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28. 5. 97


30 APRIL 1997

A special meeting of the Community Services Committee

was held on Wednesday 30 April 1997 at 12.00 noon

PRESENT: Councillor Garry Moore (Chairperson),

The Mayor,

Councillors Graham Condon, Anna Crighton,

Carole Evans (until 1.25 pm), Ishwar Ganda,

Pat Harrow, Lesley Keast and Barbara Stewart.

APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were received and accepted from the Mayor and Councillors David Cox and Carole Anderton.

The Committee reports that:



The Committee received reports from Units for the period to 31 December 1996 as follows:


The Libraries Manager took the opportunity to brief the Committee on the fire damage to the Shirley Library and the arrangements being made to provide service to the residents in the interim. She advised a shuttle bus was to be provided one day a week to the Linwood Library and that arrangements had been made for the mobile library to visit the area on Saturdays. The use of another building in the area was also being investigated. Members of the Committee expressed concern at the possibility of the Library being out of commission for nine months and an assurance was provided by the Property Manager that every effort was being made to reduce this time.

The Libraries Manager reported that the majority of the financial targets had been met with the exception of the projected revenue which had decreased as a result of changed lending patterns with customers returning a greater percentage of stock within the four week issue period.

It is intended that cost per transaction figures be provided at year end for recent years and an endeavour would be made to produce figures which could be compared with other metropolitan libraries.

In relation to questions from members the Libraries Manager reported on the changed usage pattern, particularly in some Libraries as a result of immigration with an increased use by students and the greater enquiry time from customers for whom English was a second language. The Libraries Manager also agreed to try and provide some statistics on productivity gains for the end of year report.


The Property Manager spoke to the report which had been previously circulated to members and answered questions.

In relation to the previously agreed policy on the provision of garden sheds it was agreed that details of the locations where Councillors felt these should be provided should be conveyed direct to the Housing Manager.

The possibility of including statistics on costs per tenant was suggested as a possible performance indicator and it was agreed this could be considered as part of the forthcoming service review.

Councillor Crighton drew attention to a forthcoming seminar on alternative uses for heritage buildings and the Committee resolved that Councillor Crighton should attend the conference in Auckland on Monday 12 May 1997.


The Chief Executive, Jeanette Elliot spoke to the report and indicated that the Centre had had a good quarter for the period to 31 March 1997.

The issue of satisfaction levels by tourists and signage was discussed and in particular the fact that signage by the Carlton Mill intersection corner indicated the Museum but not the Art Gallery.


The Art Gallery Director drew attention to the statistics for the six monthly period to 31 December 1996. Total visitor numbers were slightly down on the preceding period last year at 100,875 as opposed 105,278 and the cost per visitor was consequently $8.35 (previous year $7.04). Visitor numbers for January had, however, increased.

The Director reported that as a consequence of the shift to a new Gallery in the future an increased demand existed for conservation of existing displays and a survey of the collection was currently being undertaken. He advised that funding from the Lottery Grants Board would be sought towards the costs involved and he would provide a future report to the Committee on this matter.

In relation to the suggestion that a composite listing of Art in the city be undertaken the director reported that the matter had been discussed by the Art in Public Places Working Party in the previous week and it was intended that the survey undertaken in 1982 should now be updated. The Employment Services Manager indicated funding might be available to assist in this project under the ACE programme and the Director was to discuss this further with the Employment Services Unit.


The LACSU Manager and Senior Community Development Advisor spoke to the report for the period to 31 December 1996. They advised that two major reports would be presented to the Community Services Committee in June on migrants and refugees and on the quality of life survey.


The CEO spoke to the report and answered questions from members. He advised that the performance indicators for the Corporation would be revised for the 1997/98 year.

In addition it was the intention in June to hold a meeting of key stakeholders in the perceived growth areas of business in Christchurch to review the impediments, if any, which existed to expansion in their particular areas.


The monitoring report for the Communications & Promotions Unit was held over to be considered at the ordinary monthly meeting of the Committee on Monday 12 May 1997.

The meeting concluded at 2.50 pm.



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