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25. 6. 97


5 JUNE 1997

A meeting of the Central City Committee

was held on Thursday 5 June 1997 at 4.00 pm

PRESENT: Councillor Margaret Murray (Chairman), The Mayor, Councillors Graham Berry, Anna Crighton, Newton Dodge, Morgan Fahey, Alister James, Charles Manning and Barbara Stewart.

IN ATTENDANCE: David Sheppard and Robert Watson (Consultants).

APOLOGIES: An apology for lateness was received and accepted from Councillor Graham Berry.

Councillor James arrived at 4.08 pm and was absent for clauses 3, 4 and 5. Councillor James was also absent from 4.47 pm until 5.07 pm and was not present for part of clause 2.

The Mayor arrived at 4.16 pm and was absent for clauses 1, 3, 4 and 5.

Councillor Berry arrived at 4.24 pm and was absent for clauses 1, part of clause 2, and all of clauses 3, 4 and 5.

Councillor Crighton retired at 5.23 pm and was absent for part of clause 2.

Councillor Stewart retired at 5.55 pm and was absent for part of clause 2.

Councillor Fahey retired at 6.00 pm and was absent for part of clause 2.

The Committee reports that:



Officer responsible Author
City Streets Manager Peter Atkinson
Corporate Plan Output: On-street Operations Page 9.6.12

The purpose of this report is to initiate special order procedures to declare the section of Oxford Terrace between Lichfield Street and Hereford Street to be one way. The proposed direction of travel will be in a northbound direction from Lichfield Street to Hereford Street.

At the same time the new one way system is introduced it is also proposed to remove the "bus only" lane from Oxford Terrace into Durham Street. Buses which currently use this facility will travel either by Gloucester Street or Hereford Street to Cambridge Terrace and Durham Street.

This project has already been approved by the Council. A publicity brochure has been distributed for information and comment and a resource consent to reduce the carriageway width and to lower the riverbank is underway.


1. That the Fifth Schedule of the Christchurch City Council Traffic and Parking Bylaw 1991 be altered to include the following paragraph:

35. Oxford Terrace, northerly from Lichfield Street to Hereford Street.

2. That the Sixth Schedule of the Christchurch City Council Traffic Parking Bylaw 1991 be altered to delete the following paragraph:


Only a bus shall use the southbound through lane when proceeding south from Oxford Terrace into Durham Street at the Cambridge Terrace/Durham Street/Lichfield Street/ Oxford Terrace intersection.



The Committee considered a report which contained a number of recommendations. The Committee did not consider the recommendations on permanent buildings within the Square and a suggested policy strategy for the stalls and market. Discussion on these matters was deferred pending further investigation until a later meeting of the Central City Committee.


The following matters were considered by the Committee:

(a) Children's Survey

Dean Chrystal (Senior Planner) submitted for consideration a range of opinions gathered from 10-12 year olds during the week prior to the Committee meeting. Suggestions include establishing the following: a discovery trail, interactive not static displays; a kids market; a maze; sidewalk art and murals; hopscotch, snakes and ladders on designated areas; games; more greenery; a playground along similar lines to a fast food chain design; concerts at weekends which school children could attend, and in particular provision for involvement of high school pupils; and provide for involvement of children during the week for concerts etc.

Concerns were also expressed about safety within the Square.

The meeting agreed that the opinions of younger children (5-6 year olds) be sought through Lyn Campbell, Children's Advocate.

(b) Committee Suggestions

Further suggestions for consideration from the meeting included: a temporary ice rink as a winter attraction; a playground with a theme, possibly heritage; the installation of information touch screens; the reticulation of gas for outdoor heaters and the need for a "family oriented" environment.

(c) General Discussion

A submission is to be made to the next budget round to make provision for the involvement of high school activities in Cathedral Square along the lines of "Kids in Town".

The proposal for displays of children's art in the ground floor windows of the buildings occupied by banks fronting the Square was endorsed.

With regard to the market and stalls, consultation with stall holders is to be undertaken regarding sites, long term concerns, impacts, opportunities and general presentation of the food stalls. It was noted that provision for key sites for stalls has been made in the Activities Plan. Further discussion on the possibility of a food hall being located on the perimeter of the Square is to be undertaken.

It was noted that dialogue is proceeding concerning the location of the plaques in the Square. It was suggested they could be incorporated as part of the proposed discovery trail.

2.3 Officer responsible Author
  Environmental Policy & Planning Unit Manager Dean Chrystal, Senior Planner
  Corporate Plan Output: City Design and Heritage

The purpose of this report is to seek approval on various matters relating to activities in Cathedral Square prior to commencing the detailed design work.


There is a variety of activities currently catered for within Cathedral Square ranging from those of a permanent nature such as the children's playground and chess set to more temporary activities such as stalls, concerts, events and speakers. With redevelopment it is hoped to encourage more activities to utilise the Square's environment.

In considering the various activities which may occupy the Square it is relevant to recall that the Council, in creating a "vision" for Cathedral Square, has adopted a number of objectives and design principles. These recognised Cathedral Square as the city's most important gathering place and public face, and as having a pivotal role in maintaining and enhancing the central city as the principal commercial, administration, employment, cultural and tourism focus of the city. In many ways the activities that are to take place within the Square relate back to these objectives and design principles.


An assessment has been made of activities which may take place within the Square to determine their locational suitability and accompanying needs. From this a plan (to be circulated at the meeting) identifying the general distribution of spaces within the Square has been developed. The plan takes into account the requirements of activities described below, as well as the range of settings and features within the Square.



The opportunities for children's or young person's activities within Cathedral Square have been discussed with Lyn Campbell, Children's Advocate. It was considered that activities need to be environmentally friendly, educational, interesting, interactive, fun, flexible and a magnet to encourage children and their families into the Square.


A range of opportunities for children's activities has been identified which includes the following:

Water features which allow for children to enjoy playing safely with water and sound and include interesting features.

Specific children's art sites eg decorative tiles

Discovery trails through the Square identified by art features, stones and rocks or plaques in the paving. These could include a heritage trail on the history of the Square, Christchurch and Canterbury and should be interactive, fun and present some challenge.

Public art with an appeal to children, particularly objects which could be climbed on and touched and present an opportunity for interactive play.

Temporary activities brought into the Square such as a maze or "kids' market".

Opportunities for regular display of children's art. This could be in buildings adjoining the Square. The ANZ and BNZ banks have been approached and initial responses have been favourable.

Children's game opportunities such as hopscotch either as an additional overlay or integrated into the pattern in the surface of the Square.

Messages from children in Sister Cities and information on Sister Cities.

Utilisation of existing features for play such as the War Memorial, or new features such as the permanent seating and areas of raised lawn.

Children's sized chess set

Concerts specifically targeted at children or young people.

Consideration was given to providing a conventional playground in the Square. However this did present problems in that it was difficult to cater for a wide age group. A playground would also physically require a dedicated area of space and the permanence of the structures may be inappropriate in the environment of the Square.


The opportunities identified above provide considerable scope for a range of activities within the Square for children to participate in. It is proposed that these ideas be further developed in detail in consultation with the Children's Advocate and Community Adviser (Arts).



Cathedral Square is regularly used for special events and concerts. In the majority of cases these types of activities are used as a means of providing entertainment and attracting people to the central city, thus helping to create a fun and vibrant environment.


Events and concerts will continue to be catered for in the centre of the Square generally in the large central space marked "A" on the plan. Infrastructure such as power points will be strategically placed to allow stages to be set up at appropriate locations.



One of the key objectives in the redesign of Cathedral Square is to encourage the reuse of peripheral spaces and provide for "spilling out" into the Square. It is hoped that this type of activity will add liveliness and vitality to the Square environment.


It is proposed to cater for these activities, where possible, in leased areas immediately outside the respective buildings around the Square. These areas are shown as "building territory" on the plan.



The chess set in Cathedral Square is used by citizens of Christchurch and tourists alike seven days a week, fifty two weeks a year, providing free entertainment at a low cost to the Council. Along with the Cathedral it is one of the most photographed items in Cathedral Square.


It is proposed that the chess set be located in a similar position to that currently used and that the surface of the board and the associated seating and the storage area be redesigned to complement the remainder of the Square.



The speaker's corner, which is currently located in front of the Cathedral steps, has become a popular attraction and adds an important element to the life of Cathedral Square.

The current location of the speaker's corner has been the cause of some concern for visual and functional reasons. To some extent these problems will be diminished by moving the steps further away from the Cathedral as in the concept plan. It would, however, also be preferable that the speaker's corner be located away from the immediate front aspect of the Cathedral and separated to some extent from the main events area ("A"), so that it is not competing with other activities such as concerts.


It is proposed that the speaker's corner be located on the northern extent of the new steps in front of the Cathedral as shown on the plan. This is slightly further to the north than the present position, ensuring the foreground space in front on the Cathedral is retained and that there is minimal conflict with the main events area.

The Committee decided that the information be received and the Activities Plan be advanced for further consideration at the next meeting


1. That the principal ideas outlined for children's activities be adopted and the provision of additional children's play facilities be explored further.

2. That events and concerts continue to be catered for as outlined in the report and include provision for concerts involving teenagers.

3. That activities be permitted to "spill out" into the Square.

4. That the chess set be maintained in the Square and enhanced through redesign, and that other games as suggested be further investigated; in particular, hard court activities, backgammon and the provision of a stainless steel table-tennis table.

5. That the Speaker's Corner be relocated as shown on the Activities Plan.




This report advised of a new bus stop to be introduced in Gloucester Street as a result of the reconstruction of Worcester Street between Cathedral Square and Manchester Street.

Initially it is proposed to use five parking spaces. However when buses are fully utilising this location, a total of 10 parking spaces will be replaced with bus stops.

These changes are in accordance with the redevelopment plans for Cathedral Square and have the support of the Parking Operations Manager. The changes have already been installed on a temporary basis.

The Committee resolved:

1. That a bus stop be created on the southern side of Gloucester Street commencing at a point 19 metres measured in a westerly direction from a point opposite the western kerbline of Colombo Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 36 metres.

2. That the existing P60 metered parking spaces in the above described area be deleted.


The purpose of this report is to create a parking space for the holders of mobility cards in Liverpool Street. A request for this space has come from the Disabled Persons' Assembly. Their members have a close association with the building on the north western corner of Cashel Street and Liverpool Street.

The following recommendation is supported by the Parking Operations Manager.

The Committee resolved that the P60 metered parking space on the western side of Liverpool Street commencing at a point 18 m measured in a northerly direction and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 6 metres from a point opposite the northern kerbline of Cashel Street be restricted to the holders of mobility cards only.


The purpose of this report is to create a P5 loading zone on the eastern side of Colombo Street to the north of Peterborough Street. This loading zone is to service the two adjacent businesses (a lawnmower shop and land agent) as well as a New Zealand Post mail box. This restriction is designed to improve the level of servicing in this area and reduce the amount of double parking.

This restriction has the support of the Parking Operations Manager and the adjacent businesses.

The Committee resolved:

1. That a P5 loading zone be created on the eastern side of Colombo Street commencing at a point 18 metres from a point opposite the main northern kerbline of Peterborough Street and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 12 metres.

2. That the existing P30 parking restriction in the above described area be deleted.

The meeting concluded at 6.10 pm



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