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11. 7. 97





Officer responsible Author
Environmental Policy and Planning Manager Warren Brixton
Corporate Plan Output: City Design and Heritage

The Council's Resource Management Hearings Panel on 9 June 1997 granted the Coachman Inn Ltd an extension of a certificate of compliance to demolish the Coachman inn building at 144 Gloucester Street, to expire on 16 July.

This action followed a meeting of the Environmental Committee of 9 June 1997 at which it resolved:

1. That the Council work with the owners of the Coachman Inn, situated at 144 Gloucester Street, to ensure the preservation of the property.

2. That the Property Projects Manager seek an option to purchase the property on terms and conditions acceptable to the Council, including valuation.

3. That a feasibility study be carried out to determine the future opportunities and uses for the property.

4. That the Environmental Services Manager be requested to withhold making an application for an interim enforcement order to the Environment Court, providing he is satisfied that there is no immediate threat of demolition to the Coachman Inn.

5. That the Council note that the officer's recommendation to the Resource Management Hearings Panel is that the application for an extension to the certificate of compliance for demolition on the building be declined, on the grounds that it fails to meet the statutory tests.

Since that date negotiations with the property owner have commenced. Details of the stage the negotiations have reached will be advised at the meeting.

As 16 July 1997 will shortly be reached in order to protect the interests of the Council and the public it is proposed that the Council authorise the commencement of action to notify a requirement for a Heritage Order for the building in question.

The timing of this action is critical hence the necessity for the special meeting.

Full details of the proposed course of action will be advised at the meeting.

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