25.6. 97
4 JUNE 1997
A meeting of the Riccarton/Wigram Community
was held at the Sockburn Service Centre
on Wednesday 4 June 1997 at 5.23 pm
PRESENT: Mike Mora (Chairperson), Graham Berry, Helen Broughton, Mary Corbett, Ishwar Ganda, Mark Kunnen, and Bob Shearing.
APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were received and accepted from David Buist and Lesley Keast.
Graham Berry arrived at 5.50pm and was present for all clauses except numbers 1, 3, 4 and 6.
Ishwar Ganda arrived at 5.52pm and was present for all clauses except number 1, 3, 4 and 6.
Officer responsible | Author |
Parks Manager | Brent Smith, Area Parks Officer |
Corporate Plan Output: Consents and Applications |
The purpose of this report is to seek approval from the Council under Section 54 1B of the Reserves Act 1977 to lease to the Christchurch Cadet Trust the area of land on Dufek Reserve currently occupied by their training building and garage. (Plan is attached as Attachment 1).
The Christchurch Cadet Trust was formed when the King Edward Barracks was sold and the RNZAF decided to close Wigram Air Base. The Trust members are drawn from the parents of members of the three Air Training Corps Units and one Army Cadet Corps Unit. These units are currently housed in a "defence" building on Dufek Reserve. The building has been on its current site since 1984 and used for its present purpose since that time. Prior to 1984 the cadets were based in another building 200 metres away. (Dufek Reserve was acquired by the Council as at 1 July 1996).
The combined membership of the four units fluctuates around 250 cadets and caters for young people between the ages of 13 and 18 years. The Trust provides training and valuable life skills to its cadets. The four units each meet on a weekly basis.
The current situation is that Defence is willing to give the building to the Trust, but before the Trust can accept, it must have a long term lease in place. The alternative of finding another site and shifting the building would financially cripple the Trust. The Trust currently has a temporary licence to occupy the site but now requests a long term lease.
In considering this proposal, Environmental Policy and Planning has commented as follows:
"There are several policies in the proposed City Plan which support the use of this reserve for cadet purposes. In particular the policy 14.1.15 Redevelopment of Sites supports the use of sites previously used for other purposes to be developed as recreational sites. The Plan also supports diversity in the type of opportunities offered, and I consider that type of activity carried out by the Cadet Forces is appropriate for a park."
Current access is not ideal and the car parking unsatisfactory. It would be preferable for future access to be secured through the current site of Wigram Air Base. Issues such as the car park, covered walkway and existing floodlights should be considered as a separate application due to the need for an assessment of the environmental effects.
The Property Unit has commented as follows:
"This application relates to the use of a public reserve. In determining whether a long term use of this nature should be formalised consideration should be given to the appropriate classification of the land subject to the lease application. The purpose is more community minded than recreation orientated and perhaps a local purpose (community buildings) reserve classification may be appropriate."
When the future development of the adjacent land is finalised, the option of re-classifying this area can be further looked at. Any lease negotiated would be subject to the provisions of Section 54 1B of the Reserves Act 1977, which provides:
Section 54 1(b)
Lease to any voluntary organisation part of the reserve for the erection of stands, pavilions, gymnasiums, and, subject to sections 44 and 45 of this Act, other buildings and structures associated with and necessary for the use of the reserve for outdoor sports, games, or other recreational activities, or lease to any voluntary organisation any such stands, pavilions, gymnasiums, and, subject to section 44 of this Act, other buildings or structures already on the reserve, which lease shall be subject to the further provisions set out in the First Schedule to this Act relating to leases of recreation reserves issued pursuant to this paragraph:
Provided that a lease granted by the administering body may, with the prior consent of the Minister given on the ground that he considers it to be in the public interest, permit the erection of buildings and structures for sports, games, or public recreation not directly associated with outdoor recreation.
The Parks Unit has commented that the current position of the building tends to dominate the site. However, depending on the future development of the base adjacent to the reserve, and further reserve acquisitions, this issue will be resolved. Until future development of the base is finalised it would be unwise to grant a long term lease over this land. The Parks Unit would support a short term lease of five years subject to the following conditions:
1. The club obtaining resource and building consents before work commences on the site.
2. The club agreeing to comply with all bylaws, regulations and statutes pertaining to the construction and operation of the building.
3. The exterior colour scheme for the proposed building being approved by the Parks Manager before construction commences.
4. Any landscaping around the building that is required by the Parks Manager being the club's responsibility.
5. The area being maintained in a safe, clean and tidy condition to the satisfaction of the Parks Manager or his designate at all times.
6. All costs associated with this application and resulting development being paid for by the club.
7. The upkeep of the building to be carried out to the satisfaction of the Parks Manager.
Recommendation: That the Council approves the lease of this land to the Christchurch Cadet Trust subject to the following:
1. Requirements under Section 54 1B of the Reserves Act 1977.
2. Parks Unit conditions as outlined in the report.
3. That the Parks Manager and Property Manager negotiate with the Christchurch Cadet Trust a lease to the mutual satisfaction of all parties.
4. That the Christchurch Cadet Trust be informed that the Reserve may be subject to access and boundary changes and that a resource consent application will be required with regard to the carpark and floodlights.
Officer responsible | Author |
City Streets Manager | Design Engineer Roading Stuart McHugh |
Corporate Plan Output: City Streets Capital Outputs page 9.5.75 |
The purpose of this report is to obtain Council approval for acceptance of a tender which is above the $500,000 authority delegated to Community Boards.
The contract is for the construction of kerbs, channels, asphaltic concrete paths, grassed berms, drainage works, landscape planting, red asphalt road humps, paint markings and carriageway reconstruction for Kahu Road from Totara Street to Straven Road.
The work consists of approximately 1,340 metres of kerb and channel, 350 metres of stormwater piping, 2,000 m2 of new asphalt paths, 1,600 m2 of new grassed berms, 300 m2 of landscape planting including nine 2.5 m trees and 9,200 m2 of carriageway construction.
Tenders have been received as follows:
Tenderer | Weighted Attribute Score | Price |
Works Civil Construction Limited | 68 | ($555,758.03) |
Canroad Construction Limited | 67 | ($564,042.50) |
Technic Canterbury Limited | 64 | ($586,493.00) |
Waddell Holdings Limited | 59 | ($605,666.65) |
Local Construction Limited | 60 | ($608,988.30) |
Calcon Asphalt Limited | 61 | ($612,283.15) |
All prices exclude GST.
These prices include a contingency sum of $50,000 and the work is for a 22 week period.
The estimate for the work was $550,000.
The standard roadworks information leaflet has been circulated inviting comments relating to the project and all enquiries and comments from residents and others have been satisfactorily resolved. (Plan is attached as Attachment 2).
The final contract drawings now include extra landscape areas throughout the length of the works and the paint marking of the cycleway extended through to Totara Street.
Alan Stanton of Works Civil Construction Limited has given an assurance that the work can be completed within the specified time.
This report was also considered by the Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board at its meeting on 3 June as the existing boundary between the Fendalton and Riccarton Wards lies along the centreline of this section of Kahu Road.
The outcome from the Fendalton/Waimairi Board's 4 June meeting was an endorsement of the officer's recommendation.
Recommendation: That the Council adopt the tender with the highest weighted attribute score of Works Civil Construction Limited in the sum of $555,758.03
The Board was in receipt of an extensive report from the City Streets Manager which identified the capital works currently being undertaken in the Community Board's area of responsibility.
The Board received the information.
Ms Di Lucas, on behalf of the consultant, Lucas & Associates, gave a short presentation on the Port Hills book that had been partially funded by this Community Board.
Community Board Member Mike Mora sought the support of the Community Board for the Council to investigate the effects on humans of electro-magnetic fields.
A recent study on the effects of strong magnetic fields from power lines on 570 adults in Auckland indicates that people's health may be at risk. The research has shown people living close to high tension electric power lines have a higher risk of developing asthma, diabetes and depression than other people.
Professor Ivan Beale of Auckland University, who led the research team, said that within 20 metres of 220kV lines the study indicated the risk of depression was doubled and the risk of Type 2 Diabetes increased eight-fold, and asthma risk increased 3.3 times.
Professor Beale stated "I don't have any problem with saying there's something going on here."
A recent article in the "Christchurch Star" outlined severe health problems being encountered by members of a family living in the Masham area, within 20 metres of high tension electric power lines. The children of the family also attend the Broomfield Kindergarten, which is directly under the power lines.
A further article in the "Christchurch Press" in August 1988 quotes -
"International concern over evidence that links high voltage pylons with cancer and depression has prompted Britain's electricity supply industry to announce a major research programme on the effect of electro-magnetic fields on individuals."
The Islington sub-station, which is the main distributor of power from the South Island's power stations to the North and South Islands, is located within the boundaries of the Riccarton/Wigram community.
The Board decided to ask the Environmental Committee to commission a study of all research data available on this issue and a report on the likely health risks associated with living so close to high tension electric power lines.
In the interim, the Board also decided to ask the Environmental Services Manager if it is prudent for building consent to be issued for the construction of dwellings and other buildings located near or underneath high tension electric power lines.
Dr Ray Kirk gave a presentation on the results from the completed research project undertaken into the need for out of school care and holiday programmes (OSP) of children aged 5-12 years in Christchurch.
The purpose of the project was to provide information regarding the current and future provision, use and need for primary/intermediate aged children for OSP programmes in Christchurch, and to assist in determining Council's role(s) and future involvement.
Members were in receipt of the full report from Dr Kirk and he answered questions at the conclusion of his presentation.
The Board decided to investigate the following research recommendations in respect of the Riccarton/Wigram area:
(i) That the Community Board make available a community van for use for providers of OSPs, among others. The Community Board should determine if the current need for, and use of, community vans exceeds supply.
(ii) That the Community Board extend the community toy library concept to establish a play-sports equipment library where providers of OSPs, among others, could rent/hire equipment for use at OSPs.
(iii) That the Community Board establish an "artist in residence" scheme so that a qualified `artist/instructor' would be available for use by OSPs.
(iv) That the Community Board should maintain mechanisms for the provision of technical and support services to potential and current OSPs.
(v) That the Community Board enhance local parks.
(vi) That the Community Board investigate the feasibility of establishing a mountain bike track in the Wigram area.
(vii) That the Community Board investigate the feasibility of establishing a youth club/centre.
The Board also decided that its Child Strategy Committee should look at the following city-wide recommendations contained in the report:
(i) That an inter-agency advisory group be established consisting of LACSU Unit representatives, CAO and Recreation Co-ordinator, representatives from community groups, and appropriate agencies, Children's Advocate and Councillor representative, to further investigate:
That the inter-agency advisory group be co-ordinated by the LACSU Unit, and report to the Community Services Committee within nine months, reporting on progress quarterly.
(ii) That Council agree to provide up to $15,000 (from the Children's Advocate Budget) to employ for a six month period a suitably qualified person to assist inter-agency group to achieve the above outcomes (reporting to and accountable to the inter-agency advisory group).
The Child Strategy Committee's decisions will be reported to the July meeting of the Board for adoption and forwarding to the Community Services Committee
The Board gave consideration to the deliberations of the 15 May and 20 May 1997 meetings of the Traffic Committee.
The Board has been supportive of a request from New Zealand Police who are seeking the installation of barriers on the railway crossing on Carmen Road.
Community Constable Roger Harris and Mr Bob Piper (Tranzrail Christchurch) were in attendance at the 15 May meeting and an on-site inspection was also held to enable members to acquaint themselves with this site.
Mr Piper acknowledged the concerns of members on the need to have barrier arms placed at this crossing. In the interim Tranzrail would be looking to replace the current signal warning lights with diode lights. This would give better identification to motorists of oncoming rail traffic.
Mr Piper further advised that in the 1997/98 financial year barrier arm installation on Carmen Road was programmed number 5 nationally (and the third in Christchurch behind Matipo Street and George Holmes Road, Rolleston).
Design work and related roading work in discussion with Transit New Zealand should see construction completed by July 1998. There was discussion enquiring whether we should speak to the General Manager to try and convince him of the necessity of fast action.
Members agreed that Tranzrail should be requested to consider an earlier implementation of the Carmen Road work and in discussion on the rules governing speed along the corridor asked for further information on the jurisdiction and enforcement provisions relating to Tranzrail's use of the corridor.
The Board decided:
1. That officers report back to this Committee on the authority/rules governing train speeds and enforcement of same over the Carmen Road rail crossing.
2. That Tranzrail be requested to consider the rescheduling of this work to be the first project for barrier installation in 1997/98 within the first quarter, and not by July 1998 as intended, and that the Council provide appropriate design work as required on the approaches, and the adjacent side road (Smarts) if required.
There was discussion on the attendance and presentation made at the City Services Committee meeting of 13 May. Paul Roberts was in attendance to discuss the outcome of the Committee's meeting and the consultant's process to be now pursued, being Stage 3.
Stage 3 requires the consultant to develop and assess alternative strategies. This involves identification of alternative strategies, a technical assessment of their likely impact on the problems (from Stage 1) including broad costs and benefits, and providing an informed assessment of the relative merits of each alternative in meeting the stated objectives (from Stage 2). The consultant will then present the alternative strategies to the community (including a presentation to City Services, a presentation to Community Boards and the general public who may be interested), and circulation of a brochure to elicit a response from local and non-local users.
The above work will lead to a recommendation of a preferred strategy by the consultant to the City Services Committee and the strategy recommended by City Services will then be put to Council for approval. The consultant will then develop the approved strategy into the Traffic Management Plan.
The City Services Committee has recommended (to Council) the adoption of its priority list of objectives, being:
Commercial | Residential |
1. Improve safety | 1. Improve safety |
2. Improve pedestrian facilities | 2. Improve pedestrian facilities |
3. Enhance arterial function | 3. Improve environment |
4. Land use | 4. Land use |
5a. Reduce traffic congestion 5b Improve cycle facilities 5c Provide high occupancy vehicle (HOV) facilities |
5a. Reduce traffic congestion 5b. Improve cycle facilities 5c. Provide high occupancy vehicle (HOV) facilities |
6a. Improve environment 6b. Enhance town centre streetscape |
6. Relieve parking problems |
7a. Relieve parking problems 7b. Improve servicing facilities |
On the basis that the alternative strategies would be presented to the Board later it was agreed that there was no need for further action by the Committee at this stage.
The Board decided to write to the Riccarton Business Association and Riccarton Residents Group to thank them for their work on this issue on behalf of the local residents.
The Traffic Committee had received a report from the Area Traffic Engineer in which he sought approval of the Board to install stop controls on Puriri Street at the Hinau Street intersection.
Presently cyclists must stop on the compulsory stop on both Hinau Street approaches to the intersection and give way to Puriri Street traffic.
The Board resolved:
1. To support the proposed alterations to the Hinau Street/Puriri Street intersection and that it include exclusive cycle paths on the Hinau Street approaches.
2. That a stop control be placed against Puriri Street at the Hinau Street intersection
The City Services Committee had received deputations from Mr Stephen Shimmin and Bob Shearing on the proposed improvements at this intersection.
Alternative proposals drawn up by the Board were received. It was suggested by the deputation that a "cheese block" system incorporating the Board's proposal be trialled for two or three months.
The City Services Committee decided that the proposals for the intersection be referred back to officers for a further report, to include:
(a) the proposal put forward by the Board
(b) other ways to accomplish the residents' concerns, and
(c) consideration of the installation of a roundabout at this intersection.
The Board received the information.
The City Services Committee endorsed the Board's desire to seek public opinion on a proposal to construct a seagull island in Yaldhurst Road at this intersection.
The Board received the information.
8. avonhead number 21 bus route
This matter was subject to discussion by the Board's Traffic Committee whose meetings were held on 15 and 20 May 1997. Also, the Community Manager tabled a report at the meeting which provided updated information.
Deliberations on this issue have been reported to the Council via the Community Board reports.
Councillor Diana Shand and Mr Wayne Holton-Jeffreys (Canterbury Regional Council) and two residents of Montclare Avenue attended the 15 May meeting of the Traffic Committee to discuss the present situation.
The Canterbury Regional Council had been proposing to use Montclare Avenue as part of this new route, identified so as to meet demands from the large passenger-concentrated catchments of the College of Education and English Language School.
Further discussions were held at the 20 May meeting. Also, members of the Traffic Committee attended the 26 May meeting of the Canterbury Regional Council North West Bus Work Group to receive the findings of the Canterbury Regional Council-commissioned public relations research conducted through Montclare Avenue.
Subsequently the Canterbury Regional Council's Resource Services Committee met on Wednesday 28 May. Their resolutions were:
(a) That the Resource Services Committee introduce the proposed Merrin (21) and Hyde Park (24) passenger services as approved by the Committee in October 1996.
(b) That these services commence on Sunday 8 June 1997.
(c) That, failing confirmation and installation of bus stop locations prior to the commencement date of these services, they operate on a "hail-n-ride" service until suitable bus stop locations have been approved and installed.
(d) That the decision on the Avonhead (21) bus route be delayed until 30 June 1997 and that in the meantime the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board be requested to consult with residents of Parkstone Avenue over an alternative bus route on that street and the City Council Traffic Engineer be requested to compare the safety issues, especially that of access to Avonhead Road and Staveley Street from Montclare Avenue to that of access from Parkstone Avenue.
There was discussion on the implications of the Canterbury Regional Council's resolutions, particularly in respect of part (d).
The Board decided:
1. That the Canterbury Regional Council's request for the Board to consult with residents of Parkstone Avenue over an alternative bus route on that street be agreed to.
2. That the consultation process by way of a door-knocking exercise be conducted in conjunction with Canterbury Regional Council officers and to include the residents in Solway Avenue between Montclare Avenue and Parkstone Avenue.
3. That the consultation process include discussion with residents relating to their willingness to have bus stops installed outside the properties.
4. That the outcomes from the consultation be reported to the Canterbury Regional Council North West Bus Service Work Group meeting on 23 June via a scheduled meeting of the Board's Traffic Committee.
Helen Broughton then moved "Should the route be endorsed, the Community Board consider the locations of bus stops at the previously resolved sites or as near as possible to these sites in Waimairi Road and Dovedale Avenue, subject to a `door knocking' exercise and owners' consent being obtained."
This was seconded by Mike Mora and when put to the vote was carried on division number two by four votes to three, the voting being as follows:
For (4) Mary Corbett, Helen Broughton, Ishwar Ganda and Mike Mora
Against (3) Bob Shearing, Mark Kunnen and Graham Berry
9. city gateway signs and information centres
The Board was in receipt of a request to review the proposed siting of the gateway project at the State Highway 1 site, Templeton.
Officers from the Environmental Policy and Planning Unit attended the March meeting to promote the city gateway signs. One of the three chosen sites was State Highway 1 just south of the Templeton township. The Board was supportive of the sign concept but it has now been drawn to our attention that there is insufficient land at the proposed site.
Discussions with Environmental Policy and Planning officers and their attendance at the recent meeting of the Templeton Residents Association now confirm that the sign is better sited just north of Templeton at the location of the existing information kiosk. The Association has endorsed the re-siting and are keen to see this work undertaken. This will also allow us to upgrade the information kiosk area and to perhaps place some outdoor picnic furniture to enhance this busy site.
It was understood that the sign had been redesigned and the Board decided to seek more information in this regard before it made a decision.
The Board resolved that the report, as amended and agreed to, of the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board meeting of 7 May 1997 be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting.
Members were asked to identify matters in the 1997/98 Draft Plan which could be the subject of submissions to the Strategy and Resources Annual Plan Working Party.
Two matters were identified by the Board, the first being to support the Hornby Principals Cluster Group application for funding of a social worker from monies set aside in the draft Plan. This was presented to the Board's May meeting in the report from the Child Strategy Sub-Committee.
The Deputy Chairperson has identified the question of undergrounding of services (Telecom and Southpower) when major road reconstruction is done through the City Streets Capital Works Programme.
Members will be aware that undergrounding is done in conjunction on some major works but it would appear that a co-ordinated approach (finance permitting) should be pursued to take advantage of the opportunity to underground these services as part of the upgrading of the streetscape with the road or street being reconstructed. It must be realised, however, that the financial implications of this are major.
The Board resolved to support the inclusion of these two recommendations in a report to the Strategy and Resources Annual Plan Working Party.
The Chairperson of the Child Strategy Sub-Committee (Mary Corbett) had provided the following report on the current and future issues being addressed by the Children's Sub-Committee.
As a result of the meeting with Pansy Wong and families from the Asian community, there has been ongoing contact through Julie Ho who writes for the Chinese newspaper. Julie met with Roger Cave to discuss what the Christchurch City Council can offer the Asian community in terms of services and appropriate contacts (eg Ethnic Council).
The Community Activities Team will also meet with Julie to liaise and exchange information related to programmes and activities in the area. Mary Corbett was approached by Tony Gemmill at the end of our last meeting to gauge whether the Children's Sub-Committee would be interested in repeating another liaison meeting with families from other ethnic groups, combined with the Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board.
At the May Community Board meeting it was decided that the Board would support the Hornby Cluster Group's submission to the draft Annual Plan for a social worker. Mary Corbett will inform Alistaire Rivers of this decision and it will be followed up appropriately by Roger Cave.
As requested, the map of the community facilities is now available for orders if required.
The Community Activities Officer (Denise Galloway) is currently liaising with Kath Jamieson (Research Analyst) regarding the Christchurch City Council city-wide Social Monitoring Project. Kath is hoping to be able to update the Children's Sub-Committee as to progress at the next meeting on 22 July.
The issue of poverty and how it impacts on children in our ward is a focus the Children's Sub-Committee would like to follow up in the future.
The Board resolved to receive the information and that Mike Mora replace Lesley Keast on this sub-committee.
13. Riccarton/Wigram Community Board discretionary funding - 1996/97 review and allocation transfer request
The Board was in receipt of a full schedule of Board-approved allocations made from its 1996/97 Discretionary Fund; also, a request to rescind one of the approved allocations and to reallocate it to another project.
The full schedule is made from the 11 March 1996 available balance of $46,700.
Resolution | Project | Amount |
3 July 1996 | Templeton Toddlers Pool Community Facilities Needs Analysis Research |
-$15,000 -$10,000 |
7 August 1996 | Community Pride Garden Awards Waimairi Study Award Scheme |
-$1,000 -$1,000 |
2 October 1996 | Templeton Residents Association Grant Shand Crescent Reserve |
-$2,000 -$10,000 |
6 November 1996 | Maidstone/Waimairi Roads Intersection (previously allocated by the Board; the work did not proceed) |
+$15,000 |
Lochee Road signage | -$2,500 | |
25 November 1996 | Agenda 21 Port Hills Study Christmas Decorations Riccarton Interchurch Community Care Trust |
-$2,300 -$1,000 -$500 |
5 February 1997 | Templeton Toddlers Pool (monies freed up but recommitted in 1997/98) | +$15,000 |
Hansons Lane Reserve Playground | -$10,000 |
Kirk Road footpath | -$8,000 | |
Mainstreet Co-ordinator | -$5,000 | |
7 May 1997 | Riccarton Town Hall Facade Upgrade | -$2,400 |
Waterloo Road Tree Planting | -$6,000 |
The monies set aside for the Mainstreet Co-ordinator will not be required this financial year. It was recommended that the $5,000 be transferred to the Riccarton Town Hall facade upgrade. (This will reduce the 1997/98 commitment made by the Board at its 7 May meeting by a similar amount.)
The Board resolved, in receiving the information, that the Mainstreet funds of $5,000 be transferred to the Riccarton Town Hall facade upgrade but that a similar amount be set aside from its 1997/98 discretionary funds if the Mainstreet Programme does proceed.
The Board was in receipt of a request for financial assistance received from Business Grow Canterbury to enable them to continue their activities within the Board's area.
In her request to the Board the Regional Manager (Ms Jill Taiaroa) wrote"
"Canterbury Business Advisory Foundation as the legal entity of Business Grow Canterbury wish to apply for $10,000 funding support as per the appended proposal.
We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and commend the commitment Riccarton/Wigram Community Board has in providing visible support service in your area to assist business achieve their goals. We look forward to further promoting our mutual aim of growth and development of the Riccarton/Wigram Ward.
Our application is based on the proposed budget contained herein and we look forward to your favourable consideration re continuing support for the Business Grow service.
Mike Mora moved "That the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board grant $10,000 to Business Grow Canterbury for 1997/98 and that we congratulate them on the good work they have done for the business and jobs in our Board area."
This was seconded by Helen Broughton but when put to the vote was lost on division number 2 by three votes to four, the voting being as follows:
For (3) Helen Broughton, Ishwar Ganda, Mike Mora
Against (4) Mary Corbett, Bob Shearing, Graham Berry, Mark Kunnen.
Bob Shearing than moved "That the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board grant $5,000 to Business Grow Canterbury for 1997/98 and that we congratulate them on the good work they have done for the business and jobs in our Board area."
This was seconded by Graham Berry and when put to the vote was declared carried. (This grant is to be funded from the Board's 1997/98 Discretionary Allocation.)
The meeting concluded at 8.05pm.
D N Buist