26. 3. 97
A special meeting of the Hagley/Ferrymead Community Board
was held on Friday 7 March 1997 at 4.15 pm
PRESENT: Anna Crighton (Chairperson), Richard Boulton,
Heather Brown, David Cox, John Freeman,
Charles Manning, Liz McRostie, Aaron O'Brien
Bob Todd
APOLOGIES: An apology for lateness was received and accepted from Charles Manning.
Charles Manning arrived at 5.00pm
The Board reports that:
The Board discussed the following projects for possible funding.
A number of projects had been supported in the past by the Board and ongoing funding was necessary if the projects were to continue.
Those items that the Board gave a priority 1 to that were not included in the business unit budgets were submitted for consideration.
Identified works that had been prioritised by the Board but were not yet included in the business unit budgets were reported.
A schedule detailing those streets that have no or part footpaths was presented with a suggestion that they be resubmitted as part of the Capital Works Proposals to be forwarded to business units in August.
A number of new proposals were presented for consideration.
The Board resolved to allocate its funds as follows:
1.1 Community Pride Garden Awards $400
This award scheme is in conjunction with the Christchurch Beautifying Association and members were advised that the Board's contribution would assist with the presentation of awards.
1.2 Volunteer Libraries - Books $4 000
A sum of $1,000 to each of Redcliffs, Sumner, Woolston and Heathcote Volunteer Libraries for book purchases.
1.3 Woolston Community Pool $1 000
To provide for the cost of a supervisor at the pool.
1.4 Community Development Fund $30 000
Each year applications for funding exceed the amount available for allocation. The Board has been committed for a number of years to the `topping up' of this fund.
(David Cox wished to have his vote against this resolution recorded)
1.5 Project 2000 $4 000
Since 1993 the Board has been contributing to this fund. It is intended that a worthy project or projects will be considered at a later date.
1.6 Linwood Resource Centre $12 000
The Board at its 6 November meeting committed itself to underwriting the salary of a Community Development Worker. Members were advised that external funding was also being sought and if successful the $12,000 would be available for reallocation.
1.7 Restraints $37 000
Members were asked to consider the installation of traffic restraints at the following locations : Surrey Street @ Gloucester; Lionel @ Gloucester; Marshall Street (Haig Place & Radley Street)
It was agreed to allocate funds to unspecified neighbourhood improvement works that were contained within a NIP or LATM.
1.8 Footpath Construction - Unspecified $3 000
Sealing of Heberden Ave footpath (adjacent Scarborough Park)
1.9 Salaries for Bromley Out of School Programme $5 500
1.10 Community Needs Analysis Declined
This request had been referred from the Strategy and Resources Committee for Board consideration. The Board did not support the funding of this initiative and considered that it should be funded on a metropolitan basis. Requested that it be referred to Community Services Budget.
1.11 Youth Needs Research Declined
This request had been referred from the Strategy and Resources Committee for Board consideration The Board did not support the funding of this initiative and considered that it should be funded on a metropolitan basis. Requested that it be referred to Community Services Budget.
1.12 Augusta Street - Splitter Island Discretionary funded
The Board resolved to allocate $9,000 of its 1996/97 Discretionary Funds for the installation of a splitter island in Augusta Street.
1.13 Draper Street - Speed Humps x 2 Declined
It was agreed that these works be referred to the August budget meeting for consideration.
1.14 Whittington Avenue - Playground Declined
It was agreed that these works be referred to the August budget meeting for consideration.
1.15 Half Basketball Court - Linwood Park $5 100
Additional funding was supported to install a half basketball court in Linwood Park.
1.16 Local Dog Exercise Station $7 500
The Board supported the provision of the station and requested that staff further investigate sponsorship.
(David Cox wished to have his vote against this resolution recorded).
1.17 Practice Cricket Pitches - Avon Park $7 500
The Board had previously supported this initiative but it had not been budgeted by the Parks Unit
1.18 - Linwood Park $7 500
The Board had previously supported this initiative but it had not been budgeted by the Parks Unit
1.19 Riverbank Planting $1 000
The concept for planting is as shown in the Linwood Neighbourhood Improvement Plan. It was agreed that a landscape plan should be developed for plantings between Fitzgerald Avenue and Linwood Avenue.
1.20 Free Community Days Declined
The Board did not support further funding as monies had not been fully spent from the 96/97 allocation.
1.21 Children's Strategy Initiative Deferred
A full report on possible initiatives was requested.
1.22 Linwood NIP Deferred
The provision of neighbourhood improvement works was referred to the August budget meeting.
1.23 Avonside NIP $37 000
Restraint -Rowcliffe @ Dunarnon
1.24 Gilby NIP
1.24.1 - Restraints Hanmer/Avonside
1.24.2 - Elm Grove Deferred
1.24.3 - Trent/Avonside
The budgetary provision for the above neighbourhood improvement works was referred to the August budget meeting.
1.25 North Linwood LATMS $37 000
The funding of a restraint at the intersection of Surrey Street with Gloucester Street was supported.
1.26 Street Tree Planting - Charleston & Phillipstown Declined
The Board considered this a maintenance matter and referred it to City Streets.
1.27 Maori Language Promotion Programme Deferred
It was agreed to consider this matter at the April Meeting for Discretionary Fund Allocation
1.28 Heberden - Footpath Funded
(adjacent to Scarborough Park)
Refer Clause 1.8
1.29 Wheelchair Access - North of Sumner Surf Club Deferred
It was agreed to assess the impact of the current accessway before allocating further funds.
1.30 Heritage Walkway Upgrade Declined
Members were advised that the steps to this walkway would be upgraded as part of the Parks Units maintenance works.
1.31 Nicholson Park Toilets Declined
Members were advised that the installation of public toilets is budgeted for 2000/01
1.32 Linwood Toy Library $10 000
Member to supported the establishment of the toy library at the Linwood Resource Centre.
1.33 Phillipstown Community Facility $20 000
Members supported further funding for the provision of services and any legal costs associated with this new facility.
1.34 Out of School Programmes $5 000
The Board supported the delivery of three new after school programmes.
1.35 Raupo Street Footpath $4 000
As a result of a request from residents the provision of a new footpath was supported.
1.36 Panorama/Clifton - Road Reserve Landscaping Plan $500
Residents had requested that the intersection be planted out with native species. It was agreed to fund a landscape plan for the works.
1.37 Edmonds Factory Garden - Upgrade Pond Declined
Members agreed to refer this matter to the Parks Unit for consideration.
1.38 Sumner Esplanade Declined
Referred to City Streets Unit for consideration.
1.39 Heathcote Domain - Landscaping Declined
Referred to City Streets Unit for consideration.
1.40 Taylors Mistake Car Park $20 000
The Board supported the upgrading of this area.
Total Commitments $259 000 | |
Discretionary Funds (Available for allocation throughout the year) $41 000 |
Total $300 000 |
The meeting concluded at 6.15pm