28. 5. 97
7 MAY 1997
A meeting of the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board
was held at the Sockburn Service Centre
on Wednesday 7 May 1997 at 5.00 pm
PRESENT David Buist (Chairperson), Graham Berry
Helen Broughton, Mary Corbett, Ishwar Ganda,
Lesley Keast, Mark Kunnen, Mike Mora and
Bob Shearing.
APOLOGIES Mary Corbett retired at 7.10pm and was present for clauses 1 (part only), 2, 3, 4, 8, 9 and 10.
Graham Berry retired at 8.40pm and was present for clauses 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.
The Board was in receipt of a report from the Community Manager in which he provided an update on the current review of the earlier proposed new bus services for the north-west area.
While a number of matters were reported on it was noted that the eventual arbiter on the review process would be the Canterbury Regional Council[Otilde]s Resource Services Committee. It was expected that the Committee would resolve on the future of the services at its meeting on 28 May.
(Note: Ishwar Ganda took no part in the discussion and voting on this item and withdrew from the table.)
The proposal for new services (via the No. 21 (Merrin), No. 21 (Avonhead) and the No. 24 (Hyde Park) routes) was first concluded in late 1996 with implementation scheduled for 3 March 1997. In accordance with this decision the Community Boards were charged with the responsibility of resolving new bus stop locations required for the three routes.
Following some concerns having been received in respect of the new services, the Resource Services Committee previously resolved that Òalterations (from the original proposals) be made to the Avonhead, Merrin and Hyde Park passenger services for a period of three months from 3 March 1997 and that, in that period,
further consultation be undertaken with bus users in the catchment of these routes, residents, the Riccarton/Wigram and Fendalton/Waimairi Community Boards and other affected parties with a view to a report being presented to the Committee on the route adjustments for the remainder of the contract termÓ.
The Regional Council established a core work group to oversee the consultation process being undertaken, to look at options for resolving issues, and to oversee the dissemination of information arising from the review.
The first meeting of the group was hosted by the Regional
Council on Thursday
10 April with the respective Chairs of the two Boards invited to
participate in the forum. The work group was later expanded to
include the respective Chairs of the Boards Traffic Committees
and a second meeting was held on Thursday 1 May.
An additional report summarising the outcomes from the work group[Otilde]s discussions was tabled.
The Work Group had agreed that an effort would be made to have further consultation with Montclare Avenue residents, and a closer look at the options available (that is, with regard to speed restrictions, parking restrictions etc).
Also, the Work Group agreed that there should be recommendations to the 28 May meeting of the Canterbury Regional Council Resource Services Committee -
1. On the future routes for the three services.
2. That the approved services should commence as from and including Sunday 8 June 1997.
3. That failing confirmation and installation of bus stop locations prior to the commencement date of these services, that they operate as a `hail-n-ride' service until suitable bus stop locations have been approved and installed. Ideally these would be in place by 1 August 1997.
Delegations were approved by the Council for the Board involvement in the initial work in approving locations on collector roads, although members noted that the Riccarton/Wigram delegation had recently been extended to 7 May 1997, rather than 30 June as previously requested by the Board.
The Board proceeded to address the matter of the bus stop locations for the proposed number 21 (Avonhead) service.
Helen Broughton moved "That the Community Board hold a meeting with Montclare Avenue residents to inform them of the Canterbury Regional Council's findings to use Montclare Avenue and to explore whether there are any adjustments to make this option more acceptable".
The motion was seconded by Mary Corbett and when put to the meeting was declared lost on division number 2 by three votes to five, the voting being as follows:
For (3) Helen Broughton, David Buist and Mary Corbett
Against (5) Graham Berry, Lesley Keast, Mark Kunnen, Mike Mora and
Bob Shearing.
Mark Kunnen moved "That the Community Board inform the Canterbury Regional Council that Montclare Avenue is not to be used for thoroughfare of buses".
The motion was seconded by Graham Berry and when put to the meeting was declared carried on division number 3 by four votes to three, the voting being as follows:
For (4) Graham Berry, Helen Broughton, David Buist and Mark Kunnen
Against (3) Lesley Keast, Mike Mora and Bob Shearing
As this Board does not have delegated power to make such a decision, this resolution is therefore repeated in the recommendation which follows.
Recommendation: That the Canterbury Regional Council be informed that Montclare Avenue is not to be used for the thoroughfare of buses.
Councillor Denis O'Rourke and the Acting City Streets Manager, Mr Chris Kerr, were in attendance to show the transport vision presentation that had been prepared for the recent visit of the Transfund Board. The presentation encapsulated the environmental equity safety and efficiency goals that the vision hoped to promote for the future of Christchurch.
Following the presentation there was a period of questions and answers.
Mr McLachlan had been granted speaking rights to address the Community Board on the proposed routing of a bus service through Montclare Avenue as part of the Canterbury Regional Council's extending bus services into the Avonhead area.
Mr McLachlan tabled a petition that had been undertaken through Montclare Avenue and also produced some photographs.
A precis of the prayer of the petition was that Montclare Avenue was designed as a minor residential access road. The road was only nine metres wide, had visibility problems and it was also a designated cycle route. Vehicles parking (from the College of Education) restrict the width of the street for traffic and buses, also.
The prayer also suggested that the Council had a duty to protect the residential amenity of the area and that the buses were not welcomed.
The residents did appreciate that the Regional Council had ultimate control of bus routes and that the City Council was responsible for siting of bus stops but they requested that the Community Board take up the submission on their behalf, requesting that Montclare Avenue not be part of the proposed bus route.
Mr McLachlan answered questions from members of the Board and in thanking him for his attendance the Chairperson noted that further consideration of this matter would be undertaken by the Board and this is recorded in the report as clause 1.
Mr Derek Rid and Mr Bob Watts from the Water Services Unit were in attendance to discuss this report.
The Selwyn District Council and the Christchurch City Council had established a joint Selwyn Water Race sub-committee and an extensive review of the existing system had been undertaken.
The Board was in receipt of the report which noted that:
The water race covered an area of approximately 43,000 hectares immediately west of Christchurch, providing water for stock and more recently limited amounts of irrigation.
A scheme has been in operation since 1887.
Approximately 20% of the scheme lies within the Christchurch City boundaries.
A consortium of consultants had carried out the assessment of the options and effects on the continuation or otherwise of all or part of the scheme in its present form or in any amended form. The report has considered most aspects of the race and identified some problems that exist with the current form of operation and has considered alternative forms of operation.
A continuation of the scheme was favoured with a common set of policies, bylaws and operating rules to be jointly developed by the Selwyn District and Christchurch City Council to govern the future operation, and a modified rating system for uses had also been promoted.
The Riccarton/Wigram Community Board has been represented on the sub-committee by Mike Mora.
Members noted that public meetings would shortly be held with interested parties and the Board would be advised of these dates.
The Board decided to receive the report "Paparua Water Race System Review" and that officers report back to the Fendalton/Waimairi and Riccarton/Wigram Community Boards when further details of draft policies, operating procedures and bylaws are available.
Members were in receipt of an extensive schedule from the Parks Manager detailing the works that had been undertaken in this Community Board's area from the Parks Capital Works Programme.
The Board received the information.
Members were in receipt of an extensive report from the Libraries Manager in which the progress of this pre-school project was reported.
Initiated in the 1995/96 financial year, the report summarised the first six months of the project from July 1996. The outreach project had two related but distinct strands - the first being to distribute resources to children, to share stories and provide information about the Library's services, and the second was to liaise with adult groups through community agencies and to provide information about library service and literacy.
The Board received the information.
The Area Parks Officer sought comment on the application received from the Hornby Rugby League Club to alter their existing clubrooms on Leslie Park through the addition of a new changing facility.
The proposal is to "fill in" an existing ground floor walkway to create the additional required changing facility and a utility room.
This would not increase the "footprint" on the park, and would improve the look of the building.
It was noted that the Property Manager and Parks Manager were supportive of the application subject to conditions such as resource and building consents, bylaw compliance, exterior colour scheme and landscaping criteria.
The Board decided to support the application, which was to be finally determined by the Parks and Recreation Committee (as Leslie Park is designated as a metropolitan reserve).
8. confirmation of board report
The Board resolved that the report of the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board meeting of 2 April 1997 be confirmed as a true and correct record of that meeting.
The Chairperson referred to the following reports which had been circulated for consideration at the meeting:
Paparua Stock Water Race System Review
Hornby Rugby League Club Extensions - Leslie Park
Contract No 96/97 - 294 Buchanans Road/Pound Road Roundabout
The Chairperson advised the reasons why these reports had not been circulated with the agenda and why they could not be deferred to a subsequent meeting.
The Board resolved that the reports be received and considered at this meeting.
The Board received a report from its Community Facilities Committee on their deliberations on a consultant's report on the upgrading of the Riccarton Town Hall.
Officers from the Property Unit were in attendance. Their concern related to the committing of capital expenditure on the Town Hall, in the form of alterations/upgrading work, with further investigative work being carried out on likely long term implications for both the Town Hall and the Stags Head Inn.
The Stags Head Inn (the ex Riccarton Borough Council office) and the Town Hall are contained within one title.
Issues in regard to the possible disposal of the Stags Head Inn (identified as potential surplus property) are likely to be completed within a 2-3 month period.
Whilst acknowledging the position of the Property Unit, the Community Facilities Committee did accept that the key issue in relation to the subdividing of the properties onto separate titles was the carparking.
The Community Facilities Committee also received concept drawings and options for the facade upgrading.
A combination of work options were accepted by the Board with a financial limit of $30,000 placed upon the work.
Mark Kunnen moved, in respect of the renaming of the facility, "that we invite the public to enter into a competition to name the Riccarton Town Hall". The motion was seconded by Graham Berry and when put to the meeting was declared lost on division number 1 by four votes to five, the voting being as follows:
For (4) Graham Berry, David Buist, Mary Corbett, Mark Kunnen
Against (5) Helen Broughton, Ishwar Ganda, Lesley Keast, Mike Mora
and Bob Shearing
The re-naming of the Town Hall as part of the upgrade of the facility would be confirmed at the next meeting of the Community Facilities Committee.
The Board agreed that any land required for the continued viability of the Riccarton Town Hall be retained and any sale/development of the Stags Head building recognise this requirement.
The Board resolved
1. That the facade upgrade of the Riccarton Town Hall be approved to a maximum of $30,000.
2. That the Community Board allocate $2,400 to this project from its 1996/97 Discretionary Fund.
3. That a maximum of $18,800 be allocated from the Board's 1997/98 Discretionary Fund.
4. That the Community Facilities Committee negotiate the final facade items of work with the City Design Unit.
5. That suggestions for the new name for the Riccarton Town Hall be received for final consideration at the next meeting of the Community Facilities Committee.
The Board was in receipt of a report from the Area Traffic Engineer.
(Note: Ishwar Ganda took no part in the discussion and voting on this item and withdrew from the table.)
The results of further consultation with the residents of Maidstone Road between Avonhead and Withells Road concerning the positioning of bus stops was provided to the Board.
The Board had previously resolved to "door knock" the houses in Maidstone Road to determine if any residents would be comfortable with a bus stop outside their property.
In total around 100 houses were visited. The information gathered from each interview was provided. In general Council officers were well received and residents were friendly and willing to discuss the issues of bus stops.
Consent was obtained from 27 households with the majority of consents being obtained from those houses on the private lane and the rear sections. The remaining consents were scattered. Two property owners who currently have a bus stop outside expressed a willingness to have the stops remain in the current location.
The information has shown that in most cases it would be possible to locate or relocate bus stops outside those properties where consent has been obtained.
There was, therefore, only one section where resident approval was not forthcoming in respect of siting of bus stops.
Mike Mora moved, in respect of the above paragraph, "that bus stops be approved outside numbers 204 and 205 Maidstone Road".
The motion was seconded by Lesley Keast and when put to the meeting was declared lost.
Mark Kunnen moved "that the proposal for bus stops outside numbers 204 and 205 Maidstone Road be rescinded".
The motion was seconded by Graham Berry and when put to the meeting was declared carried on division number 4 by four votes to three, the voting being as follows:
For (4) Graham Berry, Helen Broughton, David Buist and Mark Kunnen
Against (3) Lesley Keast, Mike Mora and Bob Shearing
Graham Berry moved "where the residents approval has not been given a `hail and ride' system be adopted".
The motion was seconded by Mark Kunnen and when put to the meeting was declared carried on division number 5 by four votes to three, the voting being as follows:
For (4) David Buist, Helen Broughton, Mark Kunnen and Graham Berry
Against (3) Lesley Keast, Mike Mora and Bob Shearing
The Board resolved that in exercising its delegation granted by Council -
1. The bus stop outside number 257 Maidstone Road be rescinded.
2. The bus stop outside number 187 Maidstone Road be rescinded.
3. A bus stop be installed outside number 249/249a Maidstone Road.
4. A bus stop be installed outside number 183 Maidstone Road.
Under the provisions of Section 101 H and L of the Local Government Act 1974 the Board gave consideration to ward boundaries and elected member numbers of the Community Board.
The Board resolved to recommend three ward boundary changes to the Strategy and Resources Committee.
1. The common boundary between the Riccarton and Wigram wards, in that portion between the Main South Road and Yaldhurst Road, to now follow the centreline of Epsom Road (Main South to Racecourse Roads) and Racecourse Road (Epsom to Yaldhurst Roads).
2. The common boundary between the Riccarton and Spreydon wards, in that portion between Deans Avenue and Annex Road, from the current Blenheim Road centreline to follow the meshblocks (on the south side) roughly equating to the railway alignment.
3. The transfer of meshblock 2,485,409 from the Wigram Ward to the Spreydon or Heathcote ward, being in the vicinity of Worsleys Road and the corner of Waipara and Waiau Streets.
4. That legislative changes be sought to allow all elected councillors to be members of their respective Community Boards and that membership be a maximum of ten members.
The Chairperson of the Child Strategy Sub-Committee (Mary Corbett) reported:
On 22 April 1997 Mr Rivers addressed the Children's Strategy Sub-Committee about the Hornby Principals Cluster Group and the work that he is facilitating on their behalf in establishing a "social work position" for the cluster group. He acknowledges that there are tremendous social problems in the area that the group covers and that there is very limited special education funding available.
The Special Education Service can only provide limited resources to the Cluster Group which includes pre-school to secondary students.
Alister has been liaising with all the schools, health professionals, John Langley (who is running a similar project in New Brighton) and Dr Savi Anthony (Counsellor). A sub-committee has been set up to determine goals, outcomes and a person specification for the position.
Funding for the position is a major issue and at this stage the schools will be able to contribute a very minimal amount.
In the 1997/98 Annual Plan and Budget there is money for the Council to employ four social workers to work in schools in different parts of the city. They would be doing similar work to what this cluster group hopes to do. The sub-committee would like the Community Board to support the Hornby Principals Cluster Group's application for funding. The background work has been done and the need established for this position so rather than the Council employ a worker in the cluster group area it would be better to fund this position that already has all the background work completed.
2. joint community board meeting with asian families
On 21 April the Children's Sub-Committee plus Community Board members from Riccarton/Wigram and Fendalton/Waimairi, Lyn Campbell (Child Advocate), Tony Gemmill and the Community Activities Officers met with Pansy Wong MP, Judy Lee and four families from the Asian community living in the Avonhead area. There were eight children present ranging from 2 to 18 years.
The younger children were very positive about their experiences, emphasising the lack of academic pressure and their enjoyment of outdoor activities. The main barrier appeared to be "communication" and the difficulty of the English language, especially for parents. The older children experienced a great deal of difficulty making new friends. The 18 year old student, who was in the 7th form and had been in New Zealand for two years, emphasised the problems of understanding and accepting a totally new culture and the isolation that it can bring. Primary school children found communication with teachers easier than secondary students.
Often the families have to be separated, ie father had to return to Taiwan because there was difficulty with finding a job, and this can cause stress within the family. Support groups have been set up for Taiwanese parents - Judy Lee has been active in this area. The community and schools need to be aware of these groups so that relevant information can be passed on to them.
It was also felt that in some instances the need for New Zealanders to "reach out" and welcome those in the Asian community because if the Asian community does not feel welcome they will naturally withdraw.
The parents who were present were very supportive of their children and encouraged them to be part of the New Zealand community.
The families at our meeting felt very welcome and saw it as a privilege to be invited and asked their views. Some families that Judy had contacted didn't want to come to the meeting as they were very unhappy living here.
This was a "first" step in making links with the Asian community, especially Judy Lee who is Pansy Wong's key liaison person in the Asian community. Judy is instrumental in setting up the Taiwanese Support Groups.
The Children's Strategy Sub-committee will need to look at ways to help these children feel welcomed in our Community Board area and assist the groups being set up with appropriate information about the relevant things for the children, eg holiday programmes.
The Board resolved that the information be received and that the Board support the Hornby Principals Cluster Group application for funding of a social worker from monies set aside in the Council's draft Plan.
14. Canterbury Regional Council
Service Review Of Routes 2 And 7
The Canterbury Regional Council had sought Board comment on the review of two bus routes.
No 2 Cashmere-Dyers Pass Road-Princess Margaret Hospital-Westmorland-City
The current service to the Westmorland residential area is Monday to Friday inclusive. Requests have been made for the service to operate on weekends.
No 7 Halswell-Hoon Hay-Kennedys Bush-City
The current service travelled through the older residential area of Halswell, but not into the new areas west of Lancewood Drive.
In respect of the number 7 route it was noted that the Canterbury Regional Council was to undertake a full letterbox drop of the area concerned and to invite comments from residents. Service Centre officers would become involved in the process in due course and report to the Board.
The Board resolved to support the initiative for the number 2 route to include a weekend service into Westmorland.
In respect of the number 7 route, the Board resolved to receive the information and await further reports.
15. RICCARTON/WIGRAM Community Board
The purpose of this report was to update the Board on the deliberations of the 17 April 1997 meeting of the Traffic Committee.
1. Riccarton Park Racecourse Traffic Concerns
The Riccarton Park Residents Association has expressed concern at the congestion of traffic entering Riccarton Park Racecourse at the access opposite the Racecourse Hotel. An internal stop control onto the main access road causes vehicles to queue out onto Racecourse Road and some metres down the road. This blocks the roadway for other traffic not wishing to enter the racecourse. With the likelihood of the Sunday market, which operates within the racecourse, becoming permanent, the Residents Association believes the congestion will only get worse.
An on-site inspection was held during the 25 March meeting of the Committee. It was agreed, then, to hold over further consideration until the Resource Management Hearing on the Riccarton Rotary's Sunday Market application was known.
The decision has now been released; the only condition of approval (allowing the Sunday Market to operate) that may impact upon Racecourse Road was that Steadman Road access was to be closed to all market-associated traffic.
On behalf of the Association, Mrs M Shimmin was in attendance.
With the closure of the Steadman Road access (previously taking up to 20% of market traffic), the two current accessways on Racecourse Road equally share the traffic volumes.
The accessway opposite the hotel was of concern in respect of on-street congestion and its position in relation to the on-site roading pattern.
The Association's request for a painted flush median and associated right turn bays on Racecourse Road (at the right hand corner near the hotel) was not supported. However, the closure of this access was supported; the main access (opposite Chokebore Place) could accommodate all the total traffic volumes.
Whilst the closure of the access opposite the hotel was supported, members felt that if the Racing Club did require an access point on this part of Racecourse Road they could perhaps look at the more southern access which is presently not used by any traffic.
The Board resolved that officers have discussions with the Canterbury Jockey Club on the possible closure of the southern access on Racecourse Road in favour of the single access opposite Chokebore Place; the outcome to be reported back to the Traffic Committee.
2. Riccarton Mall, Management Discussions
For some months the Community Board, through the Traffic Committee, had been seeking a meeting with the management of the Riccarton Mall. These discussions would centre on their present operations in respect to traffic/parking issues.
Members will be aware that the Mall has recently been purchased by an Auckland company which has subsequently been taken over by an Australian company.
On behalf of the previous owners the management consultant company's representative advised by letter that his attendance at any requested meeting could only be on the basis of a "listening capacity without the ability to undertake any changes....".
In receiving this advice the Committee agreed to acknowledge the representative's position but to advise him that the Community Board could only meet with persons in authority (who could make decisions on behalf of the `new' owners) and would therefore write to the current Australian owners seeking a meeting (with a representative of their company with decision-making responsibilities) at an early date.
The Board resolved to endorse the stance taken by the Traffic Committee in its pursuit of having meaningful discussions with the Riccarton Mall owners in respect of traffic/parking issues.
3. Buchanans Road/Racecourse Road Intersection
Through the last Community Board meeting (2 April 1997) it was resolved to support a kerb extension option at this intersection to address speed and safety issues raised by the local residents group.
It was noted at the time that the recommended option would need consideration by the City Services Committee as Racecourse Road was designated as an arterial.
Attendance at the City Services Committee was supported and it was noted that local residents would also be seeking speaking rights to that committee.
The Board resolved that it seek speaking rights at the meeting of the City Services Committee when the Buchanans Road/Racecourse Road intersection work is considered. (To be represented by Bob Shearing.)
4. Carmen Road Crossing
Members were supportive of a request from the Hornby Police seeking the installation of barriers on the railway crossing on Carmen Road on the grounds of safety.
An on-site inspection will be held by the Committee at its next meeting. Officers would provide a report to that meeting.
5. Mandeville Street - Request for Two Hour Parking Restriction
The Traffic Committee was in receipt of a report from the Area Traffic Engineer which requested a two hour parking restriction along a portion of Mandeville Street. This request had come from some Mandeville Street businesses in the light of increasing retail activity along the southern section of the street, resulting in conflicting demands for kerbside parking availability. A leaflet was distributed to all addresses in the southern section of the street and a good response was received registering support for the proposal. Those opposed to the restriction were generally on the grounds of a reduction in the availability of staff parking.
Whilst Mandeville Street is included in the area associated with the Riccarton Road Traffic Management Plan it did not form part of the detailed carparking analysis. For this reason the Area Traffic Engineer considered it acceptable to consider this request in isolation. Carparking migration as a result of these restrictions would be minimal and have little bearing on the overall strategy developed through the management plan. The proposed restrictions would apply to approximately 50 kerbside parking spaces.
Members were in agreement that this business area was quite separate from the larger Riccarton business area and as such was not seen as having any effect or influence on the current Riccarton Road Traffic Management Plan.
The Board resolved that the parking of vehicles be restricted to a maximum of two hours at the following locations:
1. The west side of Mandeville Street commencing from a point 6 metres north of the Blenheim Road intersection and extending 91 metres in a northerly direction.
2. The west side of Mandeville Street commencing from a point 138 metres north of the Blenheim Road intersection and extending 75 metres in a northerly direction.
3. The east side of Mandeville Street commencing from a point 6 metres north of the Leslie Hills Drive intersection and extending 75 metres in a northerly direction.
6. Riccarton Road Traffic Management Plan
At its meeting held on 2 April 1997 the Community Board received a progress report on the Riccarton Road Traffic Management Plan. Members were invited to be present at the consultant's presentation to the City Services Sub-Committee seminar held on 11 April 1997.
The Board resolved in receiving the invitation that this Traffic Committee give consideration to the draft schedule of objectives (received from the consultant) and to submit any suggested additions or amendments to the City Services Sub-Committee.
The Traffic Committee met on 9 April and gave full consideration to the Stage 1 report and reviewed the consultant's draft schedule of objectives.
Mike Mora and Helen Broughton attended the City Services Sub-Committee presentation on Friday 11 April and participated in the presentation and discussions. The Board's 9 April outcomes were tabled but were not considered by the Sub-Committee.
The City Services Sub-Committee also considered the consultant's report but prepared two schedules based on `Commercial' and `Residential' priorities.
The following table shows the Board's 9 April single priority schedule, with the two prepared by City Services.
Traffic Committee Priority |
City Services Priorities |
Commercial |
Residential |
1 Reduce traffic congestion/improve servicing
facilities |
1 Safety |
1. Safety |
2= Reduce road accidents |
2 Arterial Function |
2 Environment |
2= Improve pedestrian facilities |
3= Reduce environmental effects |
3 Land use |
3 Land use |
3= Improve parking |
4 Enhance amenity for town centre |
4 Traffic congestion Cycle facilities Priority Timing Facilities (Heavy Occupancy Vehicles) |
4 Traffic congestion Cycle facilities Priority Timing Facilities |
5 Improve safety for cyclists |
5 Environment Town Centre enhancement |
5 Parking |
6 Improve public transport facilities |
6 Parking Servicing |
The Traffic Committee reaffirmed its method of prioritising, noting the priorities grouped as:
High Priorities 1, 2=
Medium Priorities 3=, 4
Low Priorities 5, 6
The Traffic Committee makes the following comments in respect of the above schedules:
There should not be a separation of the priority rankings of the study (into Commercial and Residential). A clear conflict, if there are two schedules, would arise as to weighting and cause unnecessary conflict between the commercial and residential sectors..
The high (commercial) priority given to `Arterial Function' should not be given such positioning. Negative implications could be seen from this, splitting the residential and business communities.
The Traffic Committee acknowledges that Riccarton Road is classified as a minor arterial, requiring it to allow safe and smooth traffic movement.
Uncertainty with the makeup of `Safety' as a priority. The first five listed priority items by the Traffic Committee all had safety elements included but were specific.
`Land Use' is not considered a "priority". It is an objective, but it has not been substantiated in terms of definition.
The Traffic Committee notes that this will be considered by the City Services Committee at its 13 May meeting. Speaking rights should be sought.
The Board resolved
1. That the Traffic Committee's outcomes be endorsed by the Board and that speaking rights be sought at the meeting of the City Services Committee where the Board's views can be conveyed.
2. That the Board be represented by Helen Broughton.
16. waterloo road tree planting
The Board was asked to advance $6,000 of the $10,000 allocated from the Board's 1997/98 Project and Discretionary Funds for the planting of trees along the south side of Waterloo Road (Brixton Road to Kirk Road) to the present year.
This would enable the work to be started this financial year.
The consequence of this request will allow the Board to reallocate the $6,000 previously approved in the 1997/98 year.
The Board resolved that $6,000 of the Waterloo Road landscaping allowance (1997/98) be brought forward into the current financial year.
The purpose of this report was to provide a means by which the Board could make submissions on the 1997/98 draft Plan.
Public feedback on the draft Plan is open from 13 May to 16 June and as such there is scope to report with proposed submissions to the June meeting of the Board on 3 June.
The Board resolved to consider draft submissions on the 1997/98 draft Plan for presentation to the June meeting of the Board.
18. CONTRACT NO 96/97-294
A report was received from Design Services Unit on behalf of the City Streets Manager to obtain approval for acceptance of a tender which is above the $300,000 authority delegated to Council Officers.
The contract is for the construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Buchanans Road and Pound Road including kerbs, channels, grassed berms, drainage and water-race works, asphaltic concrete and chipseal road reconstruction, traffic islands, traffic signs, roadmarking and tree planting.
Tender prices have been received as follows:
The Isaac Construction Co Limited $322,616.10
Francis Construction Limited $331,969.75
Waddell Holdings Limited $374,927.55
Technic Canterbury Limited $432,200.00
(All prices exclude GST)
These prices include a contingency sum of $30,000 and the work is for a twelve (12) week period.
The estimate for the work was $360,000. This project was originally programmed to be tendered last year but was delayed to allow extra property to be acquired for safety reasons.
Paul Emery of The Isaac Construction Co Limited has given an assurance that the work can be completed within the specified time.
The Board resolved the lowest price conforming tender of The Isaac Construction Co Limited for the sum of $322,616.10 be accepted.
19. conclusion
The meeting concluded at 9.12pm.
D N Buist