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26. 2. 97


20 FEBRUARY 1997

A special meeting of the Projects and Property Committee

was held on Thursday 20 February 1997 at 11.30 am

PRESENT: Councillor Ron Wright (Chairman),

The Mayor,

Councillors Oscar Alpers, Carole Anderton,

Carole Evans and Ishwar Ganda.

APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were received and accepted

from Councillors Morgan Fahey, Ian Howell,

Alister James and Denis O'Rourke.

IN ATTENDANCE: Councillors David Buist, Graham Condon,

David Cox, Anna Crighton, Gordon Freeman,

Lesley Keast and Gail Sheriff.

Councillor Ganda retired at 12.30 pm and was

present for clause 1.

Councillor Alpers retired at 1.45 pm.

The Committee reports that:



The Committee gave consideration to a progress report on the redevelopment of the Centennial Pool and a design report prepared by Architecture Warren and Mahoney proposing a new scheme for the Centennial Pool.

The meeting commenced with an overview of the project from the Major Projects Co-ordinator followed by a detailed briefing on the new scheme from Mr Barry Dacombe of Architecture Warren and Mahoney.

In essence the proposed pool/fitness complex and exchange of land provides a far better arrangement without compromising any of the previous decisions of the Council. The green open space remains identical in size and location to that previously approved by the Council but now enables the pool's proposed outdoor seating area and in particular the future proposed children's water play area to be strategically located i.e. in the most sheltered and sunny position of the site. The through access from Armagh Street to Oxford Terrace remains central to the development while the fitness area maintains a similar location commanding a view to the open space.

By switching the car park from the eastern to the western boundary, better utilisation of the area previously occupied by the old pool plant room can be made. It further allows for better access from Armagh Street.

Mainzeal's request to provide underground car parking along the western boundary of the site and under the fitness area also enhances the overall development by:

Removing three above ground car park levels as well as reducing the height of their proposed building development.

Contributing towards the cost of the Fitness Centre by incorporating the centre's structure within their development.

Increasing the value of the saleable/leasable land.

Provision will be made in the design of the underground car park for the grassing of the green open space immediately above the car park (along Oxford Terrace), as well as providing appropriately sized trees along both Armagh Street and Oxford Terrace. Pedestrian access to Mainzeal's development is proposed from Oxford Terrace. No compromise in pool amenities has resulted from Mainzeal's proposal.

Mainzeal as part of their new proposal have submitted a financial and development package for the Council to consider and this will be separately circulated prior to the meeting.

A report by the Property Projects Manager (who endorses the proposed use of the Centennial Pool site) will be separately circulated or tabled.


Based on the documented Project Brief, and as reported on in the Design Report, the budget estimates are summarised as follows:

(a) Budget provision as per 1996/97 Annual Plan 1995/96 500,000
1996/97 2,870,000
1997/98 1,186,000
Provision for Inflation 300,000
Less contribution (Land/Sponsorship/Grants) (580,000)
Net 1996/97 Budget Provision $4,276,000
(b) Total Estimated Project Cost at completion of project

Less Provision for Recoveries



Less Contributions(Land/Sponsorship/Grants) (1,430,000)
Net Estimated Project Cost $4,926,250
Estimated Shortfall in Funding $650,250

The net cost to the Council has increased by $650,250 due mainly to a significant increase in building costs over and above those previously supplied by Mainzeal and which formed the basis of previous cost assessments. Part of the costs have been offset by additional revenue from land sales, sponsorship and grants which officers believe is appropriate in the current climate. Also within the budget is provision for:

A second heat pump connected to Southpower's heat pump and forming part of the dehumidification in the pool's air handling system to reduce outdoor air requirements. The estimated additional cost of $85,000 produces substantial electricity savings and has a payback period of 1.25 years. It is anticipated that the cost of the additional heat pump will be funded by the Council's Energy Efficiency Fund.

Provision of a standby generator (estimated cost $180,000) for use during peak periods resulting in an estimated saving of $19,000 pa. The estimated pay back period is 10 years, however with an estimated life expectancy of 40 years and the reduced annual operating cost over its life, savings are significant.

The provision of ozone water treatment ($280,000) was considered initially as an optional extra. However it has now become quite clear that ozone is a requirement for leisure pools to ensure clear and healthy water. Experience has shown that pools without ozone tend to become cloudy as loadings increase (Note: A recent inspection of the QEII pools indicated that an ozone plant would greatly enhance the water quality at that venue during heavy loadings.)

Increased quality/standard of the vapour barrier ($75,000) to the building shell to ensure a maintenance free internal structure and more efficient heating and ventilation.

A project contingency of $250,000 has been allowed. Much detailed design has yet to be undertaken and it is prudent to include this sum at this stage.


The programme shows construction commencing in May 1997 with completion and commissioning in April 1998.


It is acknowledged that there are cost increases associated with the latest proposal for the redevelopment of Centennial Pool and further that the proposed new site layout differs from the previously approved concept. However, the Project Team believes the latest redevelopment proposals for the Centennial Pool site are clearly superior to all previously presented proposals and will have lasting benefits for the community.

The Major Projects Co-ordinator recommended:

1. That the Projects and Property Committee approve the new design/layout for Centennial Pool as contained in the Design Report.

2. That Mainzeal's proposal for development of that part of land situated along the Western boundary be approved subject to:

(a) Endorsement of the proposal by Mainzeal's Board

(b) The appropriate legal documents being drawn up

(c) All agreed commitments to the contract being met.

3. That subject to acceptance of Mainzeal's proposal, an additional provision of $650,250 be included in the 1997/98 Annual Plan for the redevelopment of Centennial Pool.

4. That approval be given to commence detailed design work, preparation of tender documentation and the negotiation of a contract with Mainzeal for acceptance by the Council.

5. That in the event of the Council not accepting Mainzeal's proposal, (a) appropriate compensatory financial provision be made in the 1997/98 Annual Plan, and (b) that the land currently available to Mainzeal be tendered for sale/lease.

Recommendation: That a special meeting of the Council be held in approximately two weeks time to consider the new proposal for the Centennial Pool.




2.1 Pioneer Sports Stadium

(Pool, Stadium Alterations and Additions, Creche) RR 4609

The Committee deferred consideration of a progress report on the Pioneer Sports Stadium Project. The report sought approval to increase the budget for the design and construction of the proposed pool complex (including the mandatory requirements to upgrade the existing stadium in terms of fire safety and access). Approval was also sought to design and construct a fitness facility, administration area and creche.


1. The Committee resolved that the public excluded resolutions contained in the supplementary agendas be adopted.

2. That Messrs Barry Dacombe and Thom Craig of Architecture Warren and Mahoney and Malcolm Timms of Ryder Hunt Quantity Surveyors be permitted to remain at the meeting after the public has been excluded because their special knowledge of the Centennial Pool project will assist the Committee in its deliberations.



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