24. 9. 97
A meeting of the Parks and Recreation
was held on Wednesday 10 September 1997 at 4.00 pm
PRESENT: | Councillor Gordon Freeman (Chairman), Councillors Graham Berry, David Buist, David Cox, Ishwar Ganda and Gail Sheriff. |
IN ATTENDANCE: | Councillor Charles Manning. |
APOLOGIES: | Apologies for absence were received and accepted from the Mayor and Councillors Carole Anderton and Graham Condon. |
The Committee reports that:
Officer responsible | Author |
Parks Manager | Rod Whearty, Area Parks Officer |
Corporate Plan Output: Consents and Applications |
The purpose of this report is to obtain the Council's approval for Canterbury Wheelchair Tennis Incorporated to take up a new lease of the tennis courts and pavilion at Ouruhia Domain under Section 54 (1)(b) of the Reserves Act 1977. The report has been referred to the Shirley/Papanui Community Board for information and comment prior to being submitted to the Parks and Recreation Committee.
The Canterbury Wheelchair Tennis Inc has applied to the Parks Unit to take over the tennis courts and facilities on Ouruhia Domain. The Ouruhia Tennis Club was originally granted a 33 year lease of the area in 1962 and went on to develop a small pavilion and three tennis courts, before going into recess.
The club has not been in operation for the past 2-3 years but some local families still use the courts on a casual basis. Canterbury Wheelchair Tennis have used the facility regularly in recent years and would like to take over the existing facilities.
Ross Heasley is the immediate past President of the former Ouruhia Tennis Club. He has indicated that he is happy for the Wheelchair Tennis to take up a new lease of the area provided the courts are still available for locals to use on a casual basis. He also advised that there are still some residual funds in the old club's account which he is happy to hand on to the Wheelchair Tennis if they become the new lessee.
The Canterbury Wheelchair Tennis Inc has been the main user of the facility in recent years apart from the odd social match by local residents and other casual users. The current membership is around 30 individuals starting from around 16 years of age. The former Ouruhia Tennis Club's 33 year lease terminated in 1995 and there was no subsequent application from the club for a renewal of the lease.
The current proposal is for the Canterbury Wheelchair Tennis Club Inc to be granted a new lease under Section 54(1)(b) of the Reserves Act 1977. In recent conversations with Parks Unit staff the Canterbury Wheelchair Tennis have also requested that the Council give consideration to a "peppercorn " rental in regard to the new lease.
The intention to grant a new lease will require public notification and consent from the Minister of Conservation. All costs associated with the notification and preparation of lease documents will be the responsibility of the applicant.
The Canterbury Wheelchair Tennis Club Inc has been advised that it will be taking over the Ouruhia facilities on an "as is" basis and that any maintenance work will be its responsibility.
The group has some concerns at its ability to raise large sums of money to address problems resulting from deferred maintenance such as the present condition of some parts of the fence and potential court reseals within the next 5-10 years. However there are a number of options available in regard to funding assistance and the Council could offer guidance in this area.
The club has already spent approximately $10,000 upgrading the pavilion from a dilapidated state and installing sealed areas around the court edges to make ball retrieval easier.
At the Committee meeting, the Parks Manager was requested to report direct to the Council on the state of the tennis courts and their future maintenance requirements. The Parks Manager has submitted the following report in response to the Committee's request:
"The Parks Unit has recently assessed the condition of the courts and surrounding fences. The western boundary has several poles that are completely corroded at the base and require replacement now. Replacing the poles and addressing some other minor fence repairs has been quoted at $2562.
There are no major problems with the courts at present. The surface on all three courts is even with no major imperfections or defects that would require immediate action, although two are beginning to show their age. The court closest to Marshland Road appears to be more recent than the other two and should provide a good playable surface for at least the next 10 years without requiring any major remedial work. The other two courts will probably require a reseal some time within the next 5-10 years but this is difficult to predict accurately as it will depend largely on the amount of wear they receive in the intervening years. The cost to reseal a court at today's rates is approximately $9.80 per square metre. This equates to $5020 for a 32 metre by 16 metre court but this can vary depending on the amount of work (if any) that is required on the sub grade. The timing for a successful overlay is often critical because if the work is delayed too long then imperfections will simply "mirror" through onto the new surface."
Recommendation: | That the Canterbury Wheelchair Tennis
Incorporated be granted approval to lease the existing
courts and pavilion at Ouruhia Domain in accordance with
Section 54(1)(b) of the Reserves Act 1977 subject to the
following conditions:
Officer responsible | Author |
Parks Manager | John Allen, Area Parks Officer |
Corporate Plan Output: Consents and Application: Leases (9.4.14) |
The purpose of this report is to gain Council approval for the extension of the Christchurch Archery Club's premises at Rawhiti Domain by 82.4 m2 (including verandah) so that the club can provide better indoor training and storage facilities.
The proposed extension will allow for a safe meeting space to be created near the kitchen and for better storage of the training unit trailer and targets, some of which have to be moved outside when indoor shooting is being undertaken. The club also wishes to change the roof line of the extension so as to accommodate a mezzanine floor for storage purposes.
The issue concerning access to the Archery Club's premises at Rawhiti Domain cannot be permanently resolved until it is decided whether the disused camping ground area is to be reinstated or not. Once this decision has been made the management plan for Rawhiti Domain will be reviewed, part of this process addressing permanent access to the Archery Club's premises. The gate is open during daylight hours, and closed only at night because a number of paraplegics enjoy the sport who cannot unlock and lock the gate. This results in unauthorised people having access to the site during daylight hours, an issue which will need to be addressed in the future.
The total addition to the clubrooms is approximately 70 m2, of which approximately half is used for storage, the remainder being used for the shooting area. There will be a necessity in terms of the City Plan requirements for the club to provide a further two car parks for members' use when the addition is constructed. One of the conditions of the original consent to build the existing clubrooms was that the club pays the cost to form six car parks at a later date, when the issue of the proposed camping ground has been finalised. It will be necessary to increase this number to eight if this application is granted.
The Archery Club wish to line the ceiling of their building, so as to provide more comfortable surroundings for indoor shooting, especially during the winter months. To enable the club to undertake this work it would be necessary to provide additional storage, hence the mezzanine storage area in the addition, access to which will be by ladder. This area will be used to store equipment not in everyday use ie paper targets, lights, pinex, score boards etc. This equipment is used for national championships which are held at the club's premises biennially, South Island District Archery Association Championships, (two held annually), and club championships, (approximately seven held annually).
It has been bought to officers attention that the previous consent issued for the existing building has not been fully complied with, in that the block work and gable ends were required to be painted. Officers have reminded the club of its responsibility in this regard. As this was a condition of the resource consent it is being followed up as an enforcement issue. The extensions will be painted the same colour as the existing building.
It will be necessary for three pinus radiata trees to be removed, together with some small shrubs to enable the building to be accommodated on the site. The loss of these trees in this location is not a problem provided that a further two gum trees of a similar species to those on the east side of the existing building are planted behind the new addition to better integrate it into the surrounding landscape. There will also be a requirement for the planting of further shrubs on the eastern side of the extension to better screen it from view of the present camping ground area in accordance with safer design policies.
The club has asked to extend their range to include an area to the east in the old camping ground area for beginners and junior coaching. Before this request can be considered further, the issue of whether the camping ground is to be reinstated or not must be resolved.
Recommendation: | That approval be given for an extension
to the Christchurch Archery Club's lease area of
approximately 83 m2 (building footprint) to be
added to the existing lease area subject to the following
Officer responsible | Author |
Parks Manager | Paul Devlin, Head Ranger Port Hills |
Corporate Plan Output: Consents 9.4.8 |
The purpose of this report is to inform the Committee of a proposal from the Peninsula and Plains Orienteers for the setting up of a permanent orienteering course in Victoria Park and Bowenvale Reserve.
The course would consist of permanent markers in the ground similar to the existing track markers in place around the various walkways established on the Port Hills Reserves.
There would be different courses set up with various levels of challenge for the participants. A total of perhaps 40-50 markers would be installed creating a system that would provide for people of all abilities while allowing variety for return visits to try the next course.
Some of the existing walkway system would be used for the more basic levels while off track markers would be set up for the intermediate and advanced levels. The impact on the untracked environment will be minimal.
This proposal ties in extremely well with the multi-use approach being promoted for the Cashmere Spur Reserves area.
Recommendation: |
Officer responsible | Author |
Parks Manager | Property Services Officer, Lewis Burn 1/6/20 |
Corporate Plan Output: Parks unit, leases and consents |
The purpose of this report is to obtain approval to grant a licence and management agreement to the Canterbury Playcentre Association Inc as the occupier/manager of the Heathcote Community Centre.
The Community Centre building which is owned by Council is situated on part of the Heathcote Domain off Bridle Path Road. Attached to the Centre building and separated by a fire wall is the Heathcote Valley Cricket pavilion (owned by the Cricket Club) which has separate services. The Community Centre building is currently managed by the Heathcote Valley Community Association while the Heathcote Valley Playcentre is the major user of the building and having financially contributed to the building's construction. Following a review of the management of the Community Centre, the Hagley/Ferrymead Community Board at its meeting in November 1996 resolved to support a change of management with the view to leasing the centre building to the Playcentre Association.
The Community Centre is situated on Heathcote Domain, a recreation reserve. While the attached Cricket Club pavilion is consistent with the recreational status of the land the Community Centre and associated Playcentre play area is not a legally permissible use of a recreation reserve. This anomaly was inherited by the Council from the former Heathcote County Council. To allow formal occupation by the Playcentre Association for what is essentially a community use rather than a recreational activity it was necessary to change the classification of this part of the Domain to a local purpose (Community Buildings) reserve. The reclassification issue has been dealt with by the Committee under delegated authority.
The request to licence the Community Centre building to the Playcentre Association comes after discussions with the Heathcote Playcentre Group and the Community Association which presently manages the Centre. The Playcentre Association has confirmed it would like to take a licence of the building which would formalise its occupation and long established use. A licence as opposed to a lease is appropriate in this case as the building use will not be exclusive to the Playcentre. The Legal Services Manger concurs with the approach outlined.
The basis for the proposed licence would be:
Premises | A total area of approximately 703m2 but excluding the car park. |
Term: | Maximum term of ten years |
Rental: | To be negotiated between the Service Centre and Playcentre having regard to outgoings to be met by Playcentre |
Outgoings: | Playcentre to meet all normal outgoings (excluding rates) ie operating expenses, power, telephone, water usage, insurance, internal maintenance. The Council would remain responsible for external and structural maintenance and building warrant of fitness. |
Management of Centre: | Playcentre responsibility. In addition to their own use the Playcentre would be required to make the building available for genuine local community use when this did not conflict with the Playcentre use. The Council has the power to enter into a management agreement under Section 247C of the Local Government Act 1974. |
Termination: | The licence would contain provision to terminate should there be a breach of conditions but also should at any time the Council consider in its discretion sufficient use is not being made of the building or should the playcentre group go into recess or for any reason not be able to continue to operate. The building and any improvements made with Council's prior approval would in such event revert to Council without compensation being payable to the Playcentre. |
Authority: | Subject to reclassification being successfully completed by the Minister of Conservation the licence would issue pursuant to Section 61(2A) of the Reserves Act 1977 without the need to publicly notify or obtain the consent of the said Minister. |
Early Childhood Policy
The Council is currently reviewing in partnership with the Ministry of Education and the Early Childhood Development Unit, early childhood education services in Christchurch and the role(s) of Council in this. A draft Policy is expected in February/March 1998.
The above report was considered by the Hagley/Ferrymead Community Board at its meeting on 3 September. The Board endorsed the proposal as recommended.
Recommendation: |
Officer responsible | Author |
Leisure and Community Services Manager | Peter Walls |
Corporate Plan Output: Leased Facilities |
The purpose of this report is to seek Council approval for the erection of additional buildings on Ruapuna Park.
The Canterbury Car Club has written to the Council seeking approval to erect five Skyline garages in an area behind the pit area for the storage of safety vehicles to be used during races held at the circuit. In addition the club is requesting permission to extend its control tower to improve the safety of racing events. The club has purchased a surplus control tower from the airport. The tower will be positioned on top of the existing structure and will house the race control centre..
Under their lease agreement the Canterbury Car Club are required to seek the Council's approval before proceeding with any major building construction work on the park.
Recommendation: | That the Council give approval to the Canterbury Car Club for the erection of the five safety vehicle garages and the extension to the race control tower. |
6. |
Officer responsible | Author |
Leisure and Community Services Manager | Kate Colebourne |
Corporate Plan Output: Special Events/Activities/Year 2000 |
The purpose of this report is to advise Councillors of promotional activity on behalf of Christchurch proposed for the International Paralympic Committee's General Assembly to be held in November this year in Sydney.
The next Paralympic Games are to be held in Sydney in October in the year 2000. It is anticipated that over 4,000 athletes will compete at the Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games. In the years and months prior to the Games these international athletes will be looking for training and competition opportunities. Cities hosting these athletes will benefit economically and will also enable residents to spectate elite level competition. Christchurch is also particularly appealing to Paralympians because it is a flat city.
Christchurch has already begun a campaign to attract both Paralympic and Olympic athletes to the city with the production of a Sports Training Guide. Further promotional activity planned includes setting up a home page on the Internet and producing regular newsletters to inform international athletes and teams of sports events and happenings in Christchurch.
There is also the opportunity for Christchurch to be promoted as a sports training destination at various international sports meetings and events. Such events provide excellent opportunities to appeal to large and captive audiences.
As part of the lead-up to the 2000 Paralympic Games, the International Paralympic Family will meet this year in Sydney to attend the IPC General Assembly. More than 300 international visitors are expected at this meeting which will take place during 6-8 November, 1997.
The Delegates to this meeting will represent over 200 National Paralympic Committees and National Disabled Sports Federations. These sporting bodies are responsible for the selection and management of athletes who compete at the Paralympic Games. Part of their responsibility is to organise training and competition opportunities for their athletes. Their presence at this meeting creates an ideal target for promoting Christchurch as a suitable training destination.
Part of this meeting will cover "Pre-Games Training Presentations". This provides Christchurch with a golden opportunity to showcase its excellent sports facilities and amenities available for training and competition. Christchurch has already proven it has what it takes to host international athletes with disabilities by successfully bidding for the 1998 IPC World Disabled Swimming Championships, and the opportunity will be there to capitalise on this success.
Christchurch promotional material to be presented and distributed to attendees of the IPC General Assembly will depend on further discussion with the meeting organisers but may include the following items:
It is also anticipated that Christchurch will have the opportunity to make a presentation. It is important the city is represented at this Assembly by both an elected member and the appropriate officer. The Leisure and Community Services Manager will be attending the Assembly.
Recommendation: | That the Chairman and Councillor Condon be authorised to attend the International Paralympic Committee General Assembly in Sydney to assist with the promotion of Christchurch as a training venue for the 1998 IPC World Disabled Swimming Championships, subject to the Council being provided with the opportunity to make a presentation to the Assembly. |
Officer responsible | Author |
Director of Operations | Julie Sadler |
Corporate Plan Output: Elected Member Representation |
The purpose of this report is to seek the appointment of the Council's delegates to the above conference.
The New Zealand Recreation Association Conference will be held in Rotorua from 2 to 5 November 1997. This year the conference theme is Wero - "Meeting the Challenge". The conference programme is tabled.
The programme is separated into three streams:
The following is a preliminary list of topics. A full programme identifying all speakers and events will be issued in the near future.
The programme also includes three field trips covering highly relevant issues currently facing the recreation industry.
Last year Councillor Graham Condon represented the Council at the Conference. However prior to 1996 the Chairman or his nominee and one other Councillor have traditionally attended this conference.
Recommendation: | That Councillors Ganda and Sheriff represent the Council at the 1997 Recreation Association Conference. |
Mr John Sturt, an executive member of the Selwyn Hockey Club, outlined the problem the club was experiencing in disposing of its interest in the Hagley Park clubrooms it shares with the Riccarton Cricket Club and sought the Council's assistance in identifying a new occupant for the building.
Also before the Committee was a report from the Senior Sports Adviser detailing the steps taken by the Leisure and Community Services Unit to assist the club in selling its equity in the clubrooms.
The Committee requested the Leisure and Community Services Unit to pursue all possible avenues for publicising the availability of the clubrooms and to keep the Committee informed of developments in regard to this matter.
The Parks Manager reported advising that it was proposed to update the Halswell Quarry Management Plan and to release the revised plan for public comment.
Under the original management plan a large block of land in the north-west corner between Kennedys Bush Road and Cashmere Road was excluded from the park but retained in Council ownership. It is now proposed to incorporate this area into the park. The land is low and during the winter months boggy and often covered in water. The low paddocks provide an important stormwater retention function with the potential to improve it as a primary stormwater retention basin. Because of this, the general emphasis will be on passive recreation. However, to meet the demand for more sports fields in the south west of the city the paddocks in the north west corner are being considered as a possible site for temporary sports fields. A tree enclosed oval or "village green" setting has been added to the plan which can be used for a wide range of events as well as overflow car parking.
The Committee decided that the Halswell Quarry Management Plan be revised in accordance with the staff report and plan and be advertised for public comment.
10. | SPORTARAMA EVENTS - 1998: UPDATE | RR 5934 |
The Leisure and Community Services Manager submitted a report updating the Committee on progress to date on the organisation of the Sportarama events planned for 1998. The first event will be held in Hagley Park on Sunday 8 March when the emphasis will be on "have a go" activities with the public being encouraged to bring a picnic and spend the day sampling various sporting and recreation activities. Music and entertainment will be provided.
The second event will be a two-day Sportarama at the WestpacTrust Centre as part of the facility's opening festivities.
The Committee also farewelled Mr Charlie Rhodes, the Canterbury Sports Foundation representative who had been involved with Sportarama since 1990.
The Committee, in receiving the report, resolved that the contribution to Sportarama made by Mr Charlie Rhodes be suitably recognised.
The Committee received the following reports:
11.1 | Queen Elizabeth II Park - World Youth Cup 1999 | RR 6071 |
The Leisure and Community Services Manager reported that QEII Park had been appointed as an official venue for the Under 17 World Youth Cup finals which are being held in New Zealand during February 1999.
11.2 | Access to Recreation/Sports Activities by People with Disabilities | RR 5929 |
The Leisure and Community Services Manager reported on the results of recent research completed for the KiwiAble programme on opportunities and barriers for people with disabilities to participate in recreational and sporting activities.
11.3 Changes to Committee Meeting Schedule
The Committee noted the information that the next ordinary meeting will be held on Wednesday 15 October at 4.00 pm and that the Annual Plan monitoring meeting scheduled for 16 September had been postponed.
12.1 | Performance of Associations Renting Leased Facilities | RR 5662 |
The Committee deferred consideration of a report from the Leisure and Community Services Manager seeking a reduction in the rental charges paid by the Canterbury Softball Association, the Canterbury Hockey Association and Canterbury Soccer for the stadia they lease from the Council.
The Committee decided to deal with this business at a special meeting to be held on Tuesday 23 September at 12 noon and to invite representatives of the three sports bodies to this meeting.
The Parks Manager submitted a report recommending that part of Heathcote Domain be classified as Local Purpose (Community Buildings) Reserve.
The Committee resolved that pursuant to section 24 of the Reserves Act 1997 the purpose of the classification of the land described below be changed from Recreation Reserve to Local Purpose (Community Buildings) Reserve for the reason that a licence can be granted to the Playcentre Association.
Part Rural Section 41625 being part of the land contained in N Z Gazette 1985 page 2166 comprising approximately1588 square metres (subject to survey) shown parcels A&B on S 2894."
The Committee resolved that the draft resolution to exclude the public set out on page 28 of the agenda be adopted.