of $28,000 per annum and $14,000 per annum on exterior maintenance and management, leaving a net annual income of $368,410. This represents a 10.66% return on investment. Proposed tenancies include the Seafield School of English, the New Brighton Library, various food outlets including a cafÈ, and other retailers.

There appears to be no provision for the construction of the ramps and landscaping which will still need to be constructed.


I have been asked to provide my professional opinion on the presentation made by Green Pastures Foundation. I give this on the basis of my extensive involvement in the development proposal being considered by the Council. Councillors will be aware that I have been extensively involved in the development of the pier terminus building from the original concept and therefore have an intimate knowledge of all of the detail involved in this development, including costs, income, the market and a number of the other factors for consideration.

Whilst the Green Pastures Foundation proposal has perhaps some merit in some areas, there are also many areas which require a significant amount of further research and development. It is important to point out that the proposal still requires the Council to provide at least $2,000,000 of capital funds for the building alone, plus all of the fitout required for the library as is common with the Council's own proposal. The costs of the development contained in the Green Pastures Foundation proposal are estimates only and no evidence is supplied as to any detailed cost plans or costings that may have been prepared by qualified quantity surveyors. A detailed development feasibility statement has not been sighted. Provision for space for the library is based on the Green Pastures Foundation's limited knowledge of library requirements. Based on the work that has been completed by myself and library staff, in conjunction with the Council appointed consultants, the space provision and other specific requirements for the library are not detailed and the area would not meet the library's requirements.

The leasing arrangements proposed would not meet the Council's immediate criteria and the details of the leasing arrangements are sketchy. The proposal is silent on the issue of a suitable structure for this investment or joint venture arrangement, and there have been no discussions with either party in relation to such a joint venture arrangement. The concept has not been tested for technical feasibility, including issues of underlying title, resource consents and the like.


Whilst the petition has a significant number of signatures in support, the detail required to bring such a proposal to fruition is very limited. Before the Council was to get involved in any way with such an arrangement, a significant amount of work would be required, both in terms of setting out the structure for a joint venture development and, indeed, confirming the detail required for completion of a successful development. The proposal contains no suggestion how the Council might secure its investment in the development for the long-term and its feasibility remains unproven.

A significant amount of additional work would be required in order to bring such a joint venture development to fruition. This would cause significant delays in completion of a terminal building for New Brighton. It is my estimate that this would delay that project by at least 12 months before construction would commence.

The Council has already resolved to itself construct a terminus building in New Brighton, which will accommodate the library and other retail tenants. The resolution was conditional only upon the presentation of a suitable plan for the library to be contained in the building.

A full copy of the Green Pastures Foundation proposal is tabled. On the balance of the issues discussed and especially that of timing, and in consideration of the previous Council resolutions and progress on the terminus building, supporting this proposal would be counter-productive to the positive momentum established in the area since the pier opened in November 1997. Should the Council be of a mind to progress discussions with the Green Pastures Foundation, then it should do so with a degree of caution, acknowledging not only the delay in the construction of the terminus building which will follow, but also the risk that the joint venture may not come to fruition. Having analysed the proposal as presented, and given the detail to hand, I am therefore unable to support the Council's involvement in this proposal and am therefore recommending that the Council declines the offer of Green Pastures Foundation.

Also tabled is a letter from the New Brighton Mainstreet group supporting the terminal building proposed by the Council.

  1. That the Council thank the Green Pastures Foundation for presenting its proposal dated 16 December 1997.

  2. That the Foundation's proposal for joint venture development of the terminus building be declined.

(Note: The Mayor retired from consideration of this clause, and took no part in the discussion or voting thereon.)



Officer responsible Author
Property Manager Property Projects Manager
Corporate Plan Output: Major Project New Brighton Pier and Foreshore Development

The purpose of this report is to bring to the Council the development plans for Stages 2 and 3 of the New Brighton Pier, being the ramps and terminus building, and to seek the approval of the Council to proceed with the development in accordance with the plans presented to this meeting.


Councillors will be aware that the New Brighton Pier was officially opened on 1 November 1997. Significant numbers of people have enjoyed this facility so far. Visitor numbers have been estimated to be in excess of 100,000 people. Access to the pier is presently via temporary steps and no disabled access is currently available.


The issue of the terminus building was previously the subject of a report to the Council in November 1996, when the Council resolved:

"To confirm its commitment to the construction of a terminus building, ramps and accessways to the pier, subject to:

  1. A satisfactory agreement being reached between the Pier Promotion Trust in respect of the financial contribution made by the Trust to Stage 2 of the pier development, incorporating the foregoing items, and

  2. The pre-commitment of not less than 60% of the lettable space on terms and conditions acceptable to the Council in all respects, and subject to further reporting and approvals in the normal manner."

A further report was presented to the 24 June 1997 meeting of the Projects and Property Committee, proposing to locate the New Brighton Library in the Pier terminus building.

This report was also presented to the Community Services Committee, which had recommended:

  1. That the Council support in principle the proposal to locate a new library in the pier terminus building, to be constructed once the conditions of pre-commitment had been achieved;

  2. That the design and project team continue to develop plans to meet the operational requirements which the Library will need in order to enhance the opportunity presented.

The Projects and Property Committee recommended to the Council that it support in principle the proposal to locate a new and unique library facility in the pier terminus building, such facility to make the fullest possible use of new and emerging technology to ensure that it is exciting, interactive and dynamic. This latter recommendation by the Projects and Property Committee was adopted by the Council with the further proviso that the complex be designed in such a way as to maximise its ability to attract people from other parts of the city to New Brighton.


The building design work has progressed with the consultants, who have prepared a presentation for this meeting. Features of the building include a library, consisting of approximately 950m2 of space over the ground floor and a mezzanine upper level the same height as the pier. This component of the building occupies approximately two-thirds of the building's area, with the remaining third being available as commercial retail space on the ground floor and the upper floor for a licensed cafe establishment.

Architectural consultants, Barclay Hodgkins, have been involved in the design process from the outset and have been working solidly with both the author and the library staff to design a concept which will meet the Council's requirements for a vibrant, exciting and modern library in this building.


The Libraries Manager comments as follows:

"New Brighton Library on the Pier

Placing the New Brighton Library within the Pier Terminus building has provided the opportunity to extend and develop the range of services to customers to meet the anticipated needs of the 21st century. The library will offer services and an environment which will enhance its role as a focal social point for the local community. The elegant, vibrant building in its seaside locality will provide the ambience for activities ranging from browsing and borrowing to interactive technology and displays.

What will be different about New Brighton Library from other community libraries? Firstly, the books will be grouped together in broad subject categories, similar to the layout in a bookshop. Customers will be able to find the landscaping books alongside gardening and books on plants, or the books on computers beside those on software. Within these broad categories the materials will still be shelved according to the Dewey system so that specific items can be found by using the on-line database. This easy to use arrangement will be enhanced by comfortable seating aesthetically arranged and shelving setups that permit more titles being displayed face-out.

The sound and vision services on offer will include state-of-the-art listening posts where customers can relax and listen to a selection of music without interruption to others. It is also planned for televisions to be available for selective viewing of video and live television.

Local history and the environment are strong interests for the New Brighton community and the library holds significant material relating to the area. A special space for displays, relevant books and, increasingly, digital and electronic resources will be a feature of the ground floor. Christchurch City Council information will be available alongside this area and will again use media such as static displays and incorporate interactive electronic access as these become available through the implementation of the Customer Services project.

Information technology will be an integral part of the library. Some computers (express terminals) will be dedicated to accessing the library catalogue using a World Wide Web "look" interface; others (public information terminals) will have the software capability to "surf the net". Computers for children will have software offering a range of info-tainment including access to Disney and Garfield sites.

Other developments under investigation include software capable of translating selected data into various languages, a feature with immense appeal in an area that is becoming popular with tourists, a large print feature for sight-impaired, and voice recognition software for the physically disabled.

A feature of the buildings is the Media Centre which will be available both for individual users and for community group use. A suite of 10 computers will be available with access to word processing, internet, e-mail and a growing suite of electronic resources. Group use might be education, for both adult and young people, the development of community networks, or training for people in information literacy. Video facilities will also be available leading possibly in the future to interactive communication or video conferencing.

There will be a multi-purpose space available, known as the PAD (derived from "play and display"). Community activities, children's stories and entertainment, interactive displays, exhibitions, reading groups could be some of the uses for this innovative area. Both the PAD and the Media Centre will be able to be separated off from the library and used out of opening hours.

The new library will be a significant improvement to the services provided by the Council in the New Brighton area and its location at the land end of the pier will significantly raise the profile of the library. Business is anticipated to increase as a result. Currently the library is open 43.5 hours per week over 5.5 days of the week. However, its location will require longer hours of opening in line with the expected recreational use of the pier and associated retail facilities. Flexibility will be needed initially in determining the best hours to suit both existing customers and the visitor numbers to the area. Preliminary work to date suggests that seasonal hours would work well, with longer evening hours during the summer months of October/November to March. Consultation with customers and business in the area is still to occur but planning at this stage would see seven day opening with core hours of eight per day Monday to Friday and six per day on Saturday and Sunday. Summer hours would increase this to 10 and eight hours per day respectively.

In addition to opening longer hours, services will be delivered over two floors which will require an additional service point upstairs. Staff numbers to operate the facility will be between 10 to 12 FTE depending on the hours of opening, comprising six full-time staff and the remainder being part-time and on call.

In summary, the New Brighton Library will offer longer opening hours, enhanced electronic access to information and recreation, public spaces for display and activities, easy to browse books and other resources, listening and viewing facilities, Council access point, wonderful views of the sea, pier and foreshore and an internal decor which is alive and exciting with a sense of light, space and openness. A truly wonderful community place for recreation and information - a place for all of Christchurch and its visitors to enjoy, rain or shine."


A number of firm expressions of interest have been received from potential cafe operators and other retailers. We are now in the process of obtaining from these people details of their proposals so that a rational and well-structured process for selection can be worked through. The selection of an experienced and high quality operator is critical to the success of the cafÈ component of the building. The success of the library and the cafÈ combined will give the best result for the community and the Council. Other interests include an ice-cream and confectionery outlet with interest also received from surfware retailers and the like.

The required pre-leasing commitment of 60% is met by the leasing of the library area. In order to make some further progress in relation to the tenancies, it is recommended that approval be granted for construction of the building to commence. In this way tenants will have the necessary degree of certainty that the project will proceed and increase confidence in the Council's future plans for the area. The Council's leasing agents for this project, H G Livingstone Ltd, have confirmed that this is normal practice in this market and that they are confident of leasing the building prior to the construction being completed. I concur with this advice.


The original Council budget for this project was as follows:

Pier Stage 2 (ramps and stair) $450,000
Pier Stage 3 (building shell) $2,350,000
New Brighton Library 1997/98 (land purchase) $300,000
New Brighton Library new building 1998/99 $800,000
New Brighton Library new building 1999/2000 $440,000
Total $4,340,000

Note: this budget excludes any provision for fitout of the building.

To date, the Council has utilised the $300,000 land purchase provision to secure a site for the new Parklands Library to be developed some five years hence. As part of the financial restructuring of the library enhancement capital programme, an alternative total library enhancement budget was reworked, allocating more money for Spreydon and Fendalton Libraries and less for New Brighton. This was done in anticipation of savings in the construction of the new library originally planned for New Brighton.


The Council's quantity surveyors, Rawlinson and Co Ltd, have prepared a cost plan for construction of the new facility incorporating the library.

In summary, the cost plan is as follows:

Stage 2 (ramps and stairs) $450,000
Stage 3 (building cost shell) $2,057,000
Fitout (being air conditioning, floor coverings, electrical data and fire sprinklers) $443,000
Soft fitout (estimated and including technology) $550,000 - $600,000
Fees (estimate) $350,000
Total $3,900,000

It has become apparent during the process of developing the library requirements that in order to produce the library concept which the Council desired, additional floor area was required. This is largely due to the more spacious configuration of the library shelves, reading areas and technology provisions. In addition to the extra floor area required, there is additional cost in providing the technology, furniture and fittings which are all necessary to create the ambience of an exciting and vibrant library space. Space is also provided in this building which can be utilised as public meeting space, which was recommended by the local community board.

Provision for the delivery of services traditionally provided through service centres has been made in accordance with the new service delivery strategy adopted by the Council. These additional requirements of the Library, necessary to create the concept which the Council desires, have cost implications which were hitherto not quantified. With the benefit of the work carried out in the last month, the project team has identified and quantified these costs.

The reworking of the total library enhancements budget was therefore somewhat premature. A further review of this plan has been carried out and is being presented to the Council. The result of this rework has resulted in no significant additional funding for the New Brighton Library being required.

The cost plan has still to be thoroughly tested and a value management exercise undertaken. A copy of the detailed cost plan is available for perusal.

The $300,000 provision for land purchase for the New Brighton Library has been reallocated and used for the Parklands Library project. In addition the Council will still have an asset, being the old library in New Brighton, which could be sold in the future. It is suggested that the proceeds from the sale of this building may also be utilised to offset borrowing for the suburban library enhancement project. On the first view, this could be in the vicinity of $200,000.


The programme for the development of the building from here will be to finalise the working drawings subsequent to the Council's approval, carry out pre-tender construction estimates to confirm the cost plan and call tenders in late March early April and commence construction April 1998.

The construction should be timed so that the ramps will be constructed as the first stage if possible, to remove the need for the temporary access.

The building should be completed before the end of this year.


The Parks Unit has begun development of the New Brighton Beach Park and the City Streets Unit has completed its reconstruction of Marine Parade between Hawke and Beresford Streets.

The toilet changing rooms on the northern car park have been largely rebuilt and landscaped. The family area between the playground and the macrocarpa tree has been re-levelled and sown in grass.

Progress from here largely depends on a decision to proceed with the Pier Terminus building as the promenade planting, seating, etc is planned to run up to and around the buildings.

From a Parks perspective the current plans represent a considerable improvement over the previous plans and Green Pastures Foundation proposals. The scale of the building is smaller than previous proposals and with its open glazed nature and unique design complements the beach and park environments as opposed to previous proposals with their larger commercial characters. Essential functions such as the cafe and three beach/park related commercial opportunities provide adequate complementary services without over-commercialising the area and competing with the mall and its commercial functions.

The library function, like the park and beach areas, provides a valuable recreational complement to the area expanding the considerable outdoor recreation opportunities with indoor reading and multi media features. This will ensure that New Brighton Beach Park is unique and has something for everybody and remains a busy vibrant location in all seasons and weathers.

The only outstanding issue to be addressed is the nature and location of car parking to service the library. Competing values of library and park users will need to be debated further as part of the resource consent process for the building, a compromise solution still needs to be developed as part of finalising landscape plans.

A decision to proceed now will ensure completion of this exciting development by next summer.


The plans are well advanced for the terminal building. The concept for he library has been developed. Tenants are being finalised but at this time have not signed any formal leases. The design and concept is being presented at this meeting to provide additional insight into the library concept and demonstrate the living room concept which will make this library something special for Christchurch.

Cost plans have been prepared. These will be constantly measured and challenged so as to ensure the project stays within budget. Funding is tight. However, there have been savings made overall especially as no land has needed to be purchased.

The plans include provision for the library, a retail area, a lift, access ramps and stairs and a superb cafÈ opportunity.

Members of the Committee were of the opinion that the current cost planned of $3.9M should be increased by $140,000 to provide for the multi-purpose space proposed on the mezzanine floor in the library, known as the PAD (play and display area), to provide space for community activities, children's stories and entertainment, interactive displays, exhibitions and reading groups etc.

  1. That the Council confirm the design for the New Brighton Pier terminus building to accommodate a new library (including the proposed play and display area, retail area and cafe) at a total estimated cost of $4.04M.

  2. That approval be granted for tenders to be called for the terminus building and associated works on the basis outlined in this report, and that the tenders received be reported to the Council through the Projects and Property Committee for final acceptance.

  3. That progress on the project be reported on a regular basis to the Projects and Property Committee, to monitor and decide on associated matters as they arise.




Officer responsible Author
Property Projects Manager Steve McCarroll, Property Projects Officer
Corporate Plan Output: Surplus Property

The purpose of this report is to seek the adoption of formal resolutions to dispose of land at the abovementioned locations.

In accordance with the property decision-making flow chart, all Council units have been advised of the proposed disposal of the above properties with no interest expressed in their retention.



This property was purchased from Transit New Zealand to facilitate the realignment works for the Madras/Forfar/Winton Street area. A corner splay of 202m2 was used for roading purposes from the site, with the balance area now being available for disposal. A community hall was in existence on the site, but was removed so the roading works could be undertaken.

Property Description

The above property now contains an area of 776m2 and is zoned Living 2 in the Proposed City Plan. The site is vacant.

Current Situation

While the site is located on a relatively busy corner, it is expected that there will be likely interest in the site from prospective developers. There are a number of other redevelopments occurring in this vicinity, with adjoining owner interest being quite possible.

A current market valuation of this site has been requested. The current government valuation is $75,000.



The site is an ex-Council works yard that has not been used for some time and is surplus to operational requirements. The buildings on the yard are currently leased on a month-to-month basis to a local resident for toy-making purposes.

Property Description

The site is a corner site contained within two titles, having a total area of 1,042m2. The site is zoned Living 3 in the Proposed City Plan.

Current Situation

Given the high density zoning, it is considered that the present use as an industrial complex is no longer the highest and best use of the land. This particular site is ripe for subdivision into townhouse units and, given the zoning and development standards, it is likely that the optimum development would be six units.

It is considered that the property will attract a strong buyer demand from developers, who would look to be erecting units which will have an end-product sale price of between $250,000 to $300,000.

This site is a most desirable one from a redevelopment viewpoint, given its extensive frontage, particularly to Wiggins Street, and the aspect that any units erected on the land would have to the north.

Other Interest in Site - Possible Options

For the Committee's information, in September 1997 a letter was received from Redcliffs residents, Pamela and Murray Hills, who were ascertaining the availability of sites in the Sumner area to establish a private pre-school. Mr Hills was advised that this property was likely to become available for sale in the near future, as it had been declared surplus to the Council's operational requirements. Mr Hills, in a telephone conversation with the writer of this report, indicated that he would initially be interested in leasing rather than purchasing the site. Mr and Mrs Hills have been advised in writing that their interest was noted and that the disposal or retention of the site would be a matter for Council decision.

A current market valuation has been undertaken. The current government valuation is $150,000.


Proceeds from the sale of surplus property are programmed into the 1997/98 annual plan and budget. The sale of these properties is therefore required to meet this commitment.


Section 230 resolutions under the Local Government Act have previously been adopted by the Council for the site on the corner of Madras/Winton Street and the Wakefield/Wiggins Street site in Sumner.

  1. That the above two properties be tendered for sale.

  2. That the Property Projects Manager and Property Manager be delegated authority to sell the properties at prices not less than the valuations set by the Council's independent valuer.




The Committee received reports by the Major Projects Co-ordinator on progress with the following projects:

5. DRAFT SUB-BUDGETS FOR 1998/99 RR 7039

The Committee considered the following draft sub-budgets for 1998/99:

  • Major Projects Office
  • Property Management
  • Commercial Property
  • Convention Centre
  • WestpacTrust Entertainment Centre
  • Swimming Pools
  • Art Gallery

The Committee decided that the draft operating and capital outputs be recommended to the 1998 Plan Working Party subject to the following recommendations:


The Committee noted that provision for the Fundraising Co-ordinator's activities were presently included in the sub-budget for the Major Projects office. The Committee decided to recommend to the Strategy and Resources Annual Plan Working Party that the City Manager be asked to review the rationale for this arrangement and the consequent reporting relationship, in view of the possible benefits of the Fundraising Co-ordinator's activities for other parts of the Council organisation, and the possible difficulties which could arise with the present arrangement.


Arising from consideration of the provision for surplus property servicing under 8.6.6, the Property Projects Manager was asked to pursue the possible disposal of the surplus portion of the former Paparua County works yard behind the Sockburn Service Centre.


The Committee referred the new capital initiatives listed on page 8.9.iii of the pink pages to the Strategy and Resources Annual Plan Working Party with a recommendation that the projects listed be accorded the following priorities:

Project Amount Recommended Priority
Edgeware Library Interior Upgrade $60,000 3
New Community Cottage/Hall St Albans $350,000 5
Linwood Service Centre - Air Conditioning System $140,000 2
Riccarton Town Hall - Disabled Persons Ramp $30,000 1
Spreydon Community Centre - Toilet Upgrade $20,000 2
North New Brighton Community Centre - Refurbishment/Alterations Unknown 5
Historic Rose Chapel Structural Strengthening (balance) $50,000 1
Historic Rose Chapel Toilet/Kitchenette Extension $165,000 2
Historic Rose Chapel Heating/Wiring Provision $35,000 1
Risingholme Community Centre - Interior Alterations $45,000 2
Essential Power Supply - Civic Offices $14,800 1



Submissions regarding the proposed Pier terminus building were made by the following parties:

Green Pastures Foundation

Mr William Neale (Green Pastures Foundation) and Mr Grant Adams (Parry Field) made submissions in support of the proposal for a terminus building advanced by the Green Pastures Foundation.

Burwood/Pegasus Community Board

Mr Dave Dobbie made submissions on behalf of the Burwood/Pegasus Community Board, requesting that the Council support the recommendations made by the Property Projects Manager in respect of this project.

The Committee decided that the submissions be considered in conjunction with the report submitted to the present meeting by the Property Projects Manager, referred to in clause 2 of this report.




The Committee considered a separately circulated report by the Major Projects Co-ordinator on progress in the procurement of furniture, fittings and equipment for the WestpacTrust Centre, and seeking approval for the placement of orders from the approved budget for various items of equipment.

The original FF&E budget was $4.572 million. The Council has approved various transfers (eg seating, food and beverage provisions, audio-visual equipment and kitchen equipment) into the main building contract, which means the remaining approved budget provision for FF&E is $1,594,355.

The full FF&E schedule was presented to the Projects and Property Committee in July 1997. At that time it was indicated that an additional requirement of $1.42 million may be necessary to purchase all equipment identified in the schedule. It is not recommended to purchase any FF&E equipment through use of the remaining contingency at this stage of the project and additional funding is being sought as part of the 1998/99 Budget Round, as indicated may be necessary in July 1997.

The FF&E schedule was prioritised to spread the required additional funding and since July 1997 has been modified by replacing budget estimates with tendered prices or firm quotes where available, and re-prioritising some items. The priorities established, with associated budgets, are as follows:

P1 Approved Funding   $1,594,355
P2 1998/99 Funding
Council Plan Provision
New Initiative

P3 1999/00 Funding
New Initiative


* The current provision of $405,408 is in the 1998/99 Council Plan on account of the ice floor, which Council decided not to pursue in August 1997.

It is important to place orders for some items of equipment immediately to maintain the project programme. Equipment recommended for purchase with this report has delivery times of up to four months after placement of orders.

The Committee resolved:

Arena Loose Floor Seating

That the Project Team negotiate direct with Sebel Furniture Ltd for the purchase of 2,000 loose floor seats at a price of $60,000 (maintain in P2).

Portable Wooden Floor and Netball Posts

That orders be placed with ASF Horner Pty Ltd for:

(a) One portable wooden floor at a price of $165,986 (to be reprioritised as P1).

(b) One pair of netball posts at a price of $1,150 (to be maintained as P1).

Basketball Backboards

That an order be placed with Balsam Pacific Pty Ltd for one pair of basketball backboards at a price of $39,950 (to be reprioritised to P1).

Demountable Stage

That an order be placed with Sico South Pacific Pty Ltd for a demountable stage system at a price of $226,858 (the first half of the stage to be maintained as P1, with the second half to be reprioritised as P1).

Lighting Rig

That the Project Team continue to negotiate with John Herber Ltd with a view to reducing the current tender price through the provision of locally manufactured componentry, with the preferred tenderer's current price to be included in P1.

Division Curtain

That the Project Team continue to negotiate with John Herber Ltd with a view to reducing the current tender price through the provision of locally manufactured componentry and exploring the economies of scale created through the provision of the lighting rig (to be reprioritised as P1, with the preferred tenderer's current price to be included in P1).

Dasher Boards (Control Barrier System)

That a locally designed and manufactured control barrier system be pursued, and if this is not feasible, that the control barrier system be retendered once P2 funding is approved. To be reprioritised to P2, using the preferred tenderer's current price.

Centre Hung Cube Scoreboard

That an order be placed with Computronics Corporation Ltd for a centre hung scoreboard at a price of $221,240 (to be maintained in P1).

Point of Sale Network System

That the Project Team finalise its investigations and confirm acceptance of a point of sale system within the budget allowance (to be maintained in P1).

Theatre and Spot Lighting

That the Project Team finalise its investigations and confirm acceptance of a lighting system within the revised budget allowance (to be maintained in P1).



The Chairman referred to the report by the Major Projects Co-ordinator on the purchase of furniture, fittings and equipment for the WestpacTrust Centre, which had been separately circulated. He advised that the report had not been included in the agenda as it was not available at that time, but that it was essential that decisions on the purchase of the equipment listed in the report were made at the present meeting, rather than being deferred to a subsequent meeting.

It was resolved that the report be received and considered at the present meeting.



The Committee resolved that the draft resolution to exclude the public set out on page 30 of the agenda be adopted.




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