27 FEBRUARY 1997
An Emergency Meeting of the Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board
was held on Thursday 27 February 1997 at 7.30 pm
PRESENT: Barbara Stewart (Chairman), Val Carter, Cheryl Colley,
Pat Harrow, Keith Nuttall, Ian Rivers, Hazel Tait
IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Margaret Murray
21 local residents from Withells Road, Kedleston Drive and Greystoke Lane
APOLOGIES: Apologies were received and accepted from Graham Catley and Ron Wright
The Board reports that:
The purpose of this meeting was to report back to the Board and to the residents present, the outcomes of recent deliberations undertaken by both the City Council and the Regional Council regarding the No. 21 (Merrin) and No. 24 (Hyde Park) bus services which were scheduled to commence on 3 March 1997.
The Board at its meeting on 4 February 1997, authorised the Waimairi Ward Members to host a further meeting with local residents to work through the issues raised in a petition and submissions made to the Board regarding the intended new services.
Attached is the report of this meeting held on 19 February 1997.
The meeting unanimously agreed that the concerns raised by the residents be conveyed as a matter of urgency to the Canterbury Regional Council through its Resource Services Committee scheduled for 26 February 1997.
Speaking rights to address that Committee were subsequently granted to the Waimairi Ward Members as well as to a number of residents on their own account and also the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board.
The text of the Regional Council Committee's resolution arising from the submissions made and the resulting discussion was reported to the meeting as follows:
That the following alterations be made to the Avonhead, Merrin and Hyde Park passenger services for a period of three months from 3 March 1997 and that, in that period, further consultation be undertaken with bus users in the catchment of these routes, residents, the Riccarton-Wigram Community and Fendalton-Waimairi Boards and other affected parties with a view to a report being presented to the Committee on the route adjustments (as detailed below) for the remainder of the contract term:
MERRIN (21) ROUTE: removal of Avonhead Road and Withells Road to the intersection of Withells Road and Merrin Street, and extension of the service further along Merrin Street until the intersection of Merrin Street and Hawthornden Road.
AVONHEAD (21) ROUTE: removal of the route from Waimairi Road, Dovedale Avenue, Solway Avenue and Montclare Avenue, and returning to the current Avonhead route by travelling further along Maidstone Road, down Avonhead Road and back onto Staveley Street.
HYDE PARK (24) ROUTE: removal of the route from Kedleston Drive and Apsley Drive to the intersection of Apsley Drive and Woodbury Street, terminating the service at the intersection of Merrin Street and Hawthornden Road.
Officers elaborated on the impact of the decision as regards amendments to the intended route for a three month period during which time further widespread consultation would be undertaken.
The Chairman proceeded to provide the residents with an opportunity to address the Board and comments were made either in support or in opposition to the decision made by the Regional Council's Committee.
Some residents expressed extreme disappointment that the services would not be commencing as intended, whereas others felt that additional consultation involving all parties was the appropriate course to take. In this regard, the plea was made for all relevant information to be made available to those involved during the consultation period.
Following on from the decision made by the Regional Council, the Board was obliged to confirm the locations of a significantly reduced number of bus stop positions given the amended services now to occur during the three month review period.
Since the last meeting of the Board on 4 February, two separate supplementary reports were compiled for submission to the Council meeting on 26 February.
The second supplementary report sought the Council's specific delegation for the Board to be granted the power to determine bus stop locations on particular collector roads being part of the proposed new routes.
The Council duly resolved as follows:
That pursuant to Section 101zz of the Local Government Act 1974 the following power be delegated to the Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board.
The power of the Council in respect of the placement of Bus Stops on any road other than a local road (in respect of which the Council's power has previously been delegated to the Board) only in respect of the new Avonhead bus services. This delegation is to expire on 30 April 1997.
In reporting on the implications of the (now) new services the Traffic Engineer advised that the proposed No. 21 (Merrin) service would for the time being not be using Avonhead Road and Withells Road but would follow the same route as the current No. 24 (Ilam) service and travel along Merrin Street and terminate at the Merrin/Hawthornden intersection. As a result of this change to the proposed service no new bus stop positions were required.
The new bus service No. 24 (Hyde Park) would for the time being not be using Kedleston Drive as part of the route and would also terminate at the Merrin/Hawthornden junction. This bus route required five bus stop positions to be approved on Withells Road which was a collector road. The details of the five locations being as follows:
1. That a bus stop be installed on the west side of Withells Road at the property boundary between Nos 165 and 167.
2. That a bus stop be installed on the west side of Withells Road at the property boundary between Nos 193 and 189.
3. That a bus stop be installed on the west side of Withells Road 4 m south from the property boundary between Nos 217 Withells Road and 65 Merrin Street.
4. That a bus stop be installed on the east side of Withells Road at the property boundary between Nos 186 and 184.
5. That a bus stop be installed on the east side of Withells Road 6 m from the northern junction with Brookby Crescent for a distance of 15 metres.
Resolved: 1. That in pursuance of the delegation granted by the Council on 26 February 1997, the Board approves the above designated bus stop locations.
2. That the Board confirm to the Canterbury Regional Council its offer of support for the intended consultation.
In declaring the meeting closed the Chairman thanked the residents for their attendance and comments.
The meeting concluded at 8.47 pm.