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26. 3. 97


5 MARCH 1997

A meeting of the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board

was held at Sockburn Service Centre

on Wednesday 5 March 1997 at 5.00 pm

PRESENT David Buist (Chairperson), Graham Berry

Helen Broughton, Mary Corbett, Ishwar Ganda,

Lesley Keast, Mark Kunnen, Mike Mora and

Bob Shearing.

APOLOGIES Ishwar Ganda left the meeting at 7.45pm and was not present for clauses 8 and 9.




1. confirmation of MEETING reports

For confirmation were the reports from the Community Board meetings of 5, 17 and 25 February, together with the tabled report of the 28 February 1997 meeting.

Mark Kunnen moved, in respect of the report on the 17 February meeting, that the minutes be altered removing all but resolution No 1 for the meeting of 17 February 1997.

The motion was seconded by Graham Berry and when put to the meeting was declared lost on division No 1 by two votes to five (with two abstentions), the voting being as follows:

For (2) Graham Berry, Mark Kunnen

Against (5) Mary Corbett, Ishwar Ganda, Lesley Keast, Mike Mora and

David Buist.

Abstention (2) Helen Broughton, Bob Shearing

The Board resolved that the reports of the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board meetings held on 5 February 1997, 17 February, 25 February 1997 and 28 February 1997 be confirmed as a true and correct record of those meetings.

Messrs Berry and Kunnen asked that their votes against the confirmation of the
17 February 1997 report be recorded.



A resident of Maidstone Road (No 187), Mr Forster addressed the Board on the recent consultation process and resolutions in respect of the bus route and bus stop sites being part of the new Hyde Park 24 route.

Mr Forster noted that his property had been a second choice site, now the preferred site following deputations to the Board from other persons.

Mr Forster reiterated his concerns relating to his home-based work, lack of process and public consultation, and the technical criteria used in respect of siting of bus stops.

2.2 mr dean hollingworth

The owner of No 257 Maidstone Road, Mr Hollingworth, advised that he had not been advised nor consulted on the bus route and bus stop siting at all. He was presently building a house (not a registered property owner, on Council rate rolls at the time of consultation) and his concerns related to property value, privacy, access, as well as the process and public consultation.

In discussion with the Acting City Streets Manager (Chris Kerr) present, the majority of members were concerned that the consultation process was not conducted to public expectations before the matter of the placing of the bus stops was brought before the Board.

David Buist moved, seconded by Lesley Keast that the issue of bus stops in Maidstone Road and Withells Road be referred to the Acting City Streets Manager for further consideration.

An amendment to this motion was promoted by Mark Kunnen and seconded by Graham Berry that the resolution be amended to .... Acting City Streets Manager, Mr Mark Kunnen and Councillor Graham Berry.... was lost when put to the vote.

The Buist/Keast motion when put to the meeting was declared carried on division No 2 by six votes to three, the voting being:

For (6) Mary Corbett, Bob Shearing, Helen Broughton,

Ishwar Ganda, Lesley Keast, David Buist.

Against (3) Graham Berry, Mark Kunnen, Mike Mora

The Board resolved further that the City Streets Units findings be referred back to the Community Board Traffic Sub-Committee in the first instance (this being passed on a show of hands).


Following Council adoption of the Community Facilities Management Guidelines Policy the Community Board initiated a review of the Riccarton Town Hall.

Representatives from Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu were in attendance to make a presentation on their final report.

The Riccarton Town Hall Project Team was to give consideration to the report with their recommendations coming back to this Board via its Community Facilities Committee in due course.


The Community Board had previously resolved to support in principle the (Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board initiated) community consultation pilot process.

The deputy chairperson of the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board (Trish Hunter) and the Councils Senior Policy Analyst (Jennifer Pitcher) were in attendance to give a presentation/overview to members.

The Board resolved to consider the allocation of funds from its 1997/98 Project Funds to initiate the public consultation process.

An amendment, promoted by Mark Kunnen and seconded by Graham Berry that the resolution be amended to ... consultation process after viewing and approving the survey form was lost when put to the vote.


Members were in receipt of a schedule of capital works within the Board area in which the Projects Engineer advised current progress on the fourteen listed works.

The Board resolved to receive the information.


The Area Parks Officer reported on the outcome of the Public Meeting held at Ridder Reserve as resolved by the Board at its 5 February 1997 to the siting of a petanque pit on this reserve.

While there were strong views expressed both for and against this proposal, numbers were almost evenly divided. However, when presented with the option that if the proposal was to proceed there would be a review after twelve months, the majority of those present approved. One of the adjoining neighbours in Ridder Place offered to monitor both the usage and any problems that arise, and report back to the Area Parks Officer.

The Board resolved:

1. That the Board approve the proposal to install a petanque pit in Ridder Reserve.

2. That the facility be reviewed after 12 months regarding usage and any problems experienced.

3. That this proposal be considered for project funding in the 1997/98 financial year.

4. That Leisure and Community Services be advised that this facility is not available for organised competition use.


John Chivers and Andrew Craig were in attendance and gave a presentation on the gateway signs and information centres project being undertaken by the City Design Unit.

One of the three chosen sites was State Highway 1 just south of the Templeton township.

Concerns were expressed to some aspects of the gateway signs in respect of size and materials.

The intention for tourist display information being sited at a service station also drew comment, from being appropriate to giving commercial advantages. This latter point gave rise to a resolution passed calling for a public tendering process to be followed.

The Board resolved

1. That the information be received.

2. That the City Design team give consideration to the Councils tangata whenua responsibilities.

3. That the Communications and Promotions Unit put out for tender the placement of information displays in service stations.

(Ishwar Ganda declared interest in this resolution and took no part in voting).

4. That the Community Board commend the officers for the design and approve it in its general aspects.

8. CONTRACT NO 96/97-228

totara street reconstruction

(clyde road to puriri street)

Community Board approval was sought for acceptance of a tender which is above the $300,000 authority delegated to Council Officers.

The contract is for the construction of kerbs, channels, asphaltic concrete paths, grassed berms, drainage works, landscape planting, interlocking concrete block platforms, red asphalt road hump and road reconstruction for Totara Street from Clyde Road to Puriri Street.

Tender prices have been received as follows:

All prices exclude GST.

These prices include a contingency sum of $36,000 and the work is for a 17 week period.

The estimate for the work was $406,000.

The standard roadworks information leaflet has been circulated inviting comments relating to the project and all enquiries and comments from residents and others have been satisfactorily resolved. No changes have had to be made to the design shown on the publicity leaflet.

A Resource Consent is currently being sought regarding the removal of the street trees. On site work can not go ahead until this consent is obtained.

Martin Walker of Technic Canterbury Limited has given an assurance that the work can be completed within the specified time.

The Board resolved that the lowest price conforming tender of Technic Canterbury Limited for the sum of $407,500 be accepted.

9. riccarton/wigram Community Board
traffic committee

A report of the 26 February meeting of the Boards Traffic Committee was received.

A spokesperson from the Riccarton Park Residents Association was in attendance; three matters were raised and these will be discussed at the next committee meeting.

new bus stops - avonhead merrin 21, hyde park 24

At the Community Board meeting held on 25 February it was resolved that the Traffic Committee and Mr G Berry meet with the Canterbury Regional Council to further discuss this issue. As this meeting was held prior to the Canterbury Regional Council and Christchurch City Council meetings (scheduled for 1.30pm and 2.00pm respectively on 26 February 1997) it was considered by a majority of members present that a recommendation be made to the Community Board if an emergency meeting was subsequently required.

The Traffic Committee therefore recommended that in the event that the bus routes No 21 and 24 proceed as notified. The bus stops be sited at the following addresses:

Helen Broughton expressed her concerns with regard to the process followed and asked that her voting against the recommendation be recorded.

The Board resolved to receive the report of the Traffic Committee meeting.




D N Buist


26. 2. 97

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