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22. 10. 97


1 OCTOBER 1997

A meeting of the Shirley/Papanui Community Board
was held on Wednesday 1 October 1997 at 4.00 pm

PRESENT: Mrs Yvonne Palmer (Chairperson), Mrs Judith Bruce, Mrs Anne Carroll, Mr Newton Dodge, Mr Garry Moore, Sue Wells and Mr Steve Wright.
APOLOGIES: Apologies were received and accepted from Mr Graham Condon and Mr Gordon Freeman.


The Board reports that:




Officer responsible Author
City Streets Manager Bill Greenwood, Area Traffic Engineer
Corporate Plan Output: Traffic Management

The purpose of this report is to seek approval for the modification of the existing controls at the Clare Road/Springfield Road/Durham Street intersection. The existing intersection is currently being reconstructed according to the attached plan. As a result of these changes it will be necessary to modify the existing traffic controls to match the new layout.

When the work (which is in accordance with the St Albans Local Area Traffic Management Plan) is completed it is expected that the amount of traffic shortcutting through Clare Road will be reduced. This work, in conjunction with the reconstruction of Springfield Road, is expected to improve access from the north to the City centre. When the proposal was circulated for public comment the feedback received was positive.

  1. That the existing "Stop" control against Durham Street at its intersection with Springfield Road be removed.

  2. That a "Give Way" control be installed against north bound traffic on Springfield Road at its intersection with Durham Street.





Officer responsible Author
City Street Manager Bill Greenwood, Area Traffic Engineer,
Paul Cottam, Safe Routes to School Facilitator
Corporate Plan Output: Safe Routes to Schools

The purpose of this report is to allow consideration of improvements to children's safety in the vicinity of Casebrook Intermediate School.

The Safe Routes to School Facilitator, Paul Cottam, has been operating a `Safe Routes to Schools Programme' at Casebrook Intermediate over the past four weeks. As part of the work a Kids Safe Week Programme has been operated with displays, competitions and a safe cycle training programme.

In conjunction with these activities a review of school pupils safety in the vicinity of the school has been undertaken. As a result of this review a number of changes are proposed within the school grounds to assist children and improve their safety.

A number of possible improvements which are the Council's responsibility have been identified. It is now proposed to present these issues to the Board for consideration before forwarding to the Council for a resolution. The group undertaking the review included:

Management of the School

Board of Trustees Representatives

Police Education Staff

Safe Routes to School Facilitator

The Area Traffic Engineer

Parent Teachers Association Representative

As a result of this review a number of opportunities for improvement have been identified. These items are discussed below:

1. Pedestrian Crossings -- Veitches Road

A pedestrian crossing has operated on the Veitches Road frontage of Casebrook Intermediate for a number of years. In recent years no school patrol has been operating on this crossing.

The crossing's close proximity to the school driveway and Grampian Street is of concern.

The usage by cyclists is resulting in unsafe and difficult manoeuvres when pupils are exiting the school grounds to head north into Grampian Street.

The low traffic volume on Veitches Road, particularly during the period when the school is operating, is also causing confusion for users of the crossing. On balance the view from the working party was that the crossing be removed and replaced with the following changes.

2. Give Way Control -- against Grampian Street at its intersection with Veitches Road

There is currently no traffic control against Grampian Street at its intersection with Veitches Road. Grampian Street's location directly opposite the school gate causes confusion when entering the school property from this direction. This is of particular concern when considering the large number of cyclists approaching school from this way.

Of equal importance is the need to identify that vehicles must stop and give way when leaving the school and moving directly into Grampian Street. A `Stop' sign and marking is to be erected on the school property to reinforce this need to take care when exiting the school.

In conjunction with these changes the school proposes to provide a separate pedestrian path parallel to the vehicle driveway on school property and widen the school gate to assist manoeuvres in this area.

Following the above changes the cyclists exiting the school will be encouraged to continue directly along the driveway to the gate, ascertain the way is clear and then continue in all directions, including crossing over to Grampian Street. During the morning the reverse will occur with the cyclists waiting at the Give Way on Grampian Street until the way is clear and then entering into the school driveway.

3. Northcote Road -- Pedestrian Refuge

The location of the existing "no stopping" restriction along the school frontage of the Northcote Road was identified as a matter of concern by the working party.

To address this issue the existing no parking restriction has been extended to cover the full length of the pedestrian refuge island. A further matter of concern at the Northcote Road access to the school causes problems with parents parking along the main road frontage of Northcote Road and restricting vision for pedestrians crossing the roadway using the pedestrian refuge island.

Because of the availability of parking on the slip road in this area it was suggested that a yellow line no parking restriction be installed along the full length of Northcote Road on the south side of the roadway, between the railway crossing and Sawyers Arms Road.

It is recognised that this is a large area of no stopping restriction, however a significant amount of on-street parking is available within the slip road.

Modifications are to be made to the existing pedestrian refuge island to upgrade them to a more modern facility. Work will be undertaken to install handrails on the refuge island and consideration given to changes to the areas where pedestrians wait within the island.

The Safe Routes to School Programme has been well received at Casebrook Intermediate School. There has been a noticeable improvement of the safety culture within this school since the programme commenced.

Installation of the changes suggested by the working party will give tangible evidence of safety improvements being made in the vicinity of the school.

  1. That the existing pedestrian crossing at the Veitches Road/Grampian Street intersection be removed.

  2. That a Give Way control be installed against Grampian Street at its intersection with Veitches Road.

  3. That a "No Stopping at All Times" restriction be installed on the south side of Northcote Road commencing at the Main North Railway and extending in a westerly direction to Sawyers Arms Road.

  4. That Casebrook Intermediate School be given high priority for the Kea crossing programme.



Officer responsible Author
City Streets Manager Bill Greenwood, Area Traffic Engineer
Corporate Plan Output: On-Street Parking Management

A request has been made by the Libraries Unit that a location for the Library Bus Service be obtained within the Edgeware Shopping Centre. This change is as a result of the review of the current operation of the volunteer library in the vicinity of the Edgeware Shopping Centre.

It is considered appropriate in terms of operation of the library that the existing service be changed to a library bus service on Tuesdays between 11.00 am and 12.00 noon.

A number of locations for establishing the library within the Edgeware Shopping Centre were investigated. On balance it was concluded that the most appropriate location for the stop was immediately south of the Edgeware Shopping Centre on Colombo Street.

In this area there is already an existing bus stop nearby and the adjacent real estate premises have given approval for the installation of a bus stop. Details are shown on the attached plan.

Bev Prout, Outreach Librarian, Canterbury Public Library comments as follows:

"The Mobile Library Service Timetable Review is nearing completion. The needs of potential users of the Edgeware stop have been considered along with the needs of customers of the other 43 existing Mobile Library stops citywide.

Discussion with the Century Supervalue (the major business in the area) concluded that Tuesday morning is their busiest time, followed by Thursday and Friday. Re-working of the existing timetable has enabled Edgeware to be allocated a stop on Tuesday mornings for one hour from 11.00 am-12.00 noon."

  1. That a Library bus stop to operate on Tuesdays between 11.00 am and 12.00 noon be installed on the west side of Colombo Street outside 1063 Colombo Street.

  2. That the arrangement be reviewed after six months of operation.




4.1 Liaison with Police

Inspector Graeme Cairns was welcomed by the Chairperson as the recently appointed officer in charge of the Papanui Police.

He explained how the scope of the policing role in the community is changing, with expanded boundaries, an increase in staff numbers and new technology. Police areas are being adjusted to align with City Council Ward boundaries and responsibility for the airport has been included.

In addition there has been a change of emphasis and the role of policing, incorporating a more proactive approach while still maintaining their reactive ability.

Board members expressed their support for a good working relationship, particularly with community constables who could reinforce community initiatives and develop closer links with school pupils.

4.2 Te Ropu Tamahine

Mrs Beryl Pettet attended to provide some background information to the Girl Guides Association's after-school programme at the Briggston School. She said in researching the need for the programme it was noted that no other after-school groups were delivering a life-skills programme.

The programme has been running in five schools all this year and it is planned to extend it to six or seven schools. Positive feedback has been received from surveys carried out and school principals have supported the programme, recommending pupils who might benefit the most from taking part. Recently a 22 hour camp has been organised for each club, at Cracroft House.

In response to members' questions, Mrs Pettet said that currently 100 pupils per year are going through the programme (20 per club at a cost of $9,200 for each club). Mrs Pettet was congratulated as the representative of the Girl Guide Association for running a most worthwhile programme. (Clause 13 of this report refers.)

4.3 Stewarts Gully

On behalf of the Stewarts Gully Residents Association Incorporated Stephen Kannangara and Brian Harman attended and explained the reason for residents wishing to effect a zone change for the area from Rural 1

(Coastal) Zone to Living RV (Rural Village) Zone. They maintain that this change would encourage residents to upgrade their existing dwellings, would enable sewer and high pressure water to be installed and would not affect the environment or resources.

The residents were advised to contact the Council's Environmental Committee to ascertain the process to initiate a Scheme Change through the Council.

The Board decided to request that a report be prepared for the next meeting informing it of the situation. Papanui members agreed to meet with members of the Association following receipt of that report.



A report written by Stephen Phillips, Community Manager, had been considered by the Strategy and Resources Committee in August and was referred to Community Boards for comment. It outlined the cost saving implications of the proposed suburban service delivery strategy as put forward to the Strategy and Resources Committee in February.

The Director of Operations was in attendance to answer members' questions. He said that the concept goes hand in hand with the computer information system and the complaints/enquiry handling system, both currently being developed. Questions related to staff roles and functions, privacy issues, details of electronic systems, concerns at the siting of the area's "A" Centre at Fendalton, the hours of operation and effect on the operation of the libraries.

Concern was raised that there would be a reduction in the standard of service currently provided, and the compatibility of Library and Service Centre services at the one location.

Development of the rebuilt Library/Service Centre at Shirley along the lines proposed will act as a trial for the proposal and would identify any problems.

The Board decided to adopt the following recommendations in principle and to seek an additional report on the service implications for the Papanui Service Centre after the new Shirley Library/Service Centre has been in operation for some time:

  1. That the principle of utilising the suburban libraries network in a programme of enhancing the Council's customer service delivery be adopted.

  2. That the current and future libraries network be used to address deficiencies in the current city wide service delivery coverage.

  3. That this enhanced service be delivered by well trained and skilled customer services representatives, handling action requests for Council and general Council/Community information, through access to a networked data base.

  4. That to improve customer service delivery, the handling of action requests and provision of general information be provided initially from the New Brighton, Halswell and Hornby Libraries, and from the re-developed Spreydon Library.

  5. That the existing Fendalton Service Centre building be redeveloped as an integrated/co-located library and service centre.

  6. That the planned library at Upper Riccarton be designed as a library and information centre.

  7. That cash receipting, the handling of action requests and the provision of general information at the Papanui and Shirley Service Centres be integrated into the respective co-located libraries.

  8. That payment deposit facilities be provided at all suburban libraries other than those which are integrated or co-located with a Service Centre.

  9. That all Community Boards continue to meet at their existing locations and receive the same high standard of services.

  10. That in order to further improve service delivery and achieve greater efficiencies the servicing of community boards, the delivery of community activities, technical and general support functions be rationalised to Fendalton, Sockburn and Linwood Service Centres, rather than at six suburban locations as at present.

  11. That the approach by the New Zealand Police regarding co-location with Council service delivery points be supported in principle.



The Board received the report of the Land Drainage Manager with details of a waterways tour for residents who live on Marshland Road along Canal Reserve Drain. This is the first step in the community consultation process involving investigations into improvement options and will take place on Wednesday 29 October 1997 (4.30 pm - 6.00 pm) and Saturday, 1 November 1997 (10.00 am-12.00 noon).



The Committee Secretary reported with a response from the Legal Services Manager to the concerns expressed at the June meeting that local conditions and circumstances are not being considered by staff when deciding on whether applications need to be notified. The Board decided that a meeting be held with the Chairperson of the Environmental Committee to discuss improvements to the process.



A report outlining the stages in the development of the Council's Funding Policy and to raise the issue of the Board's role in the community consultation was presented by the Community Manager. The Board decided that public meetings be held at Belfast, in rural settlements, the North West and a combined meeting of Shirley residents and community groups on dates to be decided by the Chairperson and the Community Manager.



The final report of the St Albans Community Facilitator was presented to the Board by the Community Activities Officer, who attended with Rodney Routledge of Anglican Care, Family Plus, to clarify any issues raised.

The report shows that a large number of community groups in St Albans want a person employed as a Community Facilitator. This position would provide support for community initiatives, stimulate interaction and communication between business, community and the Council. A strong desire for youth activities and facilities is also noted in the report. A group is currently working in St Albans to try to address this issue. The report also notes the wishes of individuals in the area. As individuals, St Albans residents want to see an improvement in roads and pavements, the beautifying and landscaping of the area and also to maintain the character and good community spirit of St Albans.

The Board decided:

  1. That the information be received.

  2. That a co-ordinated community response to Nona Milburn's report "Strengthening a Community" and Natalie Dally's report "Facilitating St Albans Community Development" be supported by this Board.



Following a community meeting held on 29 September 1997 to discuss the use of the Edgeware Library building, the Community Activities Officer reported on the establishment of a "Steering Committee" to help in setting up an administrative base for the building.

The Board decided:

  1. To support the establishment of a Steering Committee to oversee the establishment of the Edgeware Library building as an information/education/ resource centre for St Albans.

  2. That the Property Unit be requested to undertake deferred maintenance work on the building as a matter of urgency.

  3. That a plan of the existing building be supplied to the Steering Committee.

  4. That Judith Bruce and Garry Moore be its representatives on the Steering Committee (with Anne Carroll as a back-up).



The Board received the following reports and other items:

11.1 Capital Expenditure Smoothing

A report from Tony Gemmill, Community Manager, drawing attention to the process involved in achieving the $15 million savings in the Council's forward capital expenditure programme.

11.2 Community Board Funding

Expenditure to date and the balances of the Board's Discretionary Fund and Community Services Fund.



The Board deferred a recommendation to the Council that a parking restriction be installed in Harewood Road, pending the holding of a meeting with residents in Harewood Road, Chapel Street and Sails Street to discuss parking restrictions.




The Community Activities Officer reported, presenting an evaluation of the after-school programme being run by the Girl Guides Association for the benefit of 8-10 year old girls at Briggston School.

The Board resolved:

1. That the Girl Guides Association be thanked for undertaking this worthwhile programme.

2. That $5,000 be allocated from After School Care (Project Funds) towards this programme.



The Community Activities Officer reported, seeking approval to initiate some research into the needs of Asian migrants in the Papanui and Redwood areas.

The Board resolved:

  1. That a partnership with Papanui High School be endorsed, to research the needs of the Asian community in the Papanui and Redwood areas.

  2. That $4,000 be allocated from the Community Services Fund for this purpose.

  3. That the group be requested to link up with the Migrant and Refugee Forum (through the Senior Community Development Adviser).


As requested at the September meeting, the Community Manager reported with suggestions for Board funding of the proposal to narrow North Parade adjacent to the Shirley Schools. The Board resolved to decline funding for this project and to recommend that funding for this project be found in the Cycleways budget.



The Community Manager reported, requesting funding for upgrading work at the Edgeware Swimming Pool. The Board resolved to meet the cost of replacement of the tiered seating at the pool complex up to a cost of $1,000 from Discretionary Funds.



Approval for acceptance of a tender which is above the $300,000 authority delegated to Council officers was sought in a report from the Design Engineer Roading. The contract is for the construction of kerbs, channels, asphaltic concrete path/cycleway, grassed berms, landscaping, drainage works and new carriageway pavement to form a large diameter roundabout at the intersection of Queen Elizabeth II Drive and Innes Road. The installation of lighting and signage and the application of new road markings is also included.

The Board resolved that the lowest price conforming tender of Canroad Construction Limited for the sum of $339,149.55 be accepted.



The Board resolved that the report of the ordinary meeting of 3 September 1997 and the special meeting of 16 September 1997 (both open and public excluded sections), as circulated, be confirmed.



The Board resolved to consider a supplementary item on the future use of the Edgeware Library building (clause 10 refers).



The Board resolved that the draft resolution to exclude the public as set out on page 30 of the agenda be adopted.




YSA Palmer

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