26. 2. 97
14 FEBRUARY 1997
A meeting of the Projects and Property Committee
was held on Friday 14 February 1997 at 2.00 pm
PRESENT: Councillor Ron Wright (Chairman),
Councillors Oscar Alpers, Carole Anderton,
Ishwar Ganda, Ian Howell and Alister James.
IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Gail Sheriff.
APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were received and accepted
from the Mayor and Councillors Carole Evans,
Morgan Fahey and Denis O'Rourke.
An apology for early departure was received from
Councillor Carole Anderton who left the meeting
at 2.30 pm, and was present for all clauses except
clauses 4, 5 and 6.
The Committee reports that:
Officer responsible | Author |
Community Manager | Alan Dunlop, Community Manager |
Corporate Plan Output: Riccarton/Wigram Community Board Statement of Priorities - |
The purpose of this report is to outline the background regarding the relocation of the Springs Community Pre-School facility.
Springs Community Pre-School was originally formed by the Hornby Elim Church as part of their community help programme. The pre-school was originally established in October 1987 and was based on the then church site in Springs Road.
While the pre-school was established by the church, it has always functioned separately as far as funding and revenue is concerned and separate accounts kept. It has always been audited as a stand alone entity.
In 1992 the overall financial management responsibilities split off from the church, and passed over to the supervisor and licensee. The pre-school has continued to operate from 1993 to this day under a Management Committee which consists of the licensee, staff and a number of parents.
In September 1994 the committee received notice from the Elim Church (property owner) giving it notice to vacate the site. This was due to the Church's intention to sell the property. After long negotiations the pre-school eventually vacated the site and temporary relocation was provided at the Sockburn Service Centre site in the building previously used as an administration office by the Works Operations Unit of the Christchurch City Council. The pre-school reopened on this site in March 1995.
A number of temporary concessions were obtained to permit this activity from this site. These include resource consent conditions, building functionality, Ministry of Education licence, etc. All this was seen as a very temporary measure while the Council found a suitable site for relocating the pre-school.
The Council made budgetary provision of $240,000 in the 1996/967 financial year to facilitate the relocation.
Plans of the proposed site and creche building are attached.
Since December 1994 when the Council first became aware of the need to relocate the pre-school, a number of sites have been investigated. These include the purchase of the Elim Church site, houses previously part of the Wigram Airbase that had become available for purchase, vacant sections, other properties for sale, Council land and school sites. All of these sites were not proceeded with after investigation/discussion due to a number of reasons. These include location, cost, suitability for the function, and taking into account conditions pertaining to resource consents.
In excess of 15 sites have been investigated in the Sockburn/Wigram area and some in the wider Hornby area. The Management Committee of the Pre School has also investigated a number of sites and has reported these back to the Council
Officers finally settled on two sites as being possible options, these being on the Sockburn Pool site and on other Council vacant land adjacent to the Sockburn Pool car parking area.
The latter site has been set aside for the expansion of the Elderly Persons' Housing although the original purchase of this land states it was purchased for Council purposes.
The major advantages of these sites were location, that they are Council owned, and the availability to also service a need (casual care of pre-school children) for users of the Sockburn Pool and Recreation Centre which is not currently provided for.
Sockburn Pool Site
The area was discussed with staff responsible for the Sockburn Pool operations.
Elderly Persons' Housing Site
The Housing Manager has indicated to us that this site had been purchased for elderly persons' housing. We were not able to verify this as all titles and background information we were able to obtain indicated purchase for Council use and some ex Paparua County Council staff understand this was open to pool expansion and housing etc. Council use not necessarily specific.
* It should be noted that it is intended that the proposed building would be relocatable.
Because of the two factors as they pertain to earthworks, and more importantly the overhead power transmission lines, we have not pursued the pool site.
Elderly Persons' Housing Site
Believing this is the best option available to the Council, we have:
The following recommendations were therefore submitted to the November meeting of the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board:
1. That the open area in front of the elderly persons site be the preferred site.
2. That approval be sought from the Councils Projects and Property Committee for the use of this site for the establishment of a Pre School.
3. That the appropriate resource consents be applied for to establish a pre-school facility on this site.
The Riccarton/Wigram Community Board adopted the following resolution at its November 1996 meeting.
"The Board resolved that the open area in front of the Weaver Place elderly persons site was the preferred site and that approval should now be sought through the Council to use this site to establish the Pre school, with appropriate resource consents being sought."
The Property Manager comments:
The Housing Section of the Property Unit had previously ear-marked all the vacant land at Weaver Place for future EPH development.
However, it would be unreasonable to negate the opportunity for the temporary siting of the Springs Road Creche given that no firm development plans are to hand. Goal one on the December 1996 report to Council included the requirement to bring forward a development plan for Council owned land suitable for affordable housing by December 1997, and prioritise.
Given that the resolutions of the Council reflect a need to concentrate on inner city housing, and perhaps a joint venture on Council owned land at Hornby, it is unlikely that the Weaver Place land will be required for housing in the medium term.
We are concerned that the creche siting could cause additional noise and traffic concerns to the EPH tenants and ask that due attention be given to mitigating the adverse affects of the same eg ensuring that provision is made to stop any through traffic from Greenhurst Street/Takaro Avenue to Weaver Place. In fact limiting all access to Greenhurst Street/Takaro Avenue would be seen as desirable.
We have been advised that the creche has been designed as a relocatable unit able to be retrofitted as a community lounge for housing purposes as necessary and commend this approach.
Recommendation: That approval be granted for the Springs Community Preschool to be located on part of the site earmarked for elderly persons' housing being Lot 1 DP 25336 subject to the following conditions:
1. Appropriate consultation being undertaken with the adjoining community .
2. Appropriate resource consents being applied for to establish a pre-school on this site.
The Communications and Promotions Manager reported, seeking approval to erect a banner on the Kilmore Street airbridge to advertise the public open days at the Convention Centre.
The Committee resolved:
1. That special dispensation be given to hang a banner (2m x 24m) from the airbridge from Saturday 22 February to Monday 24 March inclusive, subject to the fixing details being approved by the Major Projects Co-ordinator.
2. That the City Streets Unit be requested to develop a policy for future airbridge advertising, on the basis that such policy disallow detailed, distracting signage, with familiar logo/branding promotion being acceptable.
carpet tender acceptance RR 4588
The Commercial Property Manager reported, listing tenders received for the supply of carpet tiles to be installed throughout the Central Library as part of the current upgrading project, and seeking approval to the colour scheme proposed by Ian Krause Architects Ltd, which provided for the installation of a light grey patterned carpet tile. Samples of the carpet tiles were tabled at the meeting. The Libraries Manager advised that she supported the carpet tiles proposed by the architect, which were identical to the tiles recently laid in the Wellington Public Library. The Commercial Property Manager advised that provision for the laying of the carpet tiles had been included in the project budget.
The Committee resolved:
1. To accept the tender of Feltex Modular Carpets for the supply of Corporate Square Nova carpet tiles at $54.50 per square metre (provisional sum of $309,587 plus GST based on 5680 square metres).
2. That the colour scheme selected and presented by Ian Krause Architects Limited be approved.
The Committee received progress reports on the following projects:
4.1 Centennial Pool and Pioneer Pool Redevelopment RR 4578
4.2 Christchurch Convention Centre RR 4559
It was also resolved that a letter of appreciation be sent to Chas S Luney Ltd thanking the company and its sub-contractors for their co-operation in making the Convention Centre available for the Cancer Society banquet on Friday 14 February 1997.
4.3 Christchurch Pier: Stage 1 RR 4538
4.4 WestpacTrust Centre RR 4544
The Committee resolved that the draft resolution to exclude the public set out on page 21 of the agenda be adopted.