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24. 9. 97




To consider and if thought fit to adopt the following resolution:

"The public notice required by the Local Government Act 1974 having been given in the Christchurch Press newspaper on Friday 29 August and Thursday 11 September 1997, the following resolution passed by way of Special Order at an ordinary meeting of the Council held on Wednesday 27 August 1997 is hereby confirmed:

`That pursuant to the powers vested in it by the Local Government Act 1974, the Christchurch City Council makes the Christchurch City Public Places and Signs Alteration Bylaw 1997 (as per copy attached).'"



To consider and if thought fit to adopt the following resolution:

"The public notice required by the Local Government Act 1974 having been given in the Christchurch Press newspaper on Friday 29 August and Thursday 11 September 1997, the following resolution passed by way of Special Order at an ordinary meeting of the Council held on Wednesday 27 August 1997 is hereby confirmed:

`That the Christchurch City Council, being the local authority having control of the roads in the City of Christchurch, hereby resolves by way of special order and pursuant to the provisions of Section 346 of the Local Government Act 1974 to declare a portion of Dyers Road, East Side, South-West from Linwood Avenue to be a limited access road, as more particularly shown on Plan D 7020 Sheet 3 and the accompanying schedule attached.'"



At its meeting on 27 August 1997 the Council passed the resolution of first meeting to raise the foregoing loan by way of Special Order. The subsequent public notice contained the required statement that a poll of ratepayers is required to be taken, if not less than 15% of the ratepayers of the City of Christchurch (as defined by section 34A of the Local Authorities Loans Act 1956) so demand in writing under their hands, delivered or sent by post to the Council and received not later than 9.00 am on Wednesday 24 September 1997.

To date, objections to the raising of the loan or demands for a poll have been received from the following persons:

Any further objections or demands for a poll received prior to the Council meeting will be tabled.

As a demand for a poll has not been received from the required 15% of the ratepayers, it is therefore open to the Council to consider and if thought fit to adopt the following resolution:

"That in pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it by the Local Government Act 1974, and the Local Authorities Loans Act 1956 and all amendments thereto, and all other Acts in that behalf enabling, the Christchurch City Council hereby resolves, by way of Special Order, to proceed to raise in New Zealand a loan to be known as the Works Development Loan 1997 - $71,420,000 subject to the following determinations:

  1. The purpose of the said loan is to provide funding for investment and capital expenditure projects.

  2. The amount of loan is $71,420,000.

  3. The maximum term for which the said loan or any part thereof may be borrowed shall be 20 years.

  4. Interest rates and maturity dates shall be determined by the Director of Finance and the Funds Manager.

  5. The loan or any part thereof, together with interest thereon, shall be repaid by any of the following methods of repayment:

    (a) By equal aggregate annual or half-yearly instalments of principal and interest;

    (b) By annual payments to a sinking fund in respect of this loan or any issue thereof at a rate of not less than 3.00 per cent per annum of the amount for the time being borrowed and not repaid (other than any part being repaid pursuant to subparagraph (a) of this clause).

  6. The Council hereby appropriates and pledges a special annual recurring rate of .0412758 cents in the dollar on the capital value of all rateable property in the City of Christchurch.

  7. No interest, instalment of principal and interest or payment to a sinking fund shall be paid outside New Zealand or out of loan money except as provided in Section 33(1) of the Local Authorities Loans Act 1956.

  8. Commission or fees may be paid in respect of the raising of the said loan or any part thereof as the Local Authorities Loans Board may determine from time to time.

  9. Such other determinations of the Local Authorities Loans Board as are applicable.



In accordance with a resolution adopted by the Council at its Special Meeting on Wednesday 30 July 1997, public notice has been given pursuant to the Rating Powers Act 1988 of the Council's intention to consider the proposed resolution set out below to strike and levy rates in accordance with the approved Annual Plan and Budget.

The following draft resolution is now submitted for adoption:

"(a) Pursuant to Sections 12, 16, 17 and 19 of the Rating Powers Act 1988 the Christchurch City Council hereby resolves to make and levy the rates and uniform annual general charge set out in Schedules I and II (attached) for the year commencing on 1 July 1997 and ending on 30 June 1998, on the rateable value of every separately rateable property appearing in the Valuation Roll for the time being in force in the City of Christchurch. In accordance with the Special Order dated 29 June 1994, such rates and uniform annual general charge shall be due and payable by four instalments over three rating areas as follows:

  1st Instalment 2nd Instalment 3rd Instalment 4th Instalment
Area 1 15 August 1997 15 November 1997 15 February 1998 15 May 1998
Area 2 15 September 1997 15 December 1997 15 March 1998 15 June 1998
Area 3 31 August 1997 30 November 1997 28 February 1998 31 May 1998

The areas are defined by the Valuation Roll districts as contained in the resolution dated 29 June 1994, but:

Area 1: includes generally the Central City and the suburbs of St Albans, Merivale, Mairehau, Papanui, Riccarton, Addington, Spreydon, Sydenham, Beckenham and Opawa;

Area 2: includes generally the suburbs of Shirley, New Brighton, Linwood, Woolston, Mt Pleasant, Sumner, Cashmere and Heathcote;

Area 3: includes generally the suburbs of Belfast, Parklands, Harewood, Avonhead, Bishopdale, Ilam, Fendalton, Hornby, Templeton and Halswell.

(b) Pursuant to Section 132 of the Rating Powers Act 1988 the Council prescribes the following additional charges to be added, during the year commencing on 1 July 1997 and ending on 30 June 1998:

(i) An additional charge of 10% of the amount of the outstanding rates, whole dollars only, which are levied in the 1 July 1997 to 30 June 1998 financial year to be added on the dates set out below to the rates remaining unpaid on those dates:

  1st Instalment 2nd Instalment 3rd Instalment 4th Instalment
Area 1 19 August 1997 19 November 1997 18 February 1998 19 May 1998
Area 2 17 September 1997 17 December 1997 18 March 1998 17 June 1998
Area 3 3 September 1997 3 December 1997 4 March 1998 4 June 1998

(ii) A further additional charge of 10% to be added to the amount of the unpaid rates, whole dollars only, levied in any previous financial year and which remain unpaid on 1 October 1997.

(iii) A further additional charge of 10% to be added to the amount of the unpaid rates, whole dollars only, levied in any previous financial year and which remain unpaid on 1 April 1998.

The Valuation Roll and Rates Records for the Christchurch City Council's district are available for inspection at the Civic Offices, 163 Tuam Street, Christchurch."

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