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A meeting of the Burwood/Pegasus Community Board

was held on Monday 3 February 1997

in the Boardroom, Shirley Service Centre, 36 Marshland Road

at 4.00 pm

PRESENT: David Dobbie (Chairman), Clare Duff, Dave East, Carole Evans, Alister James, Don Rowlands, Gail Sheriff, Jack Travis, Chrissie Williams


The Board reports that:




Officer responsible Author
City Streets Manager Lorraine Wilmshurst, Assistant Area Traffic Engineer
Corporate Plan Output: Street Markings and Signs 9.6.0

The purpose of this report is to gain Council approval for the installation of 47 new bus stops for the New Brighton/Queenspark/Shorelink bus routes.

The Canterbury Regional Council has requested the installation of 73 new bus stops to serve the major route changes for the No 10 Parklands/New Brighton, No 29 Queenspark/New Brighton, No 5 New Brighton and Shorelink services.

At its 25 November 1996 meeting the Burwood/Pegasus Community Board approved the advertising of a scheduled list of proposed new bus stops and further resolved that a letter be forwarded to residents living adjacent to the stops.

The schedule of the proposed bus stop positions was advertised in the Press (four times), and Pegasus Post. A letter was hand delivered to all adjacent property owners where a bus stop is to be installed. All enquiries resulting from the advertising and letters have been addressed.

As the new bus stops are located on collector, arterial and local roads, the first 47 bus stops need the approval of the Council.

For the location of the new bus stops see the attached schedule.

Recommendation: That the Council approve the installation of the following bus stops at the following points:

1. On the west side of Avondale Road commencing at a point 97 metres from its intersection with Ardrossan Street and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

2. On the east side of Avondale Road commencing at a point 87 metres from its intersection with Hulverstone Drive and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

3. On the north side of New Brighton Road commencing at a point 96 metres from its intersection with Bassett Street and extending in a easterly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

4. On the south side of New Brighton Road commencing at a point 67 metres from its intersection with Avondale Road and extending in a easterly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

5. On the north side of New Brighton Road commencing at a point 59 metres from its intersection with Stour Drive and extending in a easterly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

6. On the south side of New Brighton Road commencing at a point 70 metres from its intersection with Stour Drive and extending in a easterly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

7. On the north side of New Brighton Road commencing at a point 28 metres from its intersection with Brooker Avenue and extending in a easterly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

8. On the east side of New Brighton Road commencing at a point 28 metres from its intersection with Brooker Avenue and extending in a easterly direction for a distance of 17 metres.9. On the north side of New Brighton Road commencing at a point 60 metres from its intersection with Barkers Road and extending in a easterly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

10. On the south side of New Brighton Road commencing at a point 90 metres from its intersection with Barkers Road and extending in a easterly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

11. On the north side of New Brighton Road commencing at a point 32 metres from its intersection with Wattle Drive and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

12. On the south side of New Brighton Road commencing at a point 32 metres from its intersection with Wattle Drive and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

13. On the north side of New Brighton Road commencing at a point 53 metres from its intersection with Wattle Drive and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

14. On the east side of Keyes Road commencing at a point 47 metres from its intersection with Bowhill Road and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

15. On the west side of Keyes Road commencing at a point 46.5 metres from its intersection with Bowhill Road and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

16. On the east side of Keyes Road commencing at a point 26 metres from its intersection with Gresham Terrace and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

17. On the west side of Keyes Road commencing at a point 28 metres from its intersection with Sinclair Street and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

18. On the east side of Keyes Road commencing at a point 130 metres from its intersection with Rawson Street and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

19. On the west side of Keyes Road commencing at a point 92 metres from its intersection with Rawson Street and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

20. On the north side of Keyes Road commencing at a point 54.5 metres from its intersection with Lonsdale Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

21. On the south side of Keyes Road commencing at a point 60 metres from its intersection with Lonsdale Street and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

22. On the north side of Beach Road commencing at a point 40.5 metres from its intersection with Bower Avenue and extending in a easterly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

23. On the south side of Beach Road commencing at a point 40 metres from its intersection with Bower Avenue and extending in a easterly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

24. On the north side of Beach Road commencing at a point 36 metres from its intersection with Broadpark Road and extending in a easterly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

25. On the south side of Beach Road commencing at a point 37 metres from its intersection with Broadpark Road and extending in a easterly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

26. On the east side of Marine Parade commencing at a point 7 metres from its intersection with the north side of Pacific Road and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

27. On the west side of Marine Parade commencing at a point 50 metres from its intersection with Pacific Road and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

28. On the east side of Marine Parade commencing at its intersection with Effingham Street and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

29. On the west side of Marine Parade commencing at a point 29 metres from its intersection with Effingham Street and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

30. On the east side of Marine Parade commencing at a point 111.5 metres from its intersection with Bowhill Road and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

31. On the west side of Marine Parade commencing at a point 19 metres from its intersection with Rawhiti Avenue and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

32. On the east side of Marine Parade commencing at a point 100 metres from its intersection with Rawhiti Avenue and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 17 metres

33. On the west side of Bower Avenue commencing at a point at its intersection with Castletown Place and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

34. On the east side of Bower Avenue commencing at a point 10 metres from its intersection with Castletown Place and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

35. On the west side of Bower Avenue commencing at a point 45 metres from its intersection with Travis Road and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

36. On the east side of Bower Avenue commencing at a point 45.5 metres from its intersection with Travis Road and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

37. On the west side of Bower Avenue commencing at a point 51 metres from its intersection with Ascot Avenue and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

38. On the east side of Bower Avenue commencing at a point 44.5 metres from its intersection with Marriotts Road and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

39. On the west side of Bower Avenue commencing at a point 33 metres from its intersection with Pinewood Avenue and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

40. On the east side of Bower Avenue commencing at a point 3.5 metres from its intersection with the north side of Pinewood Avenue and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

41. On the north side of Broadhaven Avenue commencing at a point 13 metres from its intersection with Forest Drive and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

42. On the south side of Broadhaven Avenue commencing at a point 10 metres from its intersection with Forest Drive and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

43. On the east side of Inwoods Road commencing at a point 49 metres from its intersection with Arosa Place and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

44. On the west side of Inwoods Road commencing at a point 10 metres from its intersection with Arosa Place and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

45. On the west side of Inwoods Road commencing at a point 30 metres from its intersection with Queenspark Drive and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

46. On the east side of Breezes Road commencing at a point 102 metres from its intersection with Pages Road and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

47. On the west side of Breezes Road commencing at a point 96 metres from its intersection with Pages Road and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.



The Board resolved that the report of the last ordinary meeting held on Monday 25 November 1996 be confirmed.



The Board received a petition from Barbara Cuthill on behalf of 10 petitioners requesting the installation of yellow lines on the south side of Travis Road, from Bluegum Place to Barkers Road.

The prayer of the petition read as follows:

"We the undersigned request yellow lines be painted on the south side of Travis Road, from Bluegum Place to Barkers Road.

Your immediate attention to this request would be appreciated."

In response to the petition the Area Traffic Engineer commented that a layout for the QEII frontage was currently being investigated. It was the Area Traffic Engineer's opinion that consideration be given to the request for yellow lines in conjunction with the QEII changes.

It was resolved:

1. That the Board await the report on proposed changes to the QEII Park entrance area and its effect on Travis Road.

2. That signatories of the petition be advised of the Board's intention to await the overall concept plan.


The Board received a petition from Rosemary and Leonard Jackson on behalf of 153 petitioners with regards to excessive traffic speed in Cardrona Street.

The prayer of the petition read as follows:

"Due to the excessive use of speed used in Cardrona Street in recent months, we would like you to sign this petition to support an application to have speed humps installed at either end of the street to hopefully prevent a further mindless accident in this vicinity and perhaps the death of an innocent child.

This form will be forwarded to the Road Transport Division along with a further request for speed humps. Your report would greatly strengthen this application and is immensely appreciated."

In a letter accompanying the petition Mr and Mrs Jackson wrote:

"I write in reference to the above mentioned street and the extreme concern that not only myself but many other residents in our area also express.

A few months ago I wrote to the Council with a letter requesting that speed humps be installed in our street along with the many reasons that we as residents felt were valid enough to warrant such an action being taken.

I have since that initial letter placed a petition in the local shop which outlined why it is becoming necessary to protect our children from the "speedsters" that not only use Cardrona Street as a bypass from Avonside Drive (ever since speed humps were installed there some time ago), and also there are some young residents by Pembroke Street who have no regard whatsoever for the young children that reside in this area. On one occasion, just recently, a car overturned in the street after being driven at an excessive speed and recklessness which resulted in a power pole being removed from the ground.


It is not unusual to see such behaviour and careless use of speed and it is time to take action before a child's life is carelessly taken.

Please give this your utmost priority as we all believe it to be in the best interests in the future of the children."

After some discussion the Board resolved to meet with the residents of Pembroke and Cardrona Streets regarding their concerns expressed in the petition.


Mr William Neal, representing the Seafield School of English, was in attendance to present a concept plan of his company's pier terminus building proposal. Mr Neal believed his proposal was in the best interests of New Brighton and had good support from the community. He wanted to create an area for people that would be attractive and inviting to families. Mr Neal concluded that his proposal had not been given due consideration to this point and asked that the Community Board give his concept plan a favourable response.

Mr Leo Byatt, a resident of Lonsdale Street, was in attendance to outline safety concerns at a proposal to place a footpath between residential property boundaries and the grass verge on Lonsdale Street. Mr Byatt felt the proposal to place footpaths close to houses would compromise safety (where cars move out of right of ways and drives), as well as privacy. Grass close to properties allowed vision and enhanced the privacy of residents.

The Board was sympathetic to Mr Byatt's concerns but on advice from the Area Traffic Engineer had to concede that this was a policy initiated through the City Council and had no power to act.

Mr Les Hooper was in attendance, on behalf of Parklands business interests, the Parklands Bowling Club and concerned residents, to encourage the Board to reconsider the impending street works to cul-de-sac Chadbury Street. Mr Hooper was concerned that no information had been passed on to him, he was informed of the works through the Parklands Bowling Club. Mr Hooper understood the safety aspects of the works but also felt a compromise could be met, this may include a slow `S' bend or some other form of aggressive traffic calming measure. Cutting the street off would affect local businesses.


Following the presentation of Mr Les Hooper under "Deputations by Appointment" the Board concurred with Mr Hooper's sentiments and resolved that the Burwood Board members meet with officers and appropriate affected parties to discuss the proposal to cul-de-sac Chadbury Street.


1. A letter was received from Mrs A R Davison, Secretary of New Brighton Working Mens Club Silver Band, thanking the Board for their involvement in the December 1996 Santa Tour. It was resolved that the letter be received, and that an additional letter be sent to the Silver Band reassuring them that their efforts were appreciated.

2. A letter was received from Mrs Jeanette Hodges JP thanking the Board for the Santa Tour which took place in December 1996. Mrs Hodges felt that it was a great idea and hoped that the Board would repeat the event in 1997. The Board resolved that the letter be received.

3. A letter was received from Mr Jack Travis, representing the Outreach Riding Trust, informing the Board that the Trust's intention to set up a riding school on the Bexley Reserve had been put on hold. The Board resolved that the letter be received.

4. A letter was received from Delis Aston, Passenger Transport Operations Planner (Canterbury Regional Council), informing the Board of a trial bus service between New Brighton Mall and The Palms at Shirley. The Board resolved that the information be received.

5. A letter was received from Jenny Lineham, Secretary of the Travis Wetland Trust, requesting that the Board consider allowing the Travis Wetland Trust to use a house opposite No 256 Beach Road for its general purposes. It was resolved that the Board support the request from the Travis Wetland Trust to use the house on Beach Road for its purposes, and that the Council pursue this request with haste.


The Parks Planner was in attendance to update the Board on Travis Wetland management and development. After some discussion on issues such as; the idea of a moon gate memorial to Anne Flanagan, signage, traffic management at entrance points to the Reserve, and the issue of the motorway designation, it was resolved:

1. That the information be received.

2. That the Parks Unit give urgency to the completion of the final Travis Wetland Concept Plan.


The Water Services Planning Manager and the Design Engineer Drainage were in attendance to present a verbal report to the Board on recent consultation over the proposed Southshore foreshore protection works. It was reported that meetings in the area concerned had indicated a strong feeling among residents that the flooding situation was not as serious as initially thought by Council staff and the Community Board. It appeared that only a few residents were interested in the Council installing protection measures. The majority of people in the area had already taken measures to protect their properties and felt that this was adequate. The Board therefore resolved:

1. That officers report to the next Board meeting on the following issues:

(a) Street end protection

(b) Stormwater outfall

(c) Effective designs for residents

(d) Regional Council and City Council responsibilities

(e) An overall engineering perspective

2. That the Board support Water Services application for a foreshore protection trial, between Heron and Penguin Streets.


The Area Traffic Engineer reported on the need to install a give way sign in Eglinton Street at its intersection with Breezes Road to avoid confusion when students were dropped off and picked up at Chisnallwood Intermediate School. The Board resolved that a give way sign be placed against Eglinton Street at its intersection with Breezes Road.


The Area Traffic Engineer reported on a confusing intersection for cyclists at Pembroke Street and Breezes Road. The Board resolved that a give way sign be placed against Pembroke Street at its intersection with Breezes Road.


The Area Traffic Engineer reported on concerns expressed from residents over access of Eureka Street traffic to and from Bexley Road. The Board resolved that a give way sign be placed against Eureka Street at its intersection with Bexley Road.


The Area Traffic Engineer reported that the visibility of oncoming traffic in Travis Road, when exiting Bluegum Place, was poor due to geometric layout. The Board resolved that a give way sign be placed against Bluegum Place at its intersection with Travis Road.


The Area Traffic Engineer reported on safety concerns over cars parked in Banks Avenue near the intersection with McBratneys Road, which caused vehicles to cross the centre line of Banks Avenue. The Board resolved that the stopping of vehicles be prohibited (at any time) on the east side of Banks Avenue commencing at its intersection with McBratneys Road and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 33 metres.


The Area Traffic Engineer reported that due to street works on Lonsdale Street the stop signs at its intersection with Shore Avenue were no longer needed. The Board resolved that the stop signs on Lonsdale Street at its intersection with Shore Avenue be removed.

15. new brighton/queenspark/shore link bus routes - bus stops

The Assistant Area Traffic Engineer reported on a request from the Canterbury Regional Council for the Board to install 73 new bus stops on the New Brighton, Queenspark and Shorelink bus routes. 47 of these stops required the approval of Council as they were on metropolitan streets, the other 26 were approved by the Board. The Board resolved that bus stops be installed at the following points:

1. On the south side of Lonsdale Street commencing at a point 31.5 metres from its intersection with Marine Parade and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

2. On the north side of Lonsdale Street commencing at a point 55 metres from its intersection with Marine Parade and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

3. On the south side of Lonsdale Street commencing at a point 23 metres from its intersection with Shaw Avenue and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

4. On the north side of Lonsdale Street commencing at a point 18 metres from its intersection with Shaw Avenue and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

5. On the south side of Lonsdale Street commencing at a point 78 metres from its intersection with Keyes Road and extending in a easterly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

6. On the north side of Lonsdale Street commencing at a point 25 metres from its intersection with Keyes Road and extending in a easterly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

7. On the north side of Broadhaven Avenue commencing at a point 6 metres from its intersection with Jacaranda Place and extending in a easterly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

8. On the south side of Broadhaven Avenue commencing at a point 18.5 metres from its intersection with Jacaranda Place and extending in a easterly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

9. On the north side of Broadhaven Avenue commencing at a point 30 metres from its intersection with Radiata Avenue and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

10. On the south side of Broadhaven Avenue commencing at a point 22 metres from its intersection with Radiata Avenue and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

11. On the north side of Broadhaven Avenue commencing at a point 30 metres from its intersection with Anglesea Avenue and extending in a easterly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

12. On the south side of Broadhaven Avenue commencing at a point 36 metres from its intersection with Inwoods Road and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

13. On the east side of Baker Street commencing at a point 57.5 metres from its intersection with Bowhill Road and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

14. On the west side of Baker Street commencing at a point 47 metres from its intersection with Bowhill Road and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

15. On the east side of Baker Street commencing at a point 152 metres from its intersection with Dennitt Street and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

16. On the west side of Baker Street commencing at a point 163.5 metres from its intersection with Dennitt Street and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

17. On the east side of Baker Street commencing at a point 305 metres from its intersection with New Brighton Road and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

18. On the west side of Baker Street commencing at a point 259 metres from its intersection with New Brighton Road and extending in northerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

19. On the north side of Hampshire Street commencing at a point 32 metres from its intersection with Breezes Road and extending in a easterly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

20. On the south side of Hampshire Street commencing at a point 51 metres from its intersection with Breezes Road and extending in a easterly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

21. On the east side of Rowan Avenue commencing at a point 22 metres from its intersection with Yarmouth Street and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

22. On the west side of Rowan Avenue commencing at a point 77 metres from its intersection with Yarmouth Street and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

23. On the north side of Carisbrooke Street commencing at a point 47 metres from its intersection with Porchester Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

24. On the south side of Carisbrooke Street commencing at a point 42 metres from its intersection with Mattingley Street and extending in a easterly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

25. On the east side of Porchester Street commencing at a point 21.5 metres from its intersection with Corhampton Street and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.

26. On the west side of Porchester Street commencing at a point 21 metres from its intersection with Mattingley Street and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 17 metres.


The City Streets Road Projects Engineer reported on the progress of City Streets Capital Works Projects in the 1996/97 financial year. The Board resolved that the information be received.


The Parks Development Works Officer reported on the progress of Parks Capital Projects within the Board's area as at 31 December 1996. The Board resolved:

1. That the information be received.

2. That the Board confirm the reallocation of funds for Queenspark Reserve planting.

3. That the Community Manager investigate the ability of the Board to apply for a Lottery grant to sponsor the completion of the fitness track in Queenspark Reserve.

4. That the Board investigate the sponsorship of fitness tracks in the Burwood/Pegasus area.



The Water Services Manager reported on progress with water supply and land drainage capital works up to the end of 31 December 1996. The Board resolved that the information be received.


The Community Manager reported on a newspaper article concerned at the possibility of rips being created by the piles of the New Brighton Pier. Brodie Young, a Coastal and Fluvial Resources Scientist (Canterbury Regional Council), advised the Board that it was highly unlikely the Pier would cause rips. Rips were the result of large quantities of water that had been transported up onto the beach, flowing back in fast narrow currents. Rips were not caused by irregularities or structures on the foreshore such as piles. The Board resolved that the information be received.


The Parks Management Planning Officer reported on a request from South Brighton sculptor Bon Suter to establish a working exhibition area on the Reserve opposite her house in Marine Parade. The Board resolved to recommend to the Parks and Recreation Committee:

1. That Mrs Suter's application to use part of South Brighton Beach Park as a working exhibition area for sculpture be approved in principle subject to the stated conditions 1-3.

2. That the proposal be forwarded to the South New Brighton Residents' Association for comment prior to consideration by Council.


The Communications and Promotions Manager was in attendance to summarise the 1996 New Brighton Fireworks Display, held off New Brighton Pier. It was stressed that whilst the event was a success in 1996 there were a number of issues that would have to be resolved to safeguard the smooth running of the same event in 1997. This would include; ensuring that the event was held at low tide, addressing traffic management issues, organising pre and post event activities (such as midnight shopping), access onto the Pier for vehicles and fireworks displays, and making sure that coastal protection measures were not damaged. The Board resolved to recommend to the Parks and Recreation Committee:

1. That the information be received.

2. That the Board seek confirmation from Council that the New Brighton Pier will be the venue for the 1997 Fireworks Display.

3. That, at its 1997/98 discretionary budget meeting, the Board consider allocating seeding funds for a carnival and music towards the 1997 New Brighton Fireworks Display.


The Coast Care Development Officer presented an extensive and detailed six month report to the Board updating members on projects carried out by the Parks Unit's Coast Care programme. The Board resolved:

1. That the information and six month progress report be received.

2. That Coast Care be thanked for their work and the manner in which they have kept the Board informed.


The Board was in receipt of a report outlining the availability of $5,000 originally allocated to the Agenda 21 Community Liaison Officer which was now available due to the termination of this contract. The Board resolved that the $5,000 originally allocated to fund the Agenda 21 Liaison Officer position be reallocated to the Southshore Billboard and Kiosk fund.


The Property Manager forwarded a copy of the proposed Property decision making flow chart to the Board for its comments. The Board resolved that the new Property decision making flow chart be supported.


The Board was in receipt of a list of 22 Maori words that were submitted by the Centre for Maori Studies at Lincoln University to be used as street names in the Burwood and Pegasus Wards. The Board resolved:

1. That the list of Maori street names be adopted.

2. That those associated with compiling the list be thanked.


The Board received a copy of the submissions of the Draft Dog Policy Working Party which would presented to the Environmental Committee for its consideration. It was resolved:

1. That the Working Party's recommendation be adopted, subject to submission 4.3 reading "that Bower Park and other omissions be added to the list".

2. That the Board Chairman, or representative, attend the Environmental Committee Working Party meeting to present the Board's submissions.


The Area Parks Officer reported on a pamphlet drop requesting residents preferred options regarding the siting of a basketball half court at Aston Reserve or alternatively at Broad Park. It was resolved:

1. That the Board approve the transfer of the proposed basketball half court at Aston Reserve to Broad Park.

2. That officers investigate a siting that has the least impact on residents and children using the park.


The Subdivision Officer reported on a proposal to create one new right of way and to cancel the approval of another right of way name. The Board resolved:

1. That the new right of way off Bassett Street be named Kohuhu Lane.

2. That the name Petrel Lane for the right of way at 190 and 192 Rockinghorse Road be cancelled.


The Senior Planner City Plan reported on a Board request to bring forward a City Plan Hearing on the motorway designation currently encroaching into Travis Wetland. It was resolved that the Board request the earliest possible date for Hearings of the Travis Wetland expressway designation and request that the decision be released immediately after the Hearing.


(a) In response to an invitation from E Tipu e Rea Childcare Centre the Board resolved that Chrissie Williams attend the meeting.

(b) The Community Activities Officer reported on a project team to facilitate co-ordination and planning of the Parklands area. The Board resolved that Gail Sheriff, Carole Evans and Don Rowlands be appointed to the Parklands development team.

(c) Dave East reported that the Burwood Playcentre's resource consent application had been approved. It was now a matter of waiting for the appeals period to end, which would allow the Playcentre to being operating soon after.


The Community Activities Officer presented a summary of the Board's 1996 Santa Tour through the Burwood and Pegasus Wards. The Board believed the Santa Tour was a success and was well appreciated by residents in the areas that were covered. It was resolved:

1. That the Board allocate funding for a similar event in 1997.

2. That a letter of congratulations be sent to the Horseshoe Lake Residents' Association for their carol singing event in Burwood Park.


The Board resolved that the draft resolution to exclude the public set out on page 45 of Agenda to be adopted.




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