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25. 6. 97


9 JUNE 1997

A meeting of the Community Services Committee

was held on Monday 9 June 1997 at 4.00 pm

PRESENT: Councillor Garry Moore (Chairperson), Councillors Carole Anderton, Graham Condon, David Cox, Anna Crighton, Carole Evans, Ishwar Ganda and Barbara Stewart.

IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Alister James arrived at 5.35 pm, retired at 6.00 pm and was present for clause 1.

Councillor Denis O'Rourke arrived at 4.00 pm, retired temporarily at 4.45 pm to 4.50 pm and at 6.25 pm and was absent for clauses 9, 11 and part of clause 4.

Councillor Ron Wright retired at 4.45 pm and was present for clause 5.1.

APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were received and accepted from the Mayor and Councillor Lesley Keast.

Councillor Carole Anderton retired at 6.15 pm and was absent for clauses 9, 10 and 11.

Councillor Graham Condon retired temporarily from 6.20 pm, returned at 6.30 pm and was absent for part of clause 10.

Councillor David Cox retired at 6.00 pm and was absent for clauses 3, 6 and 8-11.

ABSENT: Councillor Pat Harrow.

The Committee reports that:



Officer responsible Author
Library Manager and Property Manager Property Projects Manager, Gilbert van Schaijik Library Manager, Sue Sutherland
Corporate Plan Output:

The purpose of this report is to bring before elected representatives the proposal to locate the new New Brighton Library in the proposed Pier terminus building.


The Annual Plan and Budget has made provision for a new library facility to service the needs of the New Brighton community. The present library is woefully inadequate for current and future requirements and this has prompted the initiative to locate an alternative site for the new library.

Several options have been considered, however on balance it seemed most appropriate to locate the library into the Pier terminus building which is currently being planned. The foreshore land is already in Council ownership and this is obviously a distinct advantage in this location.


The Draft annual plan has provision for the library project as follows:

1997/1998 300,000

1998/1999 800,000

1999/2000 440,000


The Council has given its approval to commence construction on the Pier terminus building conditional upon obtaining tenants for not less than 60% of the building. At this point in time as the space is not otherwise committed we have the opportunity to accommodate the library in the building without compromising other potential tenants. It is therefore seen as a very good opportunity which we should take advantage of. One of the other advantages of course is that this proposal will bring forward the programme for the new library in New Brighton.

Design issues are currently being worked through with our designer team. Design modifications will be required to the proposed building, however this is not seen as a major hurdle to overcome. The architect of the building, Mr Andrew Barclay, is currently working through design issues and will have a tentative layout for us within one week. The current proposal is to locate the library on the ground floor of the building which gives a very high public profile and very good outlook to the future landscaped area in front of the building. The resource consent does require that a seawall is preserved and this must be capable of withstanding a tsunami. This does present some constraints as far as providing views to the sea is concerned however the design team is currently looking at ways of overcoming this.

The community has been informally consulted on this matter and is generally pleased to see this facility progressing. They support the concept of a library on the foreshore.

The Library Manager, Sue Sutherland, has made some comments in relation to this project as follows:

"In assessing the pros and cons for the New Brighton Library on balance there appears to be no cons which are without solution options. If these can be addressed then from the Library's perspective we support the development of the library in the Pier building."

Pros for the New Brighton Library in the Pier building include:

Possible Cons are:


The proposal as has been put to the library would see the library on the ground floor with limited sea view. This seems a great pity to such a wonderful location and not to take advantage of a wonderful natural feature at our very doorstep. A quiet reading space with views of the sea would be a wonderful facility for the people of Brighton. The North Shore Library in Takapuna has just such a view and the effect is superb.

It is recognised that the above point has been made and is currently being investigated by the design team.


In general the Library, local residents and Property Unit support the proposal for locating the library in the Pier terminus building. There remains detail to be finalised. These are predominantly operational practicalities of design and function and these do not seem to be major problems which cannot be overcome.


1. That the Council support in principle the proposal to relocate a new library in the Pier terminus building to be constructed once conditions of pre-commitment have been achieved.

2. That the design and project team continue to develop plans to meet the operational requirements that the library will need in order to enhance the opportunity presented.



The Committee considered a report from Bill Nagelkerke, Children's and Young Adult Services Co-ordinator, on the provision of a parenting room as an addition to the Central Library refurbishment.

This is a new initiative which had arisen as a result of:

The visit of Mr Nagelkerke to the Centre for the Child in Birmingham, United Kingdom, last year.

Feedback from parents and caregivers obtained during the pre-school outreach project which identified the need for libraries to provide such facilities.

Recommendations in the report "Designing for Parent and Child" prepared by the Christchurch City Council's Children's Advocate.

The estimated cost of this facility is $33,000, excluding professional fees and GST, and this could not be accommodated within the existing budgets for the refurbishment.

The Committee decided to recommend to the Strategy and Resources Annual Plan Working Party additional funding of $33,000 in the Draft Plan: 1997/98 Edition for the inclusion of a parenting room as part of the Central Library refurbishment.


The Housing Manager updated Councillors on the progress made on the provision of supervised accommodation for persons with psychiatric disabilities in Council housing.

This was in accordance with the recommendations of the Housing Needs Study adopted by the Council in December 1996.

Negotiations have now been completed with the Richmond Fellowship to provide 18 existing EPH housing units at Jecks Place, Dallington, for housing of clients coming out of institutional care.

The units have been made available to the Richmond Fellowship on a head tenancy basis for a 12 month term with rights of renewal thereafter subject to Council approval. The Richmond Fellowship will have two full time care co-ordinators on site together with a team of 7-8 staff on 24 hour duty within Christchurch and a pool of 20 support workers available on call.

The Committee decided that the information be received and that a letter be written to the SRHA informing them of the progress of the project and pointing out that the concessionary rentals charged by the Council have been the key factor in making the project viable.


The Committee considered a further report from the Principal Policy Analyst, Dave Hinman, on the co-operative housing initiative being developed by McKinlay Douglas Limited in which an offer had been made to the Christchurch City Council to participate. In addition Mr Peter McKinlay attended the meeting and spoke to the proposal and answered questions from Committee members.

This company is already working with a major community group in Porirua, Wellington, to form a housing co-operative to acquire a number of existing Housing New Zealand properties assisted by the Home Buy programme.

The present proposal is being arranged in association with the Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada and involves training a maximum of 12 people who would then be involved in the overseeing of the development of individual housing co-operatives.

The Committee decided that the proposal should be referred to the Housing Review Working Party, established in April 1996 to undertake the review of affordable housing needs in Christchurch, for further investigation and report back to the Committee.

The working party is to also consult with Professor Jackie Levett of the University of Auckland who has experience in co-operative housing schemes in the USA.


Mr Peter McKinlay of McKinlay Douglas and Associates, attended the meeting and explained further the proposal from his organisation to arrange a co-operative housing initiative in association with the Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada. Mr McKinlay explained further the intentions and operation of the programme and answered questions from Committee members.

It was decided to consider his presentation in association with clause 6 of the agenda.


The Committee received the following report:

6.1 Youth Worker Evaluation Report RR 5423

The Committee received the three monthly evaluation report of the Christchurch City Council Youth Worker Project for the period to 30 April 1997.




The Chairperson sought approval of the Committee to introduce a supplementary report on the following topic:

Purchase of Land for Housing - Worcester Street

The reason why the item was not on the agenda and why the matter could not wait for the next meeting as detailed in the report was explained to the Committee. The Committee resolved that the report should be received.


The Committee resolved that the draft resolution to exclude the public set out on page 12 of the agenda be adopted.



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