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26. 2. 97



A meeting of the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board

was held at Sockburn Service Centre

on Wednesday 5 February 1997 at 5.00 pm

PRESENT David Buist (Chairperson)

Helen Broughton, Mary Corbett, Ishwar Ganda,

Lesley Keast, Mark Kunnen, Mike Mora and

Bob Shearing.

APOLOGIES An apology for absence was received and accepted from Graham Berry.

An apology for lateness was received from Helen Broughton who entered the meeting at 5.15pm and was present for all clauses with the exception of clauses 6 to 8.1 inclusive.



Officer responsible Author
Property Manager

City Streets Manager

Dave Falls

Paul Burden

Corporate Plan Output: New Assets (Fixed Assets) 9:5:0

The purpose of this report is to seek Council approval to the realignment, acquisition, and exchange of land for the completion of the Riccarton Service lane, between Kauri Street and Rimu Street.

The developers of numbers 126, 128 and 130 Riccarton Road have approached the Council with a proposed amended service lane alignment, to enhance their redevelopment.

The proposal, as detailed on the attached plans appears a reasonable alignment and does not compromise the objectives of the City Plan.

If this proposed development proceeds the potential benefits are as follows:

(i) Completes the physical service lane link from Kauri Street and Rimu Street.

(ii) Protects existing car parking on northern boundary.

(iii) Provides access to additional public car parking not currently available.

(iv) Removes a direct access to Riccarton Road while there is no current budgetary provision for property purchase this financial year, the owners have agreed to defer settlement until Council funds are available.

Details of the property exchange and acquisition are as follows:

1. Address: 126-128 Riccarton Road
Owners Christchurch City Council.
Area: 180m2 Area proposed for exchange 126 m2
Legal Description: Gazette Notice A53149/1 shown marked B & C on Survey Office Plan 18983 (copy attached).
2. Address: 126-128 Riccarton Road
Owners D C & R P Williamson.
Area: 1995m2
Legal Description: Part Lot 3 DP 4829 and Part Lot 264 DP 3360

Contained in Certificates of Title 318/078 and 323/272

Area Proposed

for Exchange: 182m2 shown marked ÒAÓ and ÒDÓ

3. Address: 130 Riccarton Road and 2 Kauri Street
Owners: P J & D M Dunn
Area: 1417m2
Legal Description: Lot 265 & Pt Lot 266 DP 3360 contained in CT 647/16 & 319/066
Severance required for the service lane 240m2 shown marked E & F on the enclosed plan.


Agreement has been reached and settlement can be achieved on:

1. The exchange of the 126m2 of Council owned land marked B & C for the 182 m2 areas marked A & D with an equality of exchange payment by the Council to be assessed by Roger Hallinan of Simes & Co, the valuer, mutually appointed by both parties.

2. The Council purchase of the areas marked E & F at the value to be assessed by Roger Hallinan of Simes & Co, the valuer, mutually appointed by both parties.

Recommendation: That the Council adopt the above property settlement.

2. proposed ROAD STOPPING: RR 4387

DISPOSAL OF redundant ROAD widening angela street

Officer responsible Author
City Design Manager Lester Reilly, Legal Surveyor Design Stephen Cribb, Property Services Officer
Corporate Plan Output: Roading Budget - Land Legalisation

The purpose of this report is to start the legal procedures necessary to stop a portion of legal road.

Approval in principle was recommended by the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board at its 25 November 1996 meeting to dispose of the unformed portion of Angela Street as the land is not required for road purposes.

Negotiations between the Council officers and the adjoining land owners have been satisfactorily concluded subject to a successful road stopping procedure.

City Streets agrees with this proposal.

The land is not formed as road but fenced and occupied by the adjoining owners.

The plan is attached.

Prior to sale the following resolution is necessary to initiate the stopping action:


Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 319 (h) and 342 of the Local Government Act 1974, the Christchurch City Council hereby resolves to stop that portion of road as shown on the plan and described in the Schedule hereto.

Reason for the Road Stopping

The Council has received a request from the adjoining owners for the purchase of the land which is no longer required by Council for road purposes.

Purpose to which the stopped road will be put

The portion of road when stopped, will be sold to the adjoining owners pursuant to Section 345 (1) (a) (i) of the Local Government Act 1974 and amalgamated with their certificate of title pursuant to Section 345 (2) of the Local Government Act 1974.

The land is situated alongside and occupied by No 17 Angela Street and is 2.05m in width.


Portion of Angela Street being all that parcel of land situated in the City of Christchurch and shown as Road to be Stopped and described as follows:

Shown Area SO Adjoining Land
A 46 m2 19717 Pt Lot 105 DP 212

Recommendation: 1. That the above resolution be adopted.

2. That if no objections are received, or the objections are later withdrawn, the Council shall by Public Notice, declare the said portion of road as stopped.

3. That the stopped road be sold to the adjoining owners pursuant to Section 345 (1) (a) (i) of the Local Government Act 1974 and amalgamated with their certificate of title pursuant to Section 345 (2) of the Local Government Act 1974.

4. That if objections are received, the Resource Management Hearing panel hear the objections and then make a recommendation to Council as to the action to be taken.Ó


Officer responsible Author
Water Services Manager Bill Morgan, Property Services Officer
Corporate Plan Output: Land Drainage and Environment (New Assets)

Rivers and Tributaries 9.3.43

The purpose of this report is to seek Council approval to the purchase of three severances from properties owned by Housing New Zealand Limited to facilitate stream enhancement to the Ilam Drain and provide a walkway link from Riccarton Road via Kirkwood Intermediate School to the Milnebank Street Reserve.


The project involves that stretch of Ilam Drain that is bounded by Kirkwood Intermediate School, residential housing owned by Housing New Zealand, and Milnebank Reserve. The waterway consists of a boxed channelised drain that is fenced off from surrounding activities by high fences. Although, the waterway has intermittent flow, the base of the waterway is continually damp.

The Water Services Unit has been working closely with Kirkwood Intermediate School and Housing New Zealand Ltd, in order to restore the natural and aesthetic values associated with this waterway. This has resulted in the concept plan that is attached with this report.

With waterway restoration, the fences between the waterway and the school will be removed and it will become part of an overall development of the school grounds. Banks will be regraded and planted with native riparian species. A seating area will provide a focus for outdoor educational classes and a walkway link access to Milnebank Reserve. The walkway link will also form part of a longer route that will give the local community access through the school to Riccarton Road .

The School and the local community will be actively involved in the development of the site (eg planting), its ongoing maintenance (eg litter, weeds), and some of the costs (eg the seating area). Any Council development on land owned by the school will be given long term protection with a conservation covenant.


As indicated above the proposal requires the purchase of three severances from Housing New Zealand Limited from their properties situated at 10-18 Karamu Street as depicted as parcels "A", "B" and Lot 3 on the attached plans S2704. The three separately titled sites are situated at the eastern end of Karamu Street, a short fully formed cul-de-sac extending at Balgay Street. The properties form part of a substantial pocket of development undertaken primarily for state housing purposes in the 1940's. The sites at 10-12 Karamu Street and 14-16 Karamu Street have each been developed to provide two adjoining blocks of two residential units. The property at 18 Karamu Street provides a single unit detached dwelling. All of the sites are irregular in shape but readily accessible and near level in contour. Plans relating to this are attached.

The property details are as follows:

1. Address: 10-12 Karamu Street
Legal Description: Lot 3 DP 20005

Certificate of Title 4D/548

Total Area: 1656m2
Area of Severance: 133m2
Zone: Living 1
Government Valuation: As at 1 September 1995:

LV: $53,000

Improvements: $19,000

CV: $72,000

2. Address: 14-16 Karamu Street
Legal Description: Lot 39 DP 15127

Certificate of Title 4D/545

Total Area: 1062m2
Area of Severance: 248m2
Zone: Living 1
Government Valuation: As at 1 September 1995:

LV: $44,000

Improvements: $23,000

CV: $67,000

3. Address: 18 Karamu Street
Legal Description: Lot 2 DP 21239

Certificate of Title 4D/551

Total Area: 1363m2
Area of Severance: 229m2
Zone: Living 1
Government Valuation: As at 1 September 1995:

LV: $119,000

Improvements: $13,000

CV: $132,000

To assess the compensation payable for the loss of the land the Council engaged the services of Ford Baker, Registered Public Valuers, while Housing New Zealand Limited engaged Robertson, Young, Telfer. The valuation details are included in the Public Excluded Section of this report as is the proposed settlement.

Recommendation: That the Council agree to the property purchase as outlined in the public excluded section of the report.

4. Parking restrictions Surrounding the riccarton mall RR 4460

Officer responsible Author
City Streets Manager Paul Burden, Area Traffic Engineer
Corporate Plan Output: Road Markings and Signs 9.6 text 12

The purpose of this report is to provide the Board with the results of the publicity for the proposal to place two hour parking restrictions on one side of certain streets on the south side of Riccarton Road surrounding the Riccarton Mall.

The resolution of the Board's 25 November 1996 meeting was to place P120 parking restrictions on the west side of Matipo Street between Riccarton Road and Peverel Street, the south side of Maxwell Street and Dallas Streets and the west side of Division Street between Maxwell Street and Peverel Streets subject to immediate public consultation.

A leaflet was distributed to the occupiers of every address within a defined catchment area. The catchment was determined by assessing which properties would be affected by a possible 100% migration of carparking from the proposed restricted areas. The catchment area is shown in the plan accompanying this report. The total number of leaflets distributed was 344 excluding those posted to Board members.

Recipients of the leaflet were given nearly three weeks to make submissions on the proposal. Five telephone and six written submissions have been received. Of the eleven submissions in total, nine opposed the restrictions, one supported the restrictions and one was seeking clarification. Those opposing the restrictions are mostly Peverel Street residents concerned that the problem would merely shift into their street. The response rate to date is therefore just over 3% with only around 2.5% of recipients registering opposition to the proposal.

A second recommendation was made by the Board

that an urgent meeting be held with the Mall Management to discuss on-site parking requirements for customers and employees

The Community Manager advised that this meeting will be held this month and not earlier as anticipated. Reasons for this included the Mall Management Property Manager has been on extended leave and the position has been further complicated by the recent sale of the Mall to a North Island-based company negating the opportunity for an early meeting.

The Board resolved that the parking of vehicles be limited to a maximum of two hours at the following locations:

The restrictions affecting Matipo Street, a collector road, will need adopting by the Council.

Recommendation: That the Council adopt the following restrictions with respect to vehicles being limited to a maximum of two hours:



5. confirmation of MEETING report

The Board resolved that the report of the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board meeting held on 25 November 1996 be confirmed as a true and correct record of that meeting.

6. supplementary report

The Chairperson advised the Board that a tabled supplementary report ÒTotara Street (Clyde-Puriri) TreesÓ was available for consideration.

Members were advised of the reason why the report was not included in the main agenda and why the matter could not wait until the next Board meeting for consideration.

The Board resolved to receive and consider the supplementary report (Clause 21 refers).



Dr Ross Cullen, on behalf of the Kirkwood Intermediate School, was in attendance to address the Board on the School[Otilde]s involvement, and support for, the enhancement project. (Reported under clause 3).

In his presentation to the Board Dr Cullen noted the partnership between the school and the Council in enhancing the waterway and the opportunities that this new project would allow for the pupils of the school.

7.2 ridder reserve proposed petanque pit

Mr D Cadman, as spokesperson for some local residents, was in attendance to address the Board on the proposed petanque pit.

In his presentation Mr Cadman noted that the designation of this reserve was that it was a passive reserve and in his opinion proposals for petanque or any similar sorts of activities would be outside the rules of this reserve. He suggested that there may be other suitable sites to place a petanque pit onto as their concerns were relating to parking in the adjoining cul-de-sacs, no public facilities for health, and the possibility that greater use of this reserve may be as a result of this new facility being placed in there.

Mr Cadman was also concerned with the very small number of replies in view of the supposedly large catchment drop of the original proposal made by the Service Centre. This matter was considered by the Board, clause 9 refers.


The Board, by resolution, agreed to allow four persons to address the Community Board in relation to this matter. This agreement was given under consideration of Clause of Standing orders.

Addressing the Community Board were -

Mr P Maciaszek, a solicitor on behalf of Mr R Jeck, a resident of 177 Maidstone Road

Mr L Black of 153 Waimairi Road

Mr R Marryatt of 205 Maidstone Road

Mr R G McGregor of 204 Maidstone Road

Whilst Mr Maciaszek tabled a submission on behalf of Mr Jeck, the other speakers spoke to amplify their previously submitted objections to the proposed siting of bus stops outside their properties.

Officers from the Canterbury Regional Council were also in attendance to assist the Board in its deliberations on the proposals received.

All four presenters gave full and concise reasons why they had sought the Board to reconsider the siting of the bus stops and they answered questions put by members of the Community Board.

The Board resolved that members meet with residents in the affected areas to discuss the siting of bus stops and that they be given power to act to recommend to Council the final placings of the bus stops required for these two routes.


The Area Parks Officer, Brent Smith, advised the Board of the results of the letterbox drop carried out in December 1996 regarding the proposed siting of a petanque pit in Ridder Reserve. Only six replies were received and three of those replies has suggested a better siting whilst the other three were not in favour of it.

The general concern from members in discussing this was the very low response from residents and whether this gave the Board the mandate to allow this work to be sited in the reserve.

The Board resolved that further consultation be held with the residents in the catchment area around Ridder Reserve on the proposed siting of the petanque pit.


The Libraries Manager, Ms Sue Sutherland, was in attendance to discuss with the Board the Review of Voluntary Libraries Report as received recently by the Community Services Committee.

There are three voluntary libraries within the Board's area and they resolved that a sub-committee of Mary Corbett, Helen Broughton, David Buist and Mark Kunnen be established to meet with the voluntary libraries committees in order to recommend appropriate courses of action for each of the libraries. The report of the sub-committee will be brought back to the April meeting of the Community Board for consideration and forwarding to the April meeting of the Community Services Committee.


The Board received a report from the Community Manager and Community Activities Officer on the new premises for the South Hornby Nursery and Pre-School.


The South Hornby Nursery and Pre-School has been operating for six years and is managed by the South Hornby Nursery and Pre-School Trust. It is currently based in a classroom at the South Hornby Primary School. The pre-school has a full roll and is attended by eighty children per week but the daily licence is 24 children. It is a community-based pre-school and fees are kept to a minimum so that it is affordable for all families in the area.

The South Hornby Nursery and Pre-School Trust was informed in November of 1996 that due to an increase in the school roll they would need to vacate the school building by August 1997.

The School Board of Trustees and the Trust are both very keen for the pre-school to remain based at the school and another site on the school grounds has recently been approved by the Ministry of Education which will include the original play area.

Because the South Hornby Nursery and Pre-School Trust is a non-profit organisation there are no funds available for a new building to be erected at South Hornby Primary School. If the Trust does not receive financial assistance for new premises it will have to discontinue its pre-school service to the local community in August 197.


Under the Childcare Policy, the South Hornby Nursery and Pre-School meets all the criteria for eligibility for assistance from Council. To be eligible for assistance community creches have to be community managed and operate on a not for profit casual use basis.

The Council has been assisting the South Hornby Nursery and Pre-School by providing rent for the last five years under 3.1 of the Childcare Policy.

Plans have been drawn up and the Trust is at present waiting for a resource consent for the new building from the Council.


The South Hornby Nursery and Pre-School Trust has applied to the Ministry of Education for a grant to build new premises on this site, estimated to cost $100,000.

If successful, the grant could cover anything between 10-80% of the cost. However, the success of their application will not be known till late February.

The likely senario is that the Trust will only receive 50% of the total cost of the project. but there again they may not receive any funds owing to other demands on the Departments funds. As part of the Trusts application they must show that they can fund the balance of the monies required to complete the project.


Discussions have been held with the Pre-School Trust, their architect, and officers from the Property Unit with regard to their application to the Department of Education and the Council[Otilde]s requirements if we get involved financially with the Trust. This would involve much officer time in legal documentation between the Trust, the Department and the School.

The result of the Pre-School Trust[Otilde]s application to the Department for a financial contribution will have a direct bearing on the contribution that the Council would then have to make.

It will be appreciated that there is no provision, at this time, for the Council[Otilde]s contribution in the current (or future year[Otilde]s) budget.

The Board resolved

1. That the Board supports in principle the relocation of the South Hornby Nursery and Pre-School according to the Childcare Policy (3.4).

2. That the Board give consideration to underwrite the shortfall of approximately $50,000 from its 1997/98 Project Funds in support of the Trust[Otilde]s application to the Department of Education.

3 That this support be in the form of financial assistance up to an amount estimated to be $100,000, to be reduced accordingly if Ministry of Education funding is available.

4. That Council[Otilde]s share of the funds be sought through either a further 1996/97 Review or in the 1997/98 Draft Annual Plan and Budget.

5. That, if required, appropriate legal documentation be drawn up between the Department of Education and the Council to protect the Council[Otilde]s asset and occupation of the land.

11. mainstreet co-ordinator for riccarton road

The Community Manager gave a report on the activities of the Riccarton Road Mainstreet Sub-Committee and to make application for funds to top up the salary for the proposed Mainstreet Co-ordinator.

It was the original intention that the Riccarton Business Association make application to New Zealand Employment Services for this position under the ACE programme. As it turns out, they would not have been eligible due to the Association not being a legally constituted body.

The application was made to New Zealand Employment Services for the Riccarton Road Mainstreet Co-ordinator. Approval for this position has been received.

The Board resolved

1. That the funding be provided to meet the salary shortfall of the Co-ordinator subject to the Programme being in accordinace with the Mainstreet Programme guidelines.

2. That the Policy Direction Committee of the Mainstreet Programme include local residents[Otilde] representation.


The Board received a report updating members on the community consultation pilot process initiated by the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board and received by this Board at its 25 November 1996 meeting.

Our Board resolved to support in principle the possibility of developing a collective strategy towards complementing existing community consultation processes and two members, being Helen Broughton and Mike Mora, were elected to represent our Board on the inter-Community Board Working Party. They attended the first meeting on 17 December 1996.

The Board resolved that a presentation be made on the community consultation process for possible implementation as part of the Board[Otilde]s 1998/99 Annual Plan and Budget process.


The Area Parks Officer sought Board approval to remove a painted pedestrian crossing and replace it with a pedestrian refuge island with associated pedestrian median and Ôno stopping[Otilde] lines in the vicinity of the St Bernadette[Otilde]s School. As a result of the public consultation process through the local community the Area Parks Officer reported that the school was in favour of the proposal and immediately affected property owners were satisfied with it also.

The Board resolved

1. That the painted pedestrian crossing on Hei Hei Road outside St Bernadette[Otilde]s School be removed and replaced with a pedestrian refuge island and associated painted median.

2. That the stopping of vehicles be prohibited at all times on the west side of Hei Hei Road outside number 57 and on the east side of Hei Hei Road outside number 70.


The Board received the proposed flow chart and comments would be forwarded through to the Property Manager for his consideration.


The Board was in receipt of a report advising discussions held with appropriate policy units in respect of projects proposals included into the 1997/98 Draft Annual Plan and Budget.

One matter was still outstanding requiring further persual and the Board resolved that this be taken up with the appropriate business unit.


1996/97 balance of allocation

The Board received an update in respect of the current balance of monies available from its 1996/97 discretionary fund and by resolution has allocated monies as follows:

Hansons Park Reserve Playground Installation $10,000

Kirk Road footpath from Bailey to Maddisons $8,000

Mainstreet Co-ordinator Riccarton Road $5,000


The Parks Manager provided to the Board an extensive schedule showing capital projects within the Board[Otilde]s area as at 31 December 1996.

The Board resolved to receive the information.


As requested by the Subdivisions Planning Officer the Board received two proposals for names for new subdivisions undertaken. The Board resolved that the first being Venture Place which is off Annex Road and the second one related to a subdivision of 23 business zone units off Hayton Road which is to be called Dakota Crescent.


The Board received an extensive report which detailed a proposal for the Canterbury Float Fishing Club in conjunction with the Parks Unit and the North Canterbury Fish and Game Council to stock and encourage the sport of course fishing from various Council lakes. Within our Board area the Westlake Reserve had been identified as a possible site.

The Board resolved that further work be undertaken with the North Canterbury Fish and Game Council to determine the suitability of the pond at Westlake Reserve for course fishing and that the Parks Manager be authorised to approve the stocking of Westlake once the conditions for release had been met.


As reported to the Board in November, a questionnaire had been distributed regarding the retention or removal of existing purple crab apple trees in Totara Street as part of the proposed new construction.

The Project Engineer reported that a 74% return rate was received and of those replied, 89% favoured the removal of the existing trees.

Members asked that consideration be given to planting native trees, perhaps sourced through the Riccarton Bush Trust, along this section of Totara Street to acknowledge the historical connection between this part of the Riccarton residential area and the original Deans Estate.

The Board resolved to agree to the removal of the existing street trees in Totara Street between Clyde Road and Puriri Street subject to resource consent being obtained.



D N Buist


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