28. 5. 97
5 MAY 1997
A meeting of the Burwood/Pegasus Community Board was held on
Monday 5 May 1997 in the Conference Room, The Gardens Hotel,
108 Marshland Road at 4.00 pm
PRESENT: David Dobbie (Chairman), Clare Duff, Dave East, Carole Evans, Alister James, Don Rowlands, Gail Sheriff, Jack Travis, Chrissie Williams
APOLOGIES: An apology for lateness was received and accepted from Dave East who arrived at 4.14 pm and was present for all clauses except clause 18 and part of clause 4
An apology for lateness was received and accepted from Jack Travis who arrived at 4.15 pm and was present for all clauses except clause 18 and part of clause 4
An apology for lateness was received and accepted from Alister James who arrived at 5.11 pm and was present for all clauses except clauses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 18, 19, 21
The Board reports that:
Officer responsible |
Author |
City Streets Manager |
Barry Cook, Area Traffic Engineer |
Corporate Plan Output: Street Markings and Signs 9.5
text 38 |
The purpose of this report is to request Council approval for alterations to parking restrictions, a taxi stand and "no stopping" restrictions at the entrance to the "Palms" on Marshland Road and New Brighton Road.
At the March meeting of City Services a report outlining traffic management changes at the "Palms" was approved in principle (see attached plan).
The following excerpts from the report outline the key issues:
"New Brighton Road
The driveway from the mall onto New Brighton Road has not operated as was first intended, with traffic able to turn left or right when entering the mall, but having left only for exiting vehicles. This has led to some confusion and congestion occurring on New Brighton Road for eastbound traffic due to vehicles attempting to turn right when exiting the mall car park and left turning vehicles entering the driveway queuing in the traffic lane. To overcome this problem it is intended that the two remaining car parking spaces on the north side of New Brighton Road, between Marshland Road and the mall driveway be removed to allow vehicles turning left into the mall to pull over and queue out of the traffic lane. The existing bus stop and car parking to the east of the driveway are to be retained. A painted median is proposed to be installed to provide an area for right turning vehicles to queue without interfering with vehicles travelling east on New Brighton Road. It is also proposed to install a solid island across the driveway in the future to ban right turns and provide a pedestrian refuge for people crossing to and from the bus stop.
Marshland Road
Pedestrian surveys were carried out in early December 1996 and showed that the largest concentration of pedestrians crossing Marshland Road are between the main walkway entrance to the mall and existing pedestrian island. It was also identified from the survey that of the 136 pedestrians crossing at Hercules Street, over 50% were using the bus stop on the western side of Marshland Road. There are, however, a number of pedestrians crossing Marshland Road along the whole frontage of the commercial area from New Brighton Road through to the fruit shop on the east side of Marshland Road to the north of Hercules Street.
Two options have been proposed to improve pedestrian safety along this length of road and improve vehicle access to the mall.
The first option involves the retention of the existing pedestrian island and painted median, with the installation of a painted right turn bay at the main vehicle entrance to the mall. The bus stop would be shifted south to utilise the existing island and bring it nearer to the main pedestrian entrance to the mall.
A solid median would then be constructed along Marshland Road from the intersection to the main vehicle entrance to the mall, with a right turn bay formed for vehicles entering the mall. The median would incorporate specific pedestrian crossing points along its length. A painted median would be retained for vehicles exiting from the mall car park and pedestrian islands would be provided immediately to the south of Hercules Street and opposite the fruit shop. As Marshland Road is a minor arterial road the installation of a solid median would require a resource consent which would need to be publicly notified.
The second option is similar to the first except it retains a painted median and turn bay, with the construction of an extended pedestrian island at the pedestrian entrance to the mall rather than a full median. This would also stop undertaking right turn manoeuvres at the southern vehicle exit onto Marshland Road and would negate the need for a resource consent.
The preferred option is for the full median. This would however affect access to properties along the western side of Marshland Road and be opposed at the consent hearing. It is therefore recommended that further investigation of this option be undertaken before a final decision is made."
Approval is now required for changes to the parking restrictions to facilitate the above improvements.
Recommendation: 1. That the existing broken yellow lines prohibiting the stopping of vehicles (at any time) on the north side of New Brighton Road commencing at the intersection of Marshland Road and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 12 metres be removed.
2. That the existing P30 parking restriction on the north side of New Brighton Road commencing at a point 12 metres from the intersection of Marshland Road and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 12 metres be removed.
3. That the existing broken yellow lines prohibiting stopping of vehicles (at any time) on the north side of New Brighton Road commencing at a point 24 metres from the intersection of Marshland Road and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 35 metres be removed.
4. That the stopping of vehicles (at any time) be prohibited on the north side of New Brighton Road commencing at the intersection of Marshland Road and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 70 metres.
5. That the stopping of vehicles (at any time) be prohibited on the south side of New Brighton Road commencing at the intersection of North Parade and extending in an easterly direction to Ajax Street.
6. That the existing taxi stand on the east side of Marshland Road commencing at a point 96 metres from its intersection with New Brighton Road and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 40 metres be removed.
7. That the stopping of vehicles (at any time) be prohibited on the east side of Marshland Road commencing at a point 96 metres from its intersection with New Brighton Road and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 22 metres.
8. That a taxi stand be installed on the east side of Marshland Road commencing at a point 118 metres from its intersection with New Brighton Road and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 18 metres.
9. That the stopping of vehicles (at any time) be prohibited on the east side of Marshland Road commencing at a point 136 metres from its intersection with New Brighton Road and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 24 metres.
10. That a taxi stand be installed on the east side of Marshland Road commencing at a point 160 metres from its intersection with New Brighton Road and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 22 metres.
2. Marine Parade - Bus Stop RR 5113
Officer responsible |
Author |
City Streets Manager |
Lorraine Wilmshurst, Traffic Engineer |
Corporate Plan Output: Street Markings and Signs 9.5
text 38 |
The purpose of this report is to recommend to Council the relocation of an existing bus stop in Marine Parade opposite Effingham Street.
There is some confusion for both passengers and bus drivers with the present location of this bus stop as Effingham Street/Marine Parade is at the intersection of two bus routes. The No 19 North Beach bus travels east along Effingham Street into Marine Parade and the No 29 Queenspark bus travels south along Marine Parade. The bus stop on Marine Parade was installed for the Queenspark bus but some passengers expect the North Beach bus to stop.
To avoid confusion for both passengers and drivers, it is proposed that this bus stop be moved north along Marine Parade and that it be paired with the stop outside No 42.
Recommendation: 1. That the bus stop on the east side of Marine Parade commencing at its intersection with Effingham Street and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 17 metres be removed.
2. That a bus stop be installed on the east side of Marine Parade commencing at a point 30 metres from its intersection with Effingham Street and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.
3. "Mall Link" Bus Route - Bus Stops RR 5116
Officer responsible |
Author |
City Streets Manager |
Lorraine Wilmshurst, Traffic Engineer |
Corporate Plan Output: Street Markings and Signs, 9.5
text 38 |
The purpose of this report is to gain Council approval for the installation of the remainder of the new bus stops for the "Mall Link" (Shirley to New Brighton) bus route.
The Canterbury Regional Council requested the installation of 13 new bus stops to serve the "hail and ride" service between Shirley and New Brighton. This new service commenced on 3 March 1997 and in some areas is using existing bus stops.
At the April meeting of the Burwood/Pegasus Community Board the installation of six bus stops was approved. Negotiations with property owners adjacent to the remaining seven stops have been completed and approval for six new stops is now sought. The seventh stop was to have been placed on the south side of Woolley Street between Belmont and Glenrowan Avenue but the residents have not accepted this position. The Board is aware of the controversy in 1992 associated with the installation of a bus stop in this vicinity. Therefore this bus stop has been deleted from the route as it does not seem prudent to pursue this further.
Recommendation: 1. That a bus stop be installed on the west side of Gayhurst Road commencing at a point 34 metres from its intersection with McBratneys Road and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.
2. That a bus stop be installed on the east side of Gayhurst Road commencing at a point 51 metres from its intersection with McBratneys Road and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.
4. Deputations by Appointment
Irene Scott, representing the Avondale Residents' Association, was in attendance to address the Board on changes to the Avondale bus route. Mrs Scott noted that revised bus stops, approved by the Canterbury Regional Council, now allow for a bus to go down Avondale Road but not through the suburb of Avondale as had been the case in the past. In addition, the timetable of the new bus routes meant buses only went through Avondale every 40 minutes as opposed to every 30 minutes previously. Mrs Scott believed that the bus route could go through Hulverstone Drive, Waratah Street, Woolley Street and then onto Avondale Road, this is something Mrs Scott had talked to bus drivers about and they agreed that this would not greatly affect their timetable. Mrs Scott emphasised that residents were not happy with the current service as it was not user friendly.
The Board resolved that the Regional Council be informed of residents' concerns and that it be requested to report to the Board on possible action to be taken.
Ralph Ross, representing the Shirley Residents' Association, was in attendance to address the Board on issues pertaining to the angle parking proposal for Golf Links Road. Mr Ross was concerned at the haste at which angle parking was being installed and argued that many residents were against the proposal. He felt that the plan compromised cycle safety and that a path should be installed in front of the angle parking to guide cyclists away from cars reversing out of the parks. Mr Ross also noted that there were concerns from residents with cars parking over their driveway entrances. Mr Ross submitted a plan which he felt was a safe solution to the angle parking problem and asked that officers study it and take it into consideration when producing the angle parking.
The Board noted that Mr Ross's plan would need changes to the resource consent covering The Palms car-park area and therefore resolved that the Environmental Services Manager be requested to report on the feasibility of readdressing The Palms resource consent in terms of the mall's entrance.
1. A letter was received from Yvonne Gay, Secretary of the Horseshoe Lake Residents' Association, requesting an on-site meeting at the Horseshoe Lake Reserve to discuss tidiness in the area. The Board resolved that the officers report (as sited in the agenda under correspondence) be referred to the Horseshoe Lake Residents' Association and that representatives be invited to the June meeting of the Board to discuss the matter further.
2. A letter was received from W E Herbison, Secretary of the New Brighton Pier Promotion Trust, requesting regular bi-monthly meetings between the Board, officers and the Pier Promotion Trust. The Property Projects Manager informed the Board that a project team had been set up to investigate all projects in the New Brighton area and to instigate their co-ordination. Regular meetings with groups involved in the Pier, such as the Pier Promotion Trust, would be taken into consideration by the Working Party. It was resolved that the Property Projects Manager report to the Board monthly on enhancement projects in the New Brighton area.
3. A letter was received John McCowan, Devonlea Developments Ltd, requesting Board consideration for the installation of a Bungy Rocket at the New Brighton Pier. The Board resolved that the Bungy Rocket proposal be referred to the New Brighton Project Team for its consideration.
4. A letter was received from W E Herbison, Secretary of the New Brighton Pier Promotion Trust, supporting the Bungy Rocket proposal. The Board resolved that the New Brighton Pier and Foreshore Society's letter of support be referred to the New Brighton Project team for its consideration.
5. A letter was received from Mr R J Grenfell requesting Board consideration for the installation of clay bird shotgun shooting gallery at the end of the Pier. The Board resolved that the clay bird shotgun shooting gallery proposal be referred to the New Brighton Project Team for its consideration.
The Area Traffic Engineer reported on the legal processes for subdivisions as they related to Chadbury Street. He advised that if residents wished to object to the cul-de-sac proposal their only recourse would be to present their case to the Environmental Court, as the Council now had no power to require the road to be connected to Broadhaven Avenue. The Board resolved that the information be received and that the report be forwarded for comment to the Parklands Business Association, Parklands Residents' Association, Parkview School, Parklands Bowling Club and the Parklands Kindergarten.
The Library Unit's Children's and Young Adults Services Co-ordinator reported on the progress of the pre-school "Kids Who Read Succeed" project. The Board resolved that the information be received.
The Committee Secretary reported on the Canterbury Regional Council's response to a petition from Mrs Lena McArthur regarding the loss of bus services in the Waratah and Briarmont Street area. The Board resolved that the information be received.
The City Streets Projects Engineer reported on the progress of City Streets projects in the Burwood/Pegasus Board area programmed for the 1996/97 financial year. The Board resolved that the information be received.
The Parks Development Works Officer reported on the progress of Parks projects in the Burwood/Pegasus Board area programmed for the 1996/97 financial year. The Board resolved that the information be received.
The Community Technical Officer reported on a planned tree and shrub planting in the Burwood/Pegasus Board area to commemorate Arbor Day. The Board resolved:
1. That a certificate of participation be presented by Board members to the schools involved.
2. That a schedule of plantings be prepared and circulated to Board members.
The Community Technical Officer reported on the planting of a group of trees, with an associated cast bronze plaque on a concrete plinth, to commemorate the third Burwood/Pegasus Community Board term. The Board resolved:
1. That a Burwood/Pegasus Community Board commemorative native tree planting be held during conservation week 1997.
2. That nine trees be planted.
3. That the planting be implemented at the intersection of Alpine View Lane and Prestons Road.
The Area Parks Officer reported on the outcome of the public consultation process for the siting of a proposed children's playground at Brooker Reserve. The Board resolved:
1. That the playground at Brooker Reserve be located in the position as plotted on the plan in the information pamphlet sent to residents.
2. That a letter of thanks be sent to residents who responded to the pamphlet informing them of the Board's deliberations.
The Parks Development Works Officer forwarded an information item to the Board on the provision of play facilities for children with disabilities. The Board resolved:
1. That the information be received.
2. That the Burwood/Pegasus Community Board support the development of a city-wide strategy to provide play opportunities for children with disabilities on parks.
3. That the Burwood/Pegasus Community Board support the installation of an appropriate district playing facility at central Brighton in the 1997/98 budget period.
4. That parking facilities for people with disabilities also be considered when installing play facilities at parks.
5. That the information be referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee for its consideration.
The Board proceeded through information items in the Community Manager's Update. It was resolved that Chrissie Williams represent the Burwood/Pegasus Community Board at the Agenda 21 Eco Conference.
The Board was in receipt of recommendations made by the Broad Park Working Party at its meeting on Tuesday 29 April 1997. The Board resolved:
1. That the installation of a basketball half court proposed for Broad Park be cancelled.
2. That the finance allocated for this project be carried forward to 1997/98.
3. That a suitable site in the Parklands area be sought, taking into consideration the needs analysis study undertaken for this area.
17. possible boundary changes
The Committee Secretary reported on a proposal from the Shirley/Papanui Community Board, that the boundary between the Papanui and Burwood wards follow the line of Lower Styx Road rather than the Styx river, and that the boundary between the Shirley and Burwood wards be moved from Marshland Road to Golf Links Road/Lake Terrace road. The Board resolved not to pursue the matter of boundary changes at this time.
18. Confirmation of Report
The Board resolved that the report of the last ordinary meeting held on Tuesday 1 April 1997 (both open and public excluded) be confirmed.
The Traffic Engineer requested Board approval for the installation of a "Give Way" sign on both sections of Bellamy Avenue, at its intersection with Pine Avenue, to avoid confusion at the intersection. The Board resolved:
1. That a give way sign be placed against the east section of Bellamy Avenue at its intersection with Pine Avenue.
2. That a give way sign be placed against the west section of Bellamy Avenue at its intersection with Pine Avenue.
The Traffic Engineer requested approval for the installation of the remainder of the new bus stops for the Mall Link (Shirley to New Brighton) bus route. The Board resolved:
1. That a bus stop be installed on the east side of Golf Links Road commencing at a point 190 metres from its intersection with New Brighton Road and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 15 metres.
2. That a bus stop be installed on the west side of Joy Street commencing at a point 50 metres from its intersection with Pagoda Street and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.
3. That a bus stop be installed on the east side of Joy Street commencing at its intersection with Pagoda Street and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.
4. That a bus stop be installed on the north side of Coopers Road commencing at a point 35 metres from its intersection with Bampton Street and extending in a easterly direction for a distance of 17 metres.
5. That the aforementioned bus stops be approved subject to the proviso that shuttle buses only be used on this bus route.
The Area Traffic Engineer requested Board approval for the reallocation of 1996/97 Project Funds to issues arising from a meeting with school representatives on 15 April 1997, which discussed the issues of congestion and child safety school entranceways. The Board resolved:
1. The allocation of $25,000 unspecified "LATMS - Traffic Safety" funds to resolve traffic safety issues in Wainoni Road, at Avondale School and Chisnallwood Intermediate School, and Breezes Road, at Aranui Primary School.
2. That a further meeting of Board members and appropriate officers be convened to receive an update on the points raised at the meeting of school representatives.
The City Streets Project Engineer reported on the Lake Terrace Road path proposal. It was emphasised that due to the high cost, this project should not proceed, and it was suggested that the Community Board reallocate its funds into kerbing, footpaths, pavement restoration and culvert headwork reconstruction. It was resolved that the Board reallocate $7,000 for work necessary at the culvert to improve pedestrian safety.
23. Supplementary item
The Chairman sought approval to introduce a supplementary report on possible boundary changes for the Burwood/Pegasus, Shirley/Papanui Board area.
The Chairman explained the reasons why the report had not been included in the main agenda and why it could not wait for the next meeting of the Board.
The Board resolved that the supplementary report be received and considered at the present meeting.
24. Resolution to Exclude the Public
The Board resolved that the draft resolution to exclude public set out on page 32 of the agenda be adopted.