28. 5. 97
12 MAY 1997
A meeting of the Community Services Committee
was held on Monday 12 May 1997 at 4.00 pm
PRESENT: Councillor Garry Moore (Chairperson),
Councillors Carole Anderton, David Cox,
Carole Evans, Ishwar Ganda, Pat Harrow,
Lesley Keast and Barbara Stewart.
APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were received and accepted from the Mayor and Councillors Graham Condon and Anna Crighton.
Councillor Carole Evans retired at 6.25 pm and was absent for clause 7.
Councillor David Cox was absent from 5.20 pm to 5.40 pm, retired at 6.00 pm and was absent for clauses 3 to 7, 10.6 and 10.7.
The Committee reports that:
The Committee received a report from Jo Campbell, Leisure and Community Services Unit, providing information to the Committee as requested at its May meeting on:
1. How the Council could assist refugees.
2. Current government immigration policies and responsibilities.
3. The number of refugees anticipated in Christchurch over the next 12 months.
4. Funding currently available to assist refugees.
5. Funding necessary to assist refugees.
The Committee was advised that a further report would be presented to the June meeting of the Committee providing information on a major study of refugees and migrants.
Recommendation: 1. That the interim report be received and that the Christchurch City Council urgently seek a meeting with the Minister of Immigration to seek financial assistance to support the influx of refugees coming into Christchurch in the next year.
2. That a joint working party be established with Refugee and Migrant Service, PEETO, Refugee Resettlement Support group and elected representatives to facilitate assistance towards refugees in Christchurch.
Officer responsible |
Author |
Associate Director of Finance |
Ian Hay |
Corporate Plan Output: Convention and Entertainment
Facilities, Volume II (8.1) |
The purpose of this report is to suggest the setting up of a liaison group to consult with the Venue Management Company NCC (New Zealand) Ltd on issues relating to venue management and community access and involvement.
Under the terms of the management contract signed with NCC (New Zealand) Ltd last year there is provision for the setting up of a small liaison group to enable informal consultation between the parties on areas of mutual interest. It is envisaged this consultation could include access for community and cultural groups, cultural subsidy policies, environmental issues and generally provide a forum for the Venue Management Company to promote and get informal feedback on new initiatives.
Recommendation: That the Community Services Committee Chairman together with Councillors Carole Anderton and Barbara Stewart be appointed as the liaison group to consult with the Venue Manager as and when required.
Officer responsible |
Author |
Director of Finance |
Kevin Roche |
Corporate Plan Output: Information and Advice to the
Council |
The purpose of this report is to seek the approval of the Committee to the appointment of a replacement member to the Ferrymead Development Group.
Members will recall that at the 8 July 1996 meeting of the Committee approval was given to the composition of a new development group for the Ferrymead Historic Park. The Development Group now acts as the management body for the Park.
Currently membership of the Development Group consists of:
Ms Briony Ellis has tendered her resignation from the Development Group who have recommended Mrs Pam O'Connell, Head of Social Studies for the Christchurch College of Education, as a replacement member. Mrs O'Connell was instrumental in the development of an educational heritage programme for Ferrymead and has worked with the Chairman and group members on the formulation of this programme and the selection of an educational co-ordinator. Her appointment is endorsed by all members of the Development Group.
Recommendation: That Mrs Pam O'Connell be approved as a replacement for Ms Briony Ellis on the Ferrymead Development Group.
Officer responsible |
Author |
Property Manager |
Kevin Roche |
Corporate Plan Output: Information and Advice to the
Council |
The purpose of this report is to advise members of the recommendations of the Sub-Committee appointed at the 10 March 1997 meeting of the Community Services Committee to reconsider the draft rules proposed to allow the keeping of dogs in Council housing complexes.
Members will recall that at the meeting on 10 March 1997 the Property Manager presented a proposed set of draft rules in response to the Council resolution of May 1996:
"That residents in individual complexes be consulted about the possibility of dogs being permitted in their complex. Such consultation is to indicate that the Council would limit the size of dogs and establish the rules under which they would be kept."
Concern was expressed by members at some aspects of the proposed rules and it was suggested that these be referred to a sub-committee consisting of Councillors Lesley Keast, David Cox , Carole Anderton and Anna Crighton for reconsideration.
The sub-committee met on 23 April 1997 together with the Property Manager and the Housing Manager and has recommended the revised rules attached for endorsement by the Committee to the Council.
(Note: The Committee suggested that consideration be given to implementing the trial in one complex only.)
Recommendation: That the draft rules attached be adopted as guidelines for the keeping of dogs in Council housing complexes.
(Note: Councillor Harrow requested that his vote against the above recommendation be recorded.)
Officer responsible |
Author |
Director of Policy |
Dave Hinman |
Corporate Plan Output: Housing |
The purpose of this report is to seek endorsement of a revised terms of reference for the service level review of the Council's Housing function, following consideration of the matter at the March 1997 Community Services and Council meetings. The Council has resolved that a review of the housing outputs of the Christchurch City Council be undertaken by the Community Services Committee.
The object of this review is to take the outcomes (ie vision statement and goals) identified in the 1996 Housing Needs Study and determine what specific outputs should be provided to contribute to the achievement of these outcomes.
The following vision statement was adopted by the Council in December 1996:
"To contribute to the community's social well-being by ensuring safe, accessible and affordable housing is available to people on low incomes including elderly persons and people with disabilities."
The following six goals were also identified and adopted together with courses of action to achieve the goals.
1. "The provision of affordable housing which is sustainable in perpetuity and which is not at cost to ratepayers.
2. The provision of additional accommodation for single men and women with one child.
3. The provision of inner city accommodation for mature single men and mature single women displaced from boarding house accommodation.
4. To facilitate the provision of additional "home" care for the semi dependent elderly in Council housing so as to extend their independent living.
5. The provision or facilitation of accommodation for those deinstitutionalised or otherwise affected by changes in the health system.
6. To ensure that the Council's social objectives with regard to affordable housing are clearly articulated to Government and other social service agencies."
It is anticipated that the work to be undertaken will include:
(a) An analysis of the current activities of the Housing Section reviewed against the above vision statement and goals.
(b) Review or research of appropriate information including the 1993 Tenants Satisfaction Survey, the recent Insight Consulting Customer Services Review, and service delivery of housing provision and housing welfare services by other local authorities.
(c) To determine what outputs are required in respect of Council Housing (ie Asset Management and Housing tenancies) and tenant welfare services. (Note the Council in the Housing Needs Study again confirmed its intention to continue its role as a Housing Provider.)
(d) To consider the implications of changes in tenant mix, as anticipated in the Housing Needs Study, on future service delivery.
(e) To consider the financial implications of any alternative proposals for service delivery.
The Council has resolved that the task of reviewing outputs be undertaken by the Community Services Committee. To assist the Committee in this work it is proposed that an officer project team, led by the Director of Operations or his nominee and including staff from both within and outside the Housing Section, be appointed to work with the Committee. It is also envisaged that outside expert advice be employed by the Committee and Project team.
The Review should include recommendations as to what are the outputs and sub-outputs, objectives and performance indicators for the housing activity.
The issue of managing the asset including the most appropriate organisational arrangements to achieve the outputs will be separately considered by the City Manager.
Task to be completed by 31 August 1997.
Recommendation: That the revised terms of reference be adopted.
Officer responsible |
Author |
Property Manager |
Housing Manager |
Corporate Plan Output: 8.7.2 |
The purpose of this report is to obtain approval to increase the rents for the public rental units administered by the Council.
Councillors will recall that at the December 1996 meeting, rental increases for Elderly Persons' Housing of five dollars and ten dollars per week were approved. The Council's policy and in terms in the Residential Tenancies Act are that the rents are reviewable annually in the first rental period in July. The public rental units, which have not had a rental increase since 1992, have now been assessed by Simes Valuation to ascertain an appropriate rental to be charged.
The attached schedule sets out the current weekly rental, Simes assessment, the recommended new rent and the increase per week. Minor adjustments have been made from the Simes assessment to take into account variations in the standard of accommodation provided. The exception is Bangor Street where because of its desirable location and being a small complex of only nine units (8 x 2 bedroom and 1 x 3 bedroom), the valuation shows an increase of $49 per week. Although these units would command such a rental if offered as vacant units, it is considered this amount of increase to the existing tenants, that is 40.5% is too onerous, and has been compromised at $24 for the 2 bedroom units and $25 for the three bedroom unit. Of course those tenants who are receiving or eligible for the accommodation supplement will receive 70% of this increase back through additional supplementary assistance from Income Support. As it is necessary under the Residential Tenancies Act to give tenants 60 days notice of any rent increase advice has already been given to the tenants as detailed on the schedule on the understanding that it was subject to formal Council approval.
The additional income from these increases will net the Council approximately $200,000 per annum and this will assist in providing further accommodation as identified in the Housing Review.
Recommendation: That the increases as outlined in the schedule be approved effective from the first rent period in July 1997.
The Chairperson comments:
As requested by the Committee a supplementary report detailing the extent to which assistance would be available from the accommodation supplement to meet the additional rental costs is attached.
The Committee considered a report from the Libraries Manager, Sue Sutherland, on the process of consultation by Community Boards with voluntary libraries in their districts. This resulted from the request of the December meeting of the Committee, which considered the report on voluntary libraries, that Community Boards consider the report, consult with voluntary libraries in their districts on its impact and make recommendations to the Community Services Committee.
Recommendation: 1. That service level agreements be entered into by the Libraries Unit on behalf of the Council, with the following Voluntary Libraries:
Heathcote, Redcliffs, Woolston, Upper Riccarton, Riccarton, Sir John Mackenzie Children's, Mairehau.
2. That Sumner Adult Library be integrated into the Canterbury Public Library Network (as already agreed to by the Community Services Committee).
3. That Mobile Library Services be provided following the closure of the Edgeware Voluntary Library.
4. That the Libraries Manager provide information on the method for calculating the grants to voluntary libraries to the Voluntary Library Committees.
The Committee considered a report from Sue McFarlane and Dave Adamson, Communications and Promotions Unit on the current structure and activities of the six Sister City Committees.
The report provided details of the history of sister cities internationally, Christchurch's six sister city relationships, sister city objectives and Committee membership and structure.
The Committee decided that the information be received and that the Chairman of the Adelaide Sister City Committee be advised of the interest of Councillors Anna Crighton and Gail Sheriff in serving on that Committee, and the Chairman of the Seattle Sister City Committee likewise to be advised of the interest of Councillor Patrick Harrow.
The Committee considered a report on the seminar of the Committee held in February 1997 to review the strategic objectives that the Committee was responsible for and the subsequent suggestions made by the Art and Culture Policy Review Sub-Committee and the Canterbury Development Corporation on the wording of revised strategic objectives.
The Committee decided that the revised strategic objectives should be referred to the Strategy and Resources Committee with the recommendation that they be incorporated into the 1997/98 or 1998/99 Annual Plan with the proviso that the word "ensuring" in objective A10 should be replaced by the term "promoting".
The Committee received the following reports:
10.1 Deputations by Appointment
Mr Lloyd Upton, Dean of the Consular Corps in Christchurch, spoke concerning the work of the Consular Corps in Christchurch and of his own work as the Honorary French Consul.
10.2 Christchurch-England Sister Cities Committee RR 5135
Mr Ted Clarke reported on the activities of the Christchurch-England Sister City Committee. He drew special attention to the contacts that had been generated between primary schools in the two cities and advised that it was planned that this type of link be extended to secondary schools in the near future.
10.3 Christchurch-Gansu Friendly Relations Committee RR 5138
Mr Eric Livingstone, Chairman, reported on the activities of the Christchurch-Gansu Friendly Relations Committee and advised that the Committee was in the middle of an historic year celebrating the centennial of the birth of Rewi Alley. It was expected that during 1997 a delegation would come from China and a citizens delegation from Christchurch would visit Gansu. The report detailed other events planned relating to the commemoration of Rewi Alley's 100th birthday.
10.4 Seattle Sister City Report RR 5094
Mr Tim Nichols, Chairman, reported on the activities of the Seattle Sister City Committee.
Mr Nichols updated the Committee on the proposed sculpture that was the focus of the February 1996 celebration and the emphasis on environmental matters common to both cities.
10.5 Annual Plan Monitoring
Communications and Promotions Unit
The report of the Unit for the period to 31 December 1996 was reviewed by the Committee.
10.6 Benefit Entitlements NZISS and IRD RR 5198
The Committee considered a report on the outcome of discussions with the NZISS and IRD regarding improvements to the accessibility of information on benefits and entitlements.
(Note: As a result of last minute difficulties in NZISS the brochure which was planned to be distributed with the City Scene has been delayed and will be distributed later.)
10.7 Elderly Persons' Housing - Confident Living Programme RR 5205
The Committee considered a report from the Property Manager, Rob Dally, on the Confident Living Programme and the delivery of this programme to the Council's elderly persons' housing complexes. It is intended that the remainder of the programme be delivered by the Christchurch Safer Community Council with an appropriate contract being arranged. In addition a report will be prepared for the Committee, and the Council, on options for funding delivery of the programme to the wider community and it is intended that a seminar to explain the programme to Councillors and Community Board members be held in early June 1997.
The Committee considered a report from the Principal Policy Analyst on an approach which had been received from McKinlay Douglas Limited, Wellington regarding participation by the Christchurch City Council in a training scheme relating to the establishment and operation of co-operative housing ventures organised through the Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada.
The proposal related to the recommendations of the Housing Review Working Party that other innovative funding proposals for affordable housing be investigated.
The Committee decided that the report lie on the table and that Mr McKinlay be invited to attend a future meeting of the Committee to discuss the proposal further.
The meeting concluded at 6.30 pm